Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1867 Normal Transfer

Chapter 1867 Normal Transfer
But this question is not difficult to say.

Because the Eighth Route Army already had a new type of fuel before this, which was the tetrahydrofuran plus aluminum powder solid fuel used by anti-aircraft missiles.

The combustion value of this kind of fuel is dozens of times that of traditional fuel at the same volume and weight. Therefore, it can be small in size and light in weight, but its combat effectiveness is not weaker than before, but may even be stronger.

However, because this kind of production is very troublesome, it was only used for anti-aircraft missiles before the production was low.

The main trouble here is the preparation of tetrahydrofuran, which is not only poisonous but also flammable and explosive. The production is very particular. You need to wear a gas mask and anti-static overalls. In addition, you need to wear benzene-proof and oil-resistant gloves. etc.

The reason why anti-aircraft missiles are affordable is that anti-aircraft missiles are originally small in size and require little fuel. Now if they are to be used on big things like anti-ship missiles... the production of tetrahydrofuran will probably have to be doubled several times.

However, Wang Xuexin believes that no matter how difficult it is, this matter cannot be delayed. This is not only about solving the problem of coastline security, but also about China's future development in missiles.

If the production of tetrahydropyran cannot increase, will air-to-air missiles stagnate and be unable to develop?
If the problem of air-to-air missiles can be solved, then the performance of the carrier-based aircraft "Wildcat" is worse. Even if the Japanese get on the new carrier-based aircraft, can the "Wildcat" barely cope with it?
What's more, this kind of solid fuel missile is quite advanced in this era. No matter what is produced, it can be sold at a good price and it will definitely not lose money!

Land-based and air-launched anti-ship missiles have developed step by step in history.

Early anti-ship missiles were all liquid-fuel type, such as Mao Xiong's KS-1 anti-ship missile... This thing is actually an airplane, and it is a reduced version of the MiG-15, and it also uses a reduced version of the jet engine. The radar is used for guidance and is mounted on "Figure 4" or "Figure 16" for launch.

If a missile is produced as an aircraft and uses a jet engine, the price/performance ratio will be lower.

Not only is the price/performance ratio low, but it also has many shortcomings.

For example, it takes a long time to prepare for combat, there are many failures, the flight speed is not fast, and it is inconvenient to store and transport.

Wang Xuexin used solid fuel for the missile as soon as he came up and coupled with laser guidance, he directly jumped over the first generation and entered the quasi-second generation.

The reason why it is called "quasi-second generation" rather than "second generation" is because the second-generation anti-ship missile can seek independently at the end without the need for fighter guidance.

At present, the guidance technology of the Eighth Route Army is not that advanced, and fighter planes still need to shine lasers on enemy ships to guide missiles to attack targets.

Wang Xuexin left these matters to Professor Su and others.

Sometimes Wang Xuexin thinks that he should not rely too much on system technology, so that he can train researchers to grow slowly.

The result of relying on the system is a bit like copying homework. Too frequent may cause researchers to wait for Wang Xuexin to give them drawings without thinking or developing.

As soon as Wang Xuexin returned to the command post after the meeting, Zhang Zongping handed over a telegram and said anxiously: "Commander, there is news from the headquarters that the Japanese have increased their troops and deployed defenses on both sides of the Songhua River!"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and then he immediately understood that the Japanese had guessed that the Eighth Route Army was going to use the Songhua River to surround its effective forces.

Wang Xuexin's guess was correct. This was the danger discovered by Hashimoto Toranosuke.

If it were before this, Hashimoto Toranosuke might not have thought that the Eighth Route Army would have such a plan and that the imperial elite might be surrounded.

But now the Imperial North China Front suffered heavy losses due to the bombing of the landing ship, and the navy was unable to gain air superiority and retreated, so the southern offensive was abandoned.

Although the imperial army in the direction of Bangzi has made every effort to reinforce the Kwantung Army and tried to transport supplies to the Kwantung Army, especially the scarce fuel.However, the Eighth Route Army's rocket fighters frequently dispatched to bomb the roads and railways in the Mudanjiang area, which directly resulted in the supplies and troops that could be transported being of a drop in the bucket.

At this time, Umezu Yoshijiro had to consider retreating.

Because only by retreating can we avoid being cut off by the Eighth Route Army and trapped in the northwest corner.

As soon as Umezu Meijiro considered retreating, Hashimoto Toranosuke began to think about the retreat plan in front of the map.

He was startled at this sight. He pointed at the map and said to Umezu Yoshijiro in astonishment: "Your Excellency, General, the Eighth Route Army has captured Songyuan and is now stationed at full strength. If its mechanized troops attack along the Songhua River at the right time, Taking the city and the land..."

Umezu Yoshijiro couldn't help but widen his eyes when he heard this: "In this case, all the attacking troops of our army will be surrounded by the Eighth Route Army south of the Songhua River! Bastard, this is what the Eighth Route Army planned!"

Then Umezu Yoshijiro asked again: "How many troops do we have on the south bank of the Songhua River?"

"About 20!" Hashimoto Toranosuke replied: "But most of the 20 are elite soldiers we replaced from the fortress. If we are surrounded..."

"Then the main force of the Kwantung Army will be gone!" Umezu Yoshijiro's expression immediately became serious, and then he made a decisive decision: "Immediately strengthen the defenses along the Songhua River, especially build anti-tank and anti-mechanized force fortifications!"

Then Umezu Yoshijiro added: "Also, pull back the frontline troops immediately!"

"But General!" Hashimoto Toranosuke said: "What about Heian Village? Tokyo's order is to continue the attack..."

"We are all going to be surrounded!" Umezu Yoshijiro interrupted Hashimoto Toranosuke: "If the Kwantung Army is gone, what's the use of oil?"

"Yes!" Hashimoto Toranosuke responded, hesitated for a while and then asked: "Then, do you want to ask Tokyo for instructions?"

This question came to Umezu Meijiro's heart.

If Tokyo refuses to carry out its orders, Umezu Yoshijiro will no longer be the commander-in-chief, and he might even be dismissed from his post.


Umezu Yoshijiro asked with a livid face: "Hashimoto-kun, if we report to Tokyo, do you think Tokyo will allow us to retreat?"

Hashimoto Toranosuke shook his head without any hesitation: "Oil is the hope of the empire, and they cannot give up! At the same time, they are urgently adding troops to the direction of Bangzi. They hope that we can continue to withstand the Eighth Route Army's attack, and reinforcements will come from Bangzi. The direction is rushing to attack the Eighth Route Army..."

This plan might have been feasible if implemented earlier.

But it is already August, and it will be winter in Bangzi in just over two months, with heavy snow closing the mountains. How much can these two months accomplish?
Then Umezu Yoshijiro made up his mind.

"Retreat!" Umezu Yoshijiro said: "At the same time, bring up the newly recruited recruits and tell the outside world that they will be mobilized normally!"

(End of this chapter)

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