Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1885 Deception

Chapter 1885 Deception
"Why not?" Sakagaki Seishiro asked.

"You're crazy!" Ozawa Jisaburo exclaimed: "Our army's bombers also don't have the ability to fight at night! This is no different from committing suicide!"

"Really?" Seishiro Sakagaki asked, "I remember you just said that these old bombers can only reach a speed of more than 300 or 400 kilometers per hour, which can give the pilots enough reaction time!"

"This is just what you think!" Ozawa Jisaburo replied: "Even at this speed, low-altitude combat at night is extremely dangerous, not to mention that these pilots are not trained enough..."

At this time, the Japanese pilots were also in very short supply. Excellent pilots had already become "turkeys" one after another during the battle with Eagle Sauce on the Pacific battlefield. A considerable number of pilots at this time had graduated from flight schools. Pulled up directly.

"Then let them crash into the enemy's artillery position!" Sakagaki Seishiro said with a natural casualness in his tone.

This made Ozawa Jisaburo feel chills in his heart. Is the life of the pilot so worthless in his eyes?

Seishiro Sakagaki continued: "The bombers are old bombers with little value, and the pilots are new students with insufficient training... What are Ozawa-kun waiting for? When the Eighth Route Army's artillery fires, they can see the position of those artillery pieces, If you can’t blow them up, flying a fighter plane directly towards the target is also a good option!”

Finally, Seishiro Sakagaki added: "By being loyal to the empire in this way, it can be considered as doing our part! Otherwise, how can we win this war?"

Ozawa Jisaburo was speechless when asked by Sakagaki Seishiro.

Because from the perspective of victory, there is nothing wrong with what Seishiro Sakagaki said.

The Eighth Route Army has artillery detection radar and has an absolute advantage in artillery.

After the artillery suppresses the Army artillery, it can then blast the charging Army soldiers.

So casualties are inevitable.

And every unit that lands in Donggang and then penetrates Fengtian is very valuable...

Only bombers can break this cycle, and only then can victory be possible for the Empire.

After thinking for a long time, Ozawa Jisaburo nodded and said: "Sakagaki-kun, I will consider your suggestion..."

"It's best to be quick!" Sakagaki Seishiro reminded: "Because our army will launch a general attack on the defense line tonight. If you miss tonight, your decision will probably be meaningless!"

In the end, Ozawa Jisaburo agreed to Sakagaki Seishiro's suggestion to send ship explosions and ship attacks to assist the army's attack.

This move was unimaginable before, using precious carrier-based bombers to assist the Army in combat and suicidally rushing towards the Eighth Route Army artillery positions.

But this time it became a reality.

During this period, Ozawa considered using "human-operated anti-ship missiles" to assist the Army in combat.

Because the cost of "human-operated anti-ship missiles" will be much lower than that of bombers, especially pilots who are the product of a few months of simple training. They cannot be compared with pilots who can control fighter planes to drop bombs and torpedoes at enemy warships, although the latter Also a newbie.

However, Ozawa Jisaburo eventually gave up the idea.

Because the "human-operated missile" has a fatal weakness: it cannot return!

For example, in order to reinforce Seishiro Sakagaki's army operations at this time, the fleet launched a batch of "human-operated missiles."

What if the Eighth Route Army artillery did not fire during this period?

Fighters can cruise over the target area and return when they are low on fuel, but "human-operated missiles" have no way of turning back when they draw their bows and can only crash down...

Another advantage of bombers is that they can drop bombs without having to hit them with bombers, that is, they can be reused.

Helpless, Ozawa Jisaburo could only send out Type 97 and Type 99.

There is a problem: it is difficult for bombers to take off and land on the aircraft carrier at night... Taking off is okay, and there will not be much problem if you follow the normal takeoff procedures, but landing is very difficult and dangerous.However, Sakagaki Seishiro had already considered this. He said to Ozawa Jisaburo: "Don't worry, I have opened a temporary airport in Donggang! Let them transfer to these airports before dark!"

Ozawa Jisaburo doesn't think there is any problem with this. Taking off and landing from Donggang will be much easier and safer.

What Ozawa Jisaburo didn't expect was that after the plane was transferred to Donggang Airport, it would be filled with explosives by the Army as soon as possible.

This was Seishiro Sakagaki's order.

Sakagaki Seishiro thinks this way:
"Pilots are undertrained new students!"

"Let them drop bombs at the muzzle sparks again in the dark!"

"How likely are they to hit?"

"I'm afraid they won't be able to hit the Eighth Route Army artillery by then, but the bombers will frequently have accidents because they fly at low altitudes in the dark, right?"

"If that's the case, why not just put it to death and live another life?"

"If the plane is loaded with explosives and crashed, the effect will be much better than an aerial bomb!"


So Sakagaki Seishiro did not hesitate and ordered the frontline commander in Donggang, Major General Ueno, to do so.

Major General Ueno immediately summoned all pilots and issued this order.

Many pilots were unwilling to do this, but Rear Admiral Ueno did not allow them to contact the fleet on the grounds of operational confidentiality. He also stated that this was also an order from Jisaburo Ozawa...

As for how to explain to Ozawa Jisaburo, Sakagaki Seishiro has already thought about it: this is the personal opinion of Major General Ueno and has nothing to do with him.

This shows Seishiro Sakagaki's cunning and cold-bloodedness. He will not hesitate to deceive or even sacrifice his own allies when necessary.

The Eighth Route Army was once overwhelmed by the Japanese tactics.

The Japanese bomber crashed directly into the artillery position, and it was also a bomber filled with explosives.

The former can guarantee considerable accuracy.

A bomber crashing into an artillery position is different from dropping a bomb. To drop a bomb, you need to master the time, speed, and altitude. If any of these data is not accurately estimated, the bomb will explode.

If the bomber hits the target directly, there is no need to think about anything. All you need to do is see the fire ahead and keep heading in that direction.

The latter ensures the power of the explosion.

If aerial bombs are mounted, the two bombers can carry about 500 kilograms of bombs.

But if the fuselage is filled with explosives, more than 1000 kilograms of explosives can be loaded, and they will explode at the same time.

The explosion was also accurate and powerful, causing the Eighth Route Army to lose a lot of artillery.

As soon as the Eighth Route Army artillery was suppressed, the Japanese artillery became active, and the artillery advantage instantly turned towards the Japanese.

However, at this time, the Eighth Route Army militiamen showed extraordinary bravery. They used bayonets and engineer shovels to block the Japanese attacks again and again!

(End of this chapter)

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