Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 1895 Songyuan

Chapter 1895 Songyuan
This can also be said to be a smart move by Sakagaki Seishiro.

Retreating in the "ants moving" method will put the warships of the Coastal Defense Regiment into an embarrassing situation. When they know that the Japanese are retreating, it is not necessary to fire or not to fire.

Let's fire. There are not many Japanese retreating at the same time and they are scattered. Some of them are not even retreating at the port... Any coastal location where a raft can be put down can become an evacuation point for the Japanese.

In this case, one shot would not be able to blow up a few people, but it would be a waste of expensive shells.

If you don't fire artillery, then you can just watch the Japanese retreat like this.

However, Xu Huandong was still unwilling to let the Japanese go. After detecting the concentration point of the Japanese ships, he led a warship to kill them by surprise... The "Wrath-class" destroyer had a small hull and was fast, approaching in the dark. A burst of artillery fire blew up the Japanese fleet and then quickly withdrew.

The Japanese artillerymen only had time to fire a few shells and then lost track of the warship.

In the end, only more than [-] Japs from Donggang evacuated. About [-] Japs were either killed by warships or drowned in the sea. The last batch of more than [-] Japs left in Donggang were surrounded and captured by the Eighth Route Army. Surrender.

These Japs had to surrender. Their artillery was completely suppressed by the Eighth Route Army and they lost the cover of the artillery on one side. This allowed the fleet to get closer to Donggang and blockade the Japs... This was an siege on both sides by sea and land. As soon as the sky dawned, the fighter planes launched bombings again. Thousands of Japanese soldiers raised their white flags in unison.

The advantage of the surrender of these two thousand Japs is that the Eighth Route Army captured a large number of howitzers and anti-aircraft firepower... The two thousand Japs left behind by the Japs planned to blow up the equipment left behind and even carry out a massacre in Donggang and finally set off a torch. Donggang burned them to vent their anger, but failed because the Eighth Route Army launched a timely attack.

These artillery pieces were used by the Japanese to blockade the Eighth Route Army airport. There were more than 200 howitzers, more than 100 anti-aircraft guns, and more than 300 anti-aircraft machine guns.

Anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft machine guns were of little use against the Eighth Route Army.

The Eighth Route Army has air superiority, and it also has anti-aircraft missiles. No one knows how to use anti-aircraft guns. Their function is to put them on the defensive line and flatten them to deal with Japanese charges.

The role of howitzers is great.

The Eighth Route Army has artillery detection radar, and the arsenal in Fengtian can produce Japanese artillery shells. These captured howitzers can be formed into new artillery battalions in an instant and sent to the front line to suppress Japanese artillery.

The end of the Donggang Battle declared Fengtian safe, and this was just the first domino to fall...

The Japanese Kwantung Army once again lost possible assistance, and at this time their situation was even worse than before.

The reason is that although Pingan Village is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is easily blocked by the Eighth Route Army because it is a basin surrounded by mountains on three sides.

This is different from the Eighth Route Army garrisoning Ping'an Village.

The Eighth Route Army has artillery detection radar and artillery superiority. It is not easy for the Japanese to block the exit of Ping'an Village.

The Japanese also used artillery fire to block the exit when they attacked Ping'an Village, but that was at the expense of the artillerymen.

If the Japanese were stationed in Ping'an Village and had no advantage in artillery fire... the Eighth Route Army could just use artillery fire to seal the exit.

Therefore, Ping'an Village is also easy to defend and difficult to attack in the hands of the Eighth Route Army. It can be advanced, attacked, retreated and defended, but in the hands of the Japanese, it is a dead place.

Major General Itakura, who was stationed at Heian Village, realized this immediately. After hearing about the failure of Donggang, he immediately sent a telegram to Umezu Yoshijiro: "Your Excellency, General, once our troops are stationed at Heian Village in Donggang, it will be meaningless. , if our unit continues to be stationed, I am afraid that it will be surrounded by the Eighth Route Army!"

Umezu Yoshijiro did not agree to Itakura's request. He replied: "Our army is attacking Xinjing, and Ping An Village can ensure the safety of Xinjing's logistics supplies!"

Umezu Yoshijiro was cursing in his mind at this time: If we want to withdraw, Xinjing's troops should withdraw first. Xinjing's troops are still attacking, and the Heian Village behind you is planning to retreat. Do we still need to fight this battle?
However, as soon as Umezu Yoshijiro hesitated, Major General Itakura had no time to withdraw.

Because the Eighth Route Army launched a counterattack from Xinjing that night, the vanguard troops reached Ping'an Village at dawn the next day and blocked the exit with artillery fire.

The Japanese, about ten divisions totaling 13 people, "moved" all the way toward the Songhua River.At this time, Umezu Meijiro did not realize that the crisis was approaching him step by step...

Umezu Yoshijiro was very relieved about the retreat of the troops, because he had strengthened the defense on the front line of the Songhua River, and he believed that he had already found a retreat.

At this time, Umezu Yoshijiro was completely immersed in the frustration that the main force was defeated by the Eighth Route Army and could not extricate himself:
"Those are the elite of our Kwantung Army, and there are more than [-] troops!"

"If this happened before, these troops could sweep through most of China, right?"

"But now they are defeated by the Eighth Route Army!"


Wang Xuexin on the other side is preparing nervously:

"Put aside the Japs in Ping'an Village for now. They can't escape. Just block them!"


"How many amphibious landing ships are there?"

"Reporting to the leader, [-] ships have been produced, and [-] ships are still unfinished!"

"It's too late, transport them to Songyuan immediately!"


In fact, not all amphibious landing ships were transported.

It was shipped from Dalian Shipyard to Xinjing.

Dalian to Xinjing is completely under the control of the Eighth Route Army. For transportation and supply considerations, the railway must be repaired first.

The Japanese have made great achievements in this regard. The railways they built in the Northeast extended in all directions, so that after the Eighth Route Army captured them, they could be put into use with only a few repairs.

This is also one of the reasons why the Eighth Route Army can rely on Fengtian to open several lines of defense.

From Xinjing onwards, it was no longer possible to use railway transportation, because to the north was the war zone. Many of these areas had changed hands several times, and the railways had long been bombed into disarray.

But this is not a problem for amphibious landing ships. The reason why these things are called amphibious ships is that they can be driven on land and in water. They even bring the fuel they want to use.

However, for the sake of secrecy, they traveled by day and night and covered their hulls with canvas to make them look like a strange-looking car.

The reason for keeping it secret is that Eagle Sauce has deployed this kind of amphibious landing ship in the Pacific battlefield.

The Japs have become accustomed to their attacks. If the Japs find out that the Eighth Route Army also has such amphibious landing ships and there are quite a lot of them... then the Japs will quickly think of the Songhua River blocking the Eighth Route Army's path.

The final result was that the strategic target was exposed and the Japanese could make up for the defense on the north bank of the Songhua River.

Three days later, the amphibious landing ship was deployed in Songyuan, but the Japanese still had many troops on the way to retreat...

(End of this chapter)

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