Chapter 197

"There are also tanks!" Zhang Wanhe glanced at Wang Xuexin unexpectedly, and said, "Tanks are also ground targets, so... this gun can also hit tanks?"

"It must be possible!" Wang Xuexin replied.

Just kidding, rpg is an artifact against tanks, if you can't fight it, can it still be called rpg?

But what Wang Xuexin took for granted immediately aroused the commotion of the crowd.

Being able to fight tanks is a big deal.

Although the performance of the Devil tank is not good, Huaxia is extremely short of anti-tank equipment and has no ability to produce tanks. The tanks imported from abroad are also backward and eliminated.

For example, Italian-made CV-33, Soviet-made T26, British-made Vickers, etc., are all at the level of World War I and the quantity is extremely limited.

This makes the devil tanks invincible on the Chinese battlefield. In the battles where the tanks are thrown, they often cause more than [-] casualties in Chongqing at the cost of a few hundred people...a considerable part of which is because the devil's tanks Frightened, or lose the confidence to fight and choose to surrender.

At this time, Wang Xuexin actually designed a piece of equipment and confidently said that it can fight tanks. No one would believe it!
The chief of staff was surprised and happy when he heard it, and hurriedly asked the secretary to take it down. He even had the idea of ​​desperately calling the chief.

Zhang Wanhe remained silent. He was a little hesitant. It is said that other countries are more advanced than China. If this thing is so good, why can't others think of it?

Su Xin took the picture drawn by Wang Xuexin in his hand and looked at it seriously, as if he wanted to find out the loopholes in it.

Several people in Wujin whispered to each other, some said yes and some said no.

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" Li Changji said with disbelief on his face, "I think the key point is still the accuracy. We have all seen the test firing of the 'jet-in bomb'. The target is difficult, but you want to use it to hit the moving tank, which is tantamount to fantasy!"

The chief of staff was also worried about this. He nodded and said, "That's the reason, Comrade Wang Xuexin, don't you overestimate the effect of this 'sprayed bomb'? Also, can this 'sprayed bomb' be improved?" Improve accuracy?"

"Chief of Staff!" Wang Xuexin said truthfully: "We haven't found a way to improve the accuracy yet."

In fact, excessive pursuit of precision in rockets is a directional error, and Wang Xuexin doesn't consider this at all.

The chief of staff was quite disappointed when he heard this.

Wang Xuexin said: "It does have the problem of accuracy, but we can hit it closer, so that the hit rate can be improved as much as possible!"

"Near?" Li Changji asked curiously, "How close is that?"

"I'm not sure!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Director Li, this thing hasn't been finished yet, who knows how far it can hit! About 200 to [-] meters!"

Wang Xuexin made an estimate based on discounting the range of modern rocket launchers.

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" Li Changji tapped his fingers on the table, and said in a familiar way: "You should know that the devil's rifle has a range of more than 400 meters, and the grenadier has a range of 500 meters. In addition, there are machine guns and so on. In front of us, we have to carry this thing to a distance of more than 100 meters to attack enemy tanks?"

"Why not?" Wang Xuexin asked back: "Let's charge up with explosives or cluster grenades?"

After saying this, Li Changji lost his voice.

The reason is very simple, it is really not easy to fight a tank close to more than 100 meters.

The problem is that Huaxia currently does not have any anti-tank equipment, so they can only organize blasting teams to use human lives to pile them up. In this case, it is not easy to destroy enemy tanks at 100 or 50 meters, let alone more than 30 meters.

At this time, Su Xin asked a question: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, when the 'injection bomb' was tested last time, I noticed that they pulled the rope to ignite. Bomb' tail flame burns!"

Speaking of which, Su Xin turned her questioning gaze to Wang Xuexin.

"Yes." Wang Xuexin replied: "The tail flame will spread to about one meter!"

Su Xin pointed the picture in Wang Xuexin's direction and asked, "So, how can we prevent the shooter from being burned?"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help but secretly praised, this girl is still careful, other people didn't find this problem, he thought he could skip it, anyway, he knew it when he gave birth.The result was still picked out.

"There are many solutions!" Wang Xuexin replied: "For example, adding a baffle to the front end, or wearing a protective helmet for the shooter, but this will definitely increase the weight, which is inconvenient to run around and not safe to fight. So I thought about it. Now... can we use part of the gunpowder to throw the bullet out first, and then ignite it and fly to the target!"

Su Xin was taken aback by Wang Xuexin's idea, divided into two stages, first ejected and then relied on "spraying" to move forward... This is not what ordinary people can think of.

But it seems to be feasible, so that there is no tail flame problem, and at the same time it will not bring extra burden and inconvenience to the shooter.

Wanting to see, Su Xin looked at Wang Xuexin with disbelief.

She couldn't believe that this was the method that Wang Xuexin thought of on the spot. Judging by his appearance, he seemed to have known this thing for a long time, and he knew all the advantages and disadvantages in his heart and knew how to make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses!

Seeing that everyone was still arguing, Zhang Wanhe raised his head at the picture and asked Hardware: "Director Wu, is it difficult to produce this thing?"

Wu Jin took a look at the picture and said, "This thing is not a gun barrel, it can be made of toughened steel, and it will take about ten days and half a month!"

Zhang Wanhe turned his attention to the chief of staff and asked, "Chief of staff, why don't we do it? Anyway, there is nothing to lose. Let's put things together and try, then we will know whether it will work or not! We've been talking here for a long time and we're all talking about our own things!"

The chief of staff was right when he thought about it. After making something, he would only know if it was the mule or the horse that was pulled out for a walk.

So he nodded and said: "No problem, I will go to ask the chief for instructions right away, I guess there is no problem, you can discuss it and make preparations!"

Zhang Wanhe responded, "Waiting for your news!"

The chief of staff reported the situation to the chief as soon as he returned to the headquarters.

The chief listened while sending a report to the front line, and turned around excitedly when he heard that this thing could hit tanks.

"Is it true?" the chief said, "Can we fight tanks? That will give us a lot of initiative in fighting in the plains!"

Part of the reason why the Eighth Route Army wanted to hide in the mountains was that the devils had tanks and armored vehicles in their hands, especially the devils had armored trains... Although this thing relies on railway maneuvers, it has strong firepower, sufficient ammunition, and comprehensive protection. Moving bones.

For example, in this battle, the Devils armored trains ran back and forth on the railway line, causing a lot of trouble for the Eighth Route Army.

If there is a kind of equipment on your shoulders, you can fight tanks...

(End of this chapter)

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