Chapter 205
Perhaps it was because the chief and the chief of staff were so busy that they lost their heads, or they felt that they could inform Wang Xuexin later. Wang Xuexin didn't know that the independent regiment was transferred to Lujiagou for training until Li Yunlong came to his door.

At that time, Wang Xuexin had just woken up.

Because Wang Xuexin was busy imitating the "spray bomb" during this period, Zhang Wanhe specially found a house with a kang in the village in order to allow Wang Xuexin to work better.

The oil-papered window is about ten square meters, enough for a kang and a table, and a few pieces of glass are added between the roof tiles to increase the light. Although the place is small, it is clean and tidy. It is the most satisfactory place for Wang Xuexin to live in.

In addition, Zhang Wanhe also arranged for an orderly to cook water and cook food. This treatment is nothing to say.

It's just that the food is a bit poor. Every day, there is millet and sweet potato porridge that is so rare that it can be seen in a mirror.

There is no way to do this, because the Chongqing side and the devils used legal currency to grab resources at the same time, even if they counterattacked and moved some food, it would be a drop in the bucket.

To be exact, it's beyond my means...

According to Zhang Wanhe, our army’s counterattack rescued a large number of fellow villagers from the guerrilla zone. Most of these fellow villagers were survivors left behind when the devils created no-man’s land and implemented the Sanguang policy, or they were old people and old people sent by the guerrilla zone. Child.

"How many 10 people!" Zhang Wanhe frowned. "And it's still increasing. The food we brought back seems to be a little bit, but it's a share for these fellow villagers..."

Needless to say what will happen next, everyone can only live with tight belts.

Wang Xuexin's treatment is not bad, there are a few grains of rice in the porridge, while others only have sweet potatoes.

Just as Wang Xuexin finished the last bit of porridge and put down the bowl, Li Yunlong entered the door with a dark face.

Wang Xuexin hurriedly got up and saluted, and called "Team Leader".

Li Yunlong only said "hmm", then sat down on the kang and scolded: "I said Xiao Dongbei, you still have me as the head of the regiment in your eyes? Why are you sending 'sprayed bombs'? Did you send me out too? I have called several times, and they all said it was a 'secret mission'. Anyway, let me tell you which department borrowed it from the fucking 'secret mission', so let's get back to it. Ben!"

When Wang Xuexin heard it, he was still thinking about "rent"!

However, the mission carried out by Wang Xuexin is really a secret mission, and Wang Xuexin dare not say more.

Seeing Wang Xuexin's embarrassed face, Li Yunlong said, "Well, I don't want to inquire about any secrets. If I can't get it right then I have to label him as a traitor!"

Then he asked in a low voice: "Do you have any wine?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin responded, and hurriedly brought half a jar of Fenjiu from the corner.

It was Wang Xuexin's from Zhang Wanhe when he first came here, and he has never been willing to drink it.

Li Yunlong's eyes lit up immediately, he quickly took the bowl and put it on, poked his neck and looked out the window like a thief, when he saw no one, he turned his head and knocked on the kang table, urging in a low voice: "full, full, full! Act fast!"

Wang Xuexin poured a bowl, and Li Yunlong couldn't wait to take a few sips, and then smacked his lips with an "ah": "Damn it, what kind of life is this, I'm aggrieved!"

"Head!" Wang Xuexin also poured himself a bowl and asked, "Are you free to come to the headquarters today?"

Wang Xue thought that the independent group was busy breaking roads and railroad tracks!

"Oh, don't mention it!" Li Yunlong felt wronged when he mentioned this, he shook his head and sighed, picked up the wine bowl and took a sip, and then said: "If you want me to say, the other troops must be jealous of our independent regiment, his mother They are all scurrying around outside to eat meat, but the independent group was locked up in Zhaojiayu and moldy! Now they are being dragged here to train..."

"Training?" Wang Xuexin's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Dozens of rocket launchers have just been produced, and the follow-up production is still continuing. At this time, the independent regiment is brought over for training. Isn't that the meaning of equipping the independent regiment?

The more Wang Xuexin thought about it, the more he felt right.

Wang Xuexin is a soldier of the independent regiment, and he also knows about rocket launchers, and he also proposed supporting tactics for rocket launchers...

Then why not just let the independent group practice it first!

On the other hand, Li Yunlong didn't know it when he arrived at Baoshan, and he still poured out his bitterness while shaking his hands:
"Do you think it's easy for me to be the head of the regiment? It's fine if you don't get promoted after winning a battle, and you'll always be punished! Now there is something good outside, and the independent regiment is transferred to the headquarters. What do you call this? If something is coming at me, Li Yunlong, don't take the independent group as a knife!"

"There are so many troops of our Eighth Route Army out there! Why do we let the independent regiment come to train, and look down on people? When did our independent regiment ever beat the devils? When did the independent regiment not beat the devils until weeping? Our independent regiment still needs training? Which army needs training, and our independent regiment doesn't want it!"

The more Li Yunlong talked, the angrier he became, and he simply drank the whole thing in one breath.

Maybe it was because of the energy of drinking, Li Yunlong threw the empty bowl on the table and said, "No, I have to go to the chief for a review! No one bullies people like that!"

As he said that, he really got up and got off the kang.

"Hey, head!" Wang Xuexin hurried forward to stop him: "Listen to me, let's not do such a stupid thing..."

"Don't stop me!" Li Yunlong stared: "Isn't the mother carrying a head on two shoulders? There is nothing to be afraid of! I just can't swallow this..."

"Head, don't get angry!" Wang Xuexin hurriedly explained: "This is a good thing!"

"A good thing?" Li Yunlong jumped up at once: "The good thing is outside. What good things can you do if you are transferred here? I said Xiao Dongbei, you have only been at the headquarters for a few days, and you have a little benefit so you can turn your elbows out." Now? Stop pretending to be a good person with me! I, Li Yunlong, don’t like this!”

"Head, what you said...why do you treat your kindness like a donkey?" Wang Xuexin said and let go: "Sure, if you really want to talk about it, if you regret it then, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

After speaking, he returned to the kang table and poured wine on his own.

This time Li Yunlong felt guilty.

He secretly thought that Xiao Dongbei was someone who was in the headquarters of this secret and that secret, and he must know more than himself.

If this is really a good thing...wouldn't it be a bad thing if he made such a fuss?
Thinking that Li Yunlong's ass was glued back to the kang again, he asked hesitantly, "Is that a good thing?"

"It must be a good thing! It's a very good thing!" Wang Xuexin nodded his head and said: "Leader, I can only say this, wait a thousand years, the independent group is about to turn around! Please don't make trouble !"

Li Yunlong was stunned for a while, then laughed "hehehe", shrank his feet on the kang, took off his military cap and threw it next to him, knocked on the kang table and said: "Success, I will believe you once! Come on... ...full and full!"

(End of this chapter)

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