Chapter 218 Defense
Without any hesitation, Shigekawa immediately ordered with a stern face: "Order the troops to pursue immediately, and must recover the tanks captured by the enemy!"

"Yes!" The scout responded, but then he gave a strange answer: "But your Excellency, they didn't escape..."

Shigekawa and Ichi originally wanted to get back into the armored vehicle and pursue with the troops, but when they heard this, they froze, turned around and asked with surprise, "Did they escape?"

"Yes, I didn't escape!" The scout lowered his head in fear, as if it was his fault that the Eighth Route Army didn't escape.

It's no wonder that Zhong Chuanhe thought so for a while, he has been fighting in China for so many years, which time the enemy didn't run away when he saw them?Especially the Eighth Route Army, they always retreat immediately after a sneak attack, and they retreat to the mountains.

But this time, the enemy stayed where they were after destroying a reconnaissance team!

Then Shigekawa Kazuichi felt a burst of inexplicable anger, he thought it was the enemy provoking and insulting him.

This gave Shigekawa Heyi an impulse, an impulse to immediately send his troops up to fight these Eighth Route Army to the death.

Shigekawa and Heyi anxiously walked around the armored vehicle a few times, during which time they even used a flashlight to look at the map that the staff had spread out on the armored wheel baffle, and finally endured it.

Here's what he thinks about:
The fact that the enemy can wipe out a reconnaissance team in a short period of time shows that they are the main force with artillery fire.

Armored troops are not suitable for night combat. If you attack at this time and there is a small river in front, you are likely to suffer heavy losses like the scouting team.

Looking at the watch again, there is still more than an hour before dawn. If the enemy has not escaped while building defenses, there is no need to rush.

Thinking about it, Shigekawa Kazuichi gritted his teeth and ordered: "Order the troops, rest where they are, and launch an attack after dawn!"

"Yes!" The staff officer responded and passed the order down.

The Independent Regiment built the fortifications more than 200 meters west of the creek.

It was not until then that Wang Xuexin had time to learn about his company.

In fact, this was all told by the instructor to Wang Xuexin. He was doing the ideological work of the soldiers all day long and never tired of it. Even the commanders and fighters were all in his mind, and there was no need for a roster at all.

"I think Comrade Fang Hu is very suitable to be the leader of the platoon!" The instructor introduced the situation to Wang Xuexin as if chatting with Wang Xuexin while digging the bunker with an engineering shovel: "Although Comrade Fang Hu has resistance to being the platoon leader, he is also very uncomfortable. But when you go to the headquarters to work, he acts as the platoon leader, and you will get to know him once you come and go. I have given him a few times of ideological work, so that he can be the platoon leader with confidence and don’t have too much psychological burden. I'm not as overwhelmed as I used to be! So I think..."

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin interrupted the instructor: "Where is the second platoon leader?"

"The leader of the second platoon is Liang Guisheng!" said the instructor, "This comrade is an old subordinate of Comrade Ergou. Although he was recruited from Heiyunzhai, he has reformed himself and integrated into the revolutionary ranks under our influence. His combat determination is strong, his military quality is excellent, and his command ability is quite good. He has killed and injured five enemies in the battle so far, and three of them are devils..."

"Where is the third platoon leader?" Wang Xuexin asked again.

The dialogue between Wang Xuexin and the instructor is basically completed in this mode. If Wang Xuexin does not interrupt, he can talk all night just by talking about one person.

"The third platoon leader Zhang Qingcai!" the instructor replied.

"Zhang Qingcai?" Wang Xuexin asked suspiciously, "Isn't he the monitor of the third class?"

The instructor nodded: "This matter, we have to start from the last time we stopped a train and seized dozens of carts of ammunition. Although the brigade commander took forty carts of these supplies, the dozen or so carts left by the regiment leader The car is full of original bullets. With these bullets, the regiment leader thinks that the number of sharpshooters can be expanded, so the sharpshooters in the third squad are expanded into one platoon, and the soldiers from the original three platoons are transferred to the first platoon!"

Hearing this, Wang Xuexin understood that the three platoons at this time were no longer the previous three platoons, but the sharpshooters platoon that concentrated the entire battalion to shoot original bullets.

So the seventh company is really the main force of the third battalion: the first row is concentrated with the veterans and veterans of the original seventh company, the second row is concentrated with some quack soldiers from Heiyunzhai, and the third row is full of sharpshooters.

There is something interesting about this team.

At this time, Xie Baoqing came up with his waist bent, and said: "The company commander, the battalion commander gave an order, let us retreat to the back and play assists!"

"What? Let Qilian play assists?" Wang Xuexin immediately flipped over: "If our Qilian plays assists, who the hell can still play the main attack!"

As he spoke, he shoveled the engineer shovel into the ground, and said with a dark face, "Don't dig this fortification, and go to the battalion commander for comment!"

Thinking about it later, even Wang Xuexin himself found it funny.

Wang Xuexin was not like this when he first came to this world. Back then, he was glad that he didn't have to go to the battlefield in the enemy's Ministry of Industry!Now when I heard that I was placed in the assist position, I refused to agree.

This may be the so-called red who is close to vermilion and black who is close to ink.

While Wang Xuexin is trying his best to change the world, why hasn't the world changed him?
Who wants to find the battalion commander, and the battalion commander will come over with one sentence: "Who the hell said that retreating to the back is an assist? I said Xiaodongbei, you came up with this tactic, you have the nerve to tell me this ?”

Wang Xuexin touched his nose to make himself feel embarrassed.

But what the commander said was true.

The combat troops deployed at the front are going to retreat, leaving only the anti-tank shooters lurking and waiting for the fighters. At that time, the second-line assists will not be the main attack?

Now, although it is the main attack in name, it is just a few shots to show signs.

What's more, the sharpshooters of the whole battalion are in the seventh company. If the seventh company has an assist, how can this battle be fought?
This time Wang Xuexin knew what to do.

The individual bunkers in front of them were regarded as unguarded open spaces, and if there were people... people from the anti-tank fire team were hiding there.

For this reason, Wang Xuexin also went to find Daniu and Sun Defa.

Daniel is the instructor of the anti-tank firepower team, and Sun Defa is the leader of the firepower team. They decide where to deploy the anti-tank rocket launchers.

Only after setting these positions can Wang Xuexin deploy covering firepower.

Sun Defa also habitually wants to place the bazooka shooter behind the hill, he thinks it is safer for the shooter there.

But Wang Xuexin rejected the plan with a few words.

"Comrade Sun Defa!" Wang Xuexin analyzed: "It's true that it's safer behind the hills, but tanks have problems with elevation and depression angles. When this thing goes uphill, its gun barrel faces the sky and can't hit the enemy, and when it goes downhill, its gun barrel faces the ground. It is the terrain that tanks should try to avoid when attacking without touching the enemy. On the contrary, it is the commanding heights that the enemy infantry seizes. If we place anti-tank shooters there..."

Needless to say, Sun Defa nodded again and again: "Comrade Wang Xuexin is right, I am anti-tank with anti-infantry thinking!"

(End of this chapter)

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