227 Tank
When the monk took the correspondent to find the tank, he ran into Wang Xuexin who was busy organizing the defense on the front line.

"The radio station is broken, I'm here to look for parts!" The monk hid in the bomb crater where Wang Xuexin was, raised his head towards the cave, handed Wang Xuexin a cigarette, and asked, "How is it? This battle can't help you?"

"It must be difficult!" Wang Xuexin took the cigarette and thought, if this is difficult, can you still see people?

The monk's eyes were still fixed on the direction of the tank, and he said reluctantly: "This thing, the head of the group will not allow it to be used... such a big guy is blind!"

Wang Xuexin couldn't help laughing. How can this tank be used as it says it can be used? How can the few people in it cooperate without a few months of training?How to go to the battlefield?
Even if the tank crew is tidied up, what Li Yunlong said is correct, the devil still has six tanks, and the monk, who is just getting started, can overthrow the devil's tanks one by one?
The monk looked at Wang Xuexin, and made up his mind: Although the head of the group said he would not listen to me, he obeyed Xiao Dongbei. If this can convince Xiao Dongbei...

Thinking of the monk, he leaned over, put his hands on Wang Xuexin's shoulders, and asked with shaking hands, "I said Xiao Dongbei, are we brothers?"

Wang Xuexin gave the monk a blank look, and replied simply: "It doesn't count!"

How could Wang Xuexin not know what the monk was planning, how could he jump into the pit when he saw it.

"Hey, you can't talk nonsense!" The monk was annoyed at once: "We have fought the Lynx together, and we have a relationship of life and death together. Why are we not brothers?"

Without waiting for Wang Xuexin to answer, the monk said again: "Xiao Dongbei, others say that I am a monk who is only good at fighting in the nest. I am good at beating devils and my own people. Can you, a brother, swallow this breath?"

"But... isn't that the case?" Wang Xuexin's words made the monk half dead.

It turned out that the monk was skilled in his hands, and the soldiers had suffered a lot when they fought against him.

And because the monk is a bodyguard with few chances to go to the battlefield, people always scold him: "What are you doing to yourself, are you capable of going against devils like Little Northeast?"

The monk is the best way to save face, so this remark became his heart disease.

At this moment, I handed in a tank and drove it again. It is so easy to give up this opportunity.

Seeing that Xiao Dongbei was not fooled, the monk thought about it and resorted to aggressive tactics. He raised his head and said, "I know, you are just worried that I will overtake you on a tank!"

Wang Xuexin, who was taking a puff of a cigarette, was almost choked: "At your level, you still want to ride a tank to fight devils? It's not bad if you don't kill yourself!"

"How do you know if you don't try?" The monk was not reconciled: "If this fight continues, how long can our independent group fight?"

Wang Xuexin was speechless.

What the monk said is correct, the current situation is indeed grim, especially the rockets and directional mines of the independent regiment are almost used up.

But if you just pull the tank out and fight it, it's no different from dying, unless...

Then Wang Xuexin's eyes lit up, and he said: "Monk, maybe, we can really try!"

"We must try!" The monk patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder and said, "This is the brother! Come on, let's talk to the leader together!"

Li Yunlong just lost his temper because of the radio station, and when he heard that Wang Xuexin came to lobby the monk, his temper suddenly came up: "I said Xiao Dongbei, you are also a company commander anyway, how come you are as knowledgeable as the monk? Among other things, it is difficult for him to drive a tank in a straight line, and he still wants to drive to fight the devils? Isn't this nonsense?"

"Team leader!" Wang Xuexin said, "It might be a joke if we fight during the day, but what if we fight at night?"

It is well known that Devil's tanks do not have night combat capabilities.

If you can't see and have no combat effectiveness, wouldn't it be the same if you have training or not?
Li Yunlong also knew this truth, but he replied without thinking: "I said Xiaobei, are you confused? This monk can't drive steadily during the day, but can still bloom at night? Besides, this tank will If you have no fighting power at night, why do you fight? Isn’t it just a blind man riding a blind horse and running around?”

"What we want is to mess around!" Wang Xuexin replied.

"How to say?" Li Yunlong asked puzzled.

Wang Xuexin pulled the map, pointed to the point on it and explained: "Look, regiment commander, the devils have deployed heavy troops in the east to bite the 73 highland, and there are only small groups of troops in other directions! If we put the hills one by one Breakout to the west..."

"This is impossible!" Zhao Gang, who was sorting out the documents, interrupted Wang Xuexin: "The mission is not completed, we can't break through!"

"Old Zhao!" Li Yunlong said helplessly, "This is just a show, I didn't expect to really break through!"

Zhao Gang let out an "oh" and leaned over to ask, "Comrade Wang Xuexin, this highland 73 is the focus of our defense. If we don't break through... if this highland is lost, can we still hold it?"

Li Yunlong cast doubtful eyes on Wang Xuexin, which was also what he was worried about.

Wang Xuexin explained: "Political commissar, that's why the devils will be fooled! Once we break out to the west, the devils will definitely have to chase after us. If you want to chase them fast...that's tanks and armored vehicles! Let's take the tanks out again at this time." Open, won't you get mixed into the enemy tank?"

"Wait a minute!" Li Yunlong waved his hand and said, "What do you mean by going into the enemy's tank?"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin said: "Our tank is staying in that cave, and the entrance of the cave has been sealed with some camouflage. When the devil tank comes up, our tank will drive out...wouldn't we be in it?"

Li Yunlong was dumbfounded by these words.

Damn Xiaodongbei, this method can also be figured out, usually the devils use infantry to play infiltration warfare with us, this guy... uses tanks to play infiltration warfare with devils!


It's so interesting!
Zhao Gang still had some doubts. He frowned and asked, "Xiao Dongbei, if the devil's infantry saw it, wouldn't he have to reveal his secrets?"

"Political commissar!" Wang Xuexin said: "If there is danger, just go out of the hole, but can't we put smoke? Then use a small [-] cannon to shoot a few shells there, on the one hand to attract the attention of the devils, on the other hand, add some smoke." After coming out...the Japanese infantry took it for granted that it was their own tank!"

Zhao Gang nodded.

The devils had the impression that the Eighth Route Army had no tanks, let alone the Type 97, so of course they would not doubt that it was an enemy tank!
"At that time..." Wang Xuexin went on to say: "Our tank is not going to face the muzzle of the Devil tank on some battlefield, or it is facing the ass of the Devil tank. We can aim slowly, or even chase after it. Aim and fire again, you don’t know what’s going on when you hit a messy devil. Our troops will kill his mother again and return to the carbine..."

(End of this chapter)

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