Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 242 Do It Yourself

Chapter 242 Do It Yourself
Headquarters meeting room.

Although the Eighth Route Army won the second stage of victory, none of the cadres attending the meeting showed joy on their faces. On the contrary, all of them were frowning and worried.

Wang Xuexin attended this meeting as usual, and he is already a "frequent visitor" to tactical meetings.

Just like what Li Yunlong said: "Damn it, the purpose of our group leader to go to the meeting is to lead the way for Xiao Dongbei. One day, if I didn't take him there, the chief would point at my nose and scold: 'Xiao Dongbei! Didn't come, what are you doing here?'"

The situation is really a bit like what Li Yunlong said.

Wang Xuexin came more often, so he became familiar with the cadres of the various regiments. When they arrived in the conference room, more people greeted Wang Xuexin, but Li Yunlong, the regiment leader, was left alone.

The cadres of the various regiments actually intended to give Li Yunlong a bad look. Li Yunlong's temper of winning or losing, and which regiment he came into contact with had not suffered at his hands, of course he felt a little unhappy after a long time.

Among them, Zhang Wanhe was the one who asked about this and that as soon as he saw Wang Xuexin, but he didn't give Li Yunlong a straight face.

Li Yunlong knew what was going on in his heart, so he pretended not to see it, and sat talking nonsense with a few people:
"Oh, isn't it? There's no rice in the pot!"

"I can't even drink the sweet potato porridge."

"Isn't it? I came here hungry!"


In fact, the situation of the Independent Regiment is not bad. The reason is that the recent few battles have yielded a lot: a batch of grain was seized at the beginning of the counter-offensive, and then the train was stopped, and Yucun was hit again just now. , although not many, but together it is a lot.

Then there is the supplement of adding salt on the fixed side...

The price of salt has dropped. In fact, it is not that the price of salt has dropped, but that the shortage of food has risen too fast, and the price of salt has not risen as much as the price of food.

However, it is not too little to exchange a load of salt for 100 catties of rice.

It is indeed not as good as usual, but hundreds of loads of salt can be exchanged for tens of thousands of catties of grain, and it will continue to be even more in the future. In this difficult time when everyone is hungry, Li Yunlong is right. Get rich.

So let’s not say that the independent group is hungry, there is so much food that they can’t finish it, and although they can’t drink Fenjiu, Li Yunlong drank a few bowls of sweet potatoes and burnt his addiction before he came.

Li Yunlong would say that he was hungry, but he didn't want to show his wealth, and he was worried that others would be jealous!
But Li Yunlong's lies were quickly exposed.

Because the chief yelled at Li Yunlong as soon as he came in: "Li Yunlong, I heard that you brought back more than 300 loads of salt from Dingbian? Are you enjoying your life?"

Li Yunlong was stunned for a long time before replying with a smile: "Chief, isn't that... a bit of luck? I mean, I thought about it!"

When Kong Jie and his party heard this, they realized that they had been fooled. They rolled their eyes and cursed, "Virtue!"

Li Yunlong thought inwardly that he was sorry, the chief is eyeing these hundreds of loads of salt, and he has to go halfway with a golden mouth?
The brigade commander opened his mouth again, and he had to go halfway. Isn't this a waste of time?
Unexpectedly, the chief immediately gave Li Yunlong a reassurance.

"That's great!" the chief said, "What you earn in business is different from what you earn on the battlefield. Whoever earns it should go to whoever earns it! Don't be jealous. If I ask you for it, it's a mistake." Bandits!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Li Yunlong hurriedly nodded his head: "The chief's words are reasonable, and I mean the same thing!"

In fact, the Chief had discussed this issue with the Chief of Staff before coming here.

"Chief, what do you do with the salt that Li Yunlong brought back?" asked the chief of staff.

"How to deal with what?" the chief asked back.

"Chief!" said the chief of staff, "The 300-odd loads of salt are equivalent to tens of thousands of catties of grain at the current price. Other troops are starving, and his independent regiment can't finish it..."

"Hey, you can't say that!" The chief interrupted the chief of staff: "What we are talking about now is 'do it yourself to have enough food and clothing'. Isn't the other independent group responding to this call? They can make enough food and clothing by themselves. Why paid his grain?"

This sentence made the chief of staff lose his voice.

"Let's talk about it again!" The chief continued: "If we pay the rations of the independent regiment with just one sentence, wouldn't we get something for nothing? Even if we distribute the rations to other troops, the other troops will also get something for nothing. What's more, today we Paying the Independence Regiment and letting him do it for nothing, wouldn’t it be a blow to others’ enthusiasm? Who would dare to dig salt next time? Who would dare to ‘do it yourself’? Isn’t it good that everyone is waiting here to pay?”

In this way, the chief of staff understood: "So, not only can Li Yunlong not pay the salt, but he also has to ensure that others can't pay it either. Who wants to be jealous...earn it yourself!"

The chief nodded: "That's the reason!"

That's why the chief made such remarks at the meeting. His purpose was to follow the example of the independent regiment and stimulate other troops to "do it yourself to get enough food and clothing."

"Comrades!" When the meeting place quieted down, the chief said earnestly: "The current situation is very serious! The enemy has stepped up the blockade of the base area, especially the stubborn army..."

Speaking of which, the chief frowned tightly, his eyes full of anger:
"They not only imposed a blockade on us, but also directly and indirectly sent people into the base area to grab food, destroy and loot."

"The direct method is to enter my base area to plunder, and there are everywhere."

"Only in Guanzhong, the recalcitrant army rushed into the border area and snatched 18 cattle, burned 17 piles of wheat, robbed and spoiled 150 shi of grain, and extorted hundreds of dollars from Yinyang."

"There were only 53 households in the two villages in Niuwu District, and they were ransacked. More than 9000 catties of grain, more than 10000 catties of vegetables, and a large number of farm tools, jute and other daily necessities were taken away!"

(Note: These are real data, taken from the memoirs of a certain chief executive)
The chief of staff went on to say: "The indirect aspect is that the recalcitrant army sponsored and even disguised as bandits by the regular army and went to my base area to commit crimes, burning, killing, looting and doing all kinds of crimes, causing serious losses to us!"

Wang Xuexin was a little surprised.

He originally thought that the economic blockade was to surround the surrounding area with blockhouses and blockhouses to prevent the circulation of materials, but he didn't expect to be able to do this!

But think about it, I think it really is.

Doing so does not directly launch a military offensive, and it can suppress the Eighth Route Army without giving up the pretext of destroying "cooperation". Why not do it?
At the same time, there are quite a few people in the stubborn army who were born and raised in the base area and are quite familiar with the terrain. It is not easy to catch them as bandits.

The chief of staff went on to say: "On the side of the devils, the strong men and laborers will be left to build fortifications for them, and the old, weak, sick and disabled will be driven into the base area. In addition, the hailstorm a few days ago has further deteriorated our situation. Difficult times ahead for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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