Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 256 Training

Chapter 256 Training
The "three-three system tactic" is actually not as evil as it is said on the Internet.

It's like playing basketball or football with forwards, centers, and defenders. They each have their own positions and responsibilities instead of the big guys chasing the ball and running around.

Prior to this, only a few regiments of the Eighth Route Army could conduct coordinated operations in an orderly manner.

These veterans know not to get too close when charging with bayonets, know to divide into two sides when providing cover, and know to leap forward in coordination with each other...

But all of these require a lot of actual combat experience and training. They rely more on the soldiers to do it voluntarily and consciously, and it is also necessary to ensure that there are no recruits in the army to make trouble... If some recruits do not know where to go or where to fight, then It will disrupt the coordination and rhythm of the entire army and cause negative effects.

This is also the reason why the main force usually only replenishes veterans.

The other regiments are different, they have many new recruits, and many soldiers are out of control during the battle, rushing to follow the squad leader in a swarm.

The "three-three system tactic" has solved this problem to a considerable extent.

To put it bluntly, it is to refine the "position" and "responsibility" of each soldier, and after the division of labor is clear, each soldier knows where to stand and what to do during the battle.

Ying Jiang prefers to use "two-two system tactics", that is, divide a squad into two teams and alternately cover Yuejin.

This style of play seems to violate the principle of "one front, two rears" for the best breakthrough rate, but in fact...three squads or even more squads form an offensive line and alternately cover two by two. It is also "one front and two rear", because its two wings also have covering firepower.

In addition, Yingjiang has enough firepower, more artillery, more tanks, and there are planes in the sky. They don't need to rely too much on infantry for the "fire cover".

Its disadvantage is that there is no such thing as veterans leading new recruits, and each soldier must be able to cover, attack, and leap forward, otherwise problems are likely to occur on the battlefield.

Therefore, the "three-three system" was a tactic in line with China's national conditions at that time.

Because of the lack of firepower, especially the lack of firepower for air, tanks, and artillery, it is required to use infantry to provide covering firepower "one in front and two behind".

Because the army is huge and there are many recruits, they do not have enough training and growth time, so the veterans are required to lead the recruits to learn and grow on the battlefield.

It is also because the recruits don't know how to do it, so a simple and practical system should be used to regulate them.

Therefore, what our army often does is to split a division into two divisions... Due to the particularity of the "three-three system tactics", although the split units each recruited a large number of recruits, because of the key "positioning" role Most of them are veterans, and recruits only need to fight with veterans, so they can fight well.

In the eyes of the enemy, this is a spectacle that they can't figure out: one division becomes two divisions, and two divisions become four divisions...not only the more they fight, but also the combat effectiveness. Not weak!how did you do that?
The chief looked at the tactical sketches on the blackboard and listened to Wang Xuexin's explanation, his heart was surging.

The chief is an expert in tactics and can see the value of Wang Xuexin's idea.

If this tactic works, the Eighth Route Army only needs to carry out a less complicated reorganization and training of the whole army, and immediately raise its combat effectiveness to several levels.

Although this combat power is still not on par with the main force, the gap is not as obvious as before.

If the combat effectiveness of each regiment is improved, and more than 100 regiments come much will the overall combat effectiveness be improved?

This is only the direct promotion part, if you consider that those soldiers who should have been sacrificed survived and became veterans... The benefits of this tactic to the Eighth Route Army are immeasurable!

Thinking about it, the chief said excitedly: "This tactic is very good! We can try it with an army! And the sooner the better!"

As he spoke, the chief turned his attention to Wang Xuexin and said, "Comrade Wang Xuexin, I will leave this task to you. What do you think?"

Wang Xuexin stood up and replied: "Report to the chief, and promise to complete the task!"

It’s okay if you don’t accept this task. Who made it come from Wang Xuexin?

The chief of staff said with some concern: "It's just...the independent regiment still has tasks, I'm afraid it's not suitable for training."

The independent regiment is stationed on the front line, and there are also tasks such as salt mining, transportation, and trading. These tasks are the most important tasks at this critical moment, and it is really not appropriate to pull them down for training at this time.

After hesitating for a while, the chief of staff went on to say, "How about letting Comrade Wang Xuexin lead the guards to practice?"

"Hey!" The chief rejected the plan without even thinking about it: "The characteristic of this tactic is that the veterans lead the recruits to quickly form combat effectiveness. The guard company is all veterans, so it can't see the effect! Moreover, the combat method of the guard company is the same as that of the frontline troops. It's not the same, it doesn't fit!"

The chief of staff replied "yes", feeling a little ashamed in his heart, secretly thinking that he still didn't understand the tactics thoroughly, but the chief grasped the key point.

Li Yunlong said at this moment: "That's not easy. Isn't Xiaodongbei going back to the Independent Regiment? There are veterans and recruits in the Independent Regiment. Let's train while completing the tasks..."

Zhang Wanhe, who had been silent for a long time, became anxious when he heard this: "That's impossible, I said, Lao Li, the front line is not safe and you can't concentrate on training. What's more, this training will be extended to the entire army in the future. You Let other troops send people to Zhaojiayu to study?"

Li Yunlong smiled "hehehe": "Old Zhang, don't think I can't understand your thoughts, don't you just hope that Xiaodongbei can get some cheap money by staying at the headquarters? Fake Gongji...then what... privately Right? It's not kind to do that!"

Zhang Wanhe smiled, turned his head away from Li Yunlong's eyes, and answered calmly: "This matter, it doesn't count if you say it!"

The chief nodded: "Old Zhang is right, the location is suitable for the headquarters, Zhaojiayu is too dangerous! But people..."

When the chief said so, Li Yunlong was speechless.

"Chief!" Wang Xuexin suggested: "You can transfer my seventh company to be a veteran. I am familiar with these soldiers, and transferring a company will not affect the mission of the independent regiment!"

As he said that, Wang Xuexin gave Li Yunlong a wink and said, "Head, I'm right!"

Li Yunlong was stunned for a moment, and then said "Oh": "Yes, yes, yes, no influence, no influence, our independent regiment will not be short of this company for a while!"

Of course Li Yunlong understood what Wang Xuexin meant.

The Eighth Route Army had just fought a sabotage battle that lasted for more than two months, and all units suffered considerable losses, and the supply of troops was short and could not be replenished.

At this time, there were only more than 500 independent regiments left after the First World War in Yucun.If they line up to supplement, when will it be their turn.

This is good training!
Pulling it out is a company, and pulling it back is a battalion. Can this be cheap?

The chief chuckled inwardly, let these two guys act, can you hide this idea from me?
Okay, as you wish, see if you have the ability to take it away!

(End of this chapter)

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