Chapter 259
The training is open and there is no secrecy.

The main reason is that this tactic will be extended to the entire army in the near future, and it cannot be kept secret and there is no need to keep it secret.

It cannot be kept secret because there are many enemy spies and spies in the Eighth Route Army, and any unit that has been trained will leak it, let alone promote it to the entire army.

In fact, military promotion and secrecy are inherently contradictory. If secrecy is forced, it may not only fail to achieve the purpose of secrecy, but also affect the speed of promotion, and the gains outweigh the losses.

There is no need to keep it secret, because the recalcitrant army and devils have their own set of mature tactics... In fact, most of them adopt the German-style chain formation based on machine gun firepower, that is, infantry spread out on both sides of the machine gun to achieve firepower. Effective play.

Among them, the stubborn army is more complicated. He is equipped with German weapons, American weapons and Soviet weapons, so the corresponding tactics are also varied.

(Note: It is mainly the German style. Its military advisers withdrew in 38. The Su Armor Division formed by Mao Xiong’s military advisers, the most famous is the 200th Mechanized Infantry Division headed by Du Yuming, which is my country’s first mechanized infantry Division, and Dai Anlan served as the division commander to fight in Burma, that is, the Chinese Expeditionary Force)

Under such circumstances, it is of course impossible for the recalcitrant army and devils to learn and replace the whole army when they know the tactics of the Eighth Route Army.

They are more likely to disdain the Eighth Route Army's local tactics, or to study it to find its loopholes.

Wang Xuexin tried two methods for the training of recruits.

One is to directly disperse the soldiers of the Seventh Company as squad platoon leaders among the recruits, and the recruits only serve as soldiers under the squad.

The advantage of this method is that it is quick. It only needs to carry out the necessary training at the squad level, and soon the troops can form various offensive formations.

The disadvantage is that veterans are needed as the backbone of the army. For example, a squad of [-] recruits is supported by veterans, and at least [-] veterans are needed to support them.

More veterans are of course better... The extra veterans can serve as deputy squad leaders and team leaders, and the speed is faster.

If there are not enough veterans, we can only find another method, which is to use the "top-down and bottom-up" training method like Wang Xuexin trained the Seventh Company.

These are actually not big problems. If there is any problem, it is that the tactics need to be further refined.

For example, when attacking, it is divided into "one front and two rears", "two fronts and one rear", and even use roundabout tactics.

When defending, it must be divided into mountain anti-slope fortifications and plain field fortifications.

If you continue to subdivide, there are contact, charge, raid, night and so on.

These are actually done by the troops during combat and training, but they have joined the "three-three system" to advance and retreat in an orderly manner, so they can get started quickly.

While practicing, Xie Baolin asked Wang Xuexin strangely: "Sir, did the Eighth Route Army use this tactic before? Why have I never seen it before?"

"Don't call me Commander, call me Comrade or Company Commander!" Wang Xuexin didn't even look at Xie Baolin: "This is the Eighth Route Army, not the Jianguo Army!"

"Yes, Commander... Company Commander!" Xie Baolin couldn't change it for a while, looking a little embarrassed.

The instructor explained on his behalf: "It's like this, Comrade Xie Baolin, this is the first time we use a tactic, and we are preparing to promote it. It's normal if you haven't seen it before!"

Then the instructor pulled Wang Xuexin aside and said: "Company commander, your attitude is wrong. How can you use such a tone to these comrades who have surrendered? This is likely to discourage their enthusiasm and eventually cause great damage to the revolutionary work. Bad side effects..."

"Instructor!" Wang Xuexin interrupted the instructor: "I'm already being polite. Is it possible that we still have to offer them as our ancestors? Still begging them on their knees not to surrender and not to be traitors anymore?"

"Hey, that's not what I meant!" the instructor replied: "If they surrender again, they will be our enemies. But they are our comrades now! It is wrong for you to regard your comrades as potential enemies! To do so is to treat your comrades as potential enemies." Push into the arms of the enemy, and in the end more will only develop in a bad direction. Do you think this is the truth?"

Wang Xuexin didn't know these truths.

In the process of China's victory, the puppet army and the stubborn army surrendered and surrendered in batches and even into the system.

The root of it is that the Eighth Route Army's policy of preferential treatment of prisoners has truly treated them equally.

Otherwise, if there is still a little room for choice, why would the enemy prefer the Eighth Route Army with more difficult conditions, poorer equipment, and fewer troops?
But when this matter really fell on him, Wang Xuexin found that everything is easier said than done, and he always felt awkward in the face of these "comrades".

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" Then the instructor persuaded again earnestly: "The superior trusts you in entrusting this unit to you for training. Look, didn't Xie Baoqing and the others become excellent fighters under the leadership of the independent regiment? ? Don’t have any psychological burden..."

At this time Xie Baolin came up, he stood up and saluted in front of Wang Xuexin, and said loudly: "Report company commander, I know you have thoughts about us! We did have a few lives under our command, and we owed blood debts. But we were forced! If you want to pursue responsibility..."

As he said that, Xie Baolin took out the pistol from his waist and handed it to Wang Xuexin with both hands, saying: "Please shoot me, company commander, I, Xie Baolin, have absolutely no complaints!"

I don't want Xie Baolin's soldiers to see this situation, and one by one came up:

"Report to the officer, my subordinates are also killed, and they should be shot!"

"And I!"

"Count me in too!"


Xie Baolin said sincerely: "Company Commander, I ordered them to do this. They are just following my order and have nothing to do with them!"

But the soldiers shouted one by one:

"Battalion Commander, it's not all on your head!"

"We also have a share!"

"If you want to die together, you can't let the battalion commander carry it alone!"


Wang Xuexin was quite surprised.

He originally thought that these people were just fools who were greedy for life and afraid of death, and would fall to the enemy again at any time, so he had a grudge.

It now appears that this is not the case.

If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, how can you rush to plead guilty?
If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, how can you live and die together?
If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, how can you share the burden?
Isn't this the bloodiness that an army should have?

"What's the name!" Wang Xuexin yelled at them in the next second: "It's all reversed, right? If you want to die so much, you will save your life to beat the devils. Whoever will be a bastard by then, don't blame me for being rude! Everyone go back to training!"

Xie Baolin was stunned for a while, then stood up and said "yes", then turned around and shouted at the soldiers: "Continue training!"

The instructor breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that Wang Xuexin's scolding just now was actually accepting these recruits.

But of course, the more such a unit is, the more important the ideological work is, and the more we must not be sloppy.

Another big battle!

This is much better than when we were in the enemy industry...

(End of this chapter)

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