Chapter 263 Wire
Su Xin's third branch factory has moved to a cave. In the middle and lower part of the mountain, the outer cave is more than 100 square meters and more than five meters high. There are more than a dozen caves of different sizes extending inside.

The cave is empty, dry, and solid, especially for air defense. It is indeed very suitable as a new factory.

Su Xin divided these caves into several workshops, which were used for repairing firearms, assembling bullets, small cannons, etc. Each workshop had its name engraved on it.

She introduced it to Wang Xuexin and joked: "Student Wang, I see, it won't be long, and there will be another thunder jumping workshop!"

"It seems so wronged!" Wang Xuexin looked at the cave inside and out, and said, "If you don't like it, at worst I won't bring up ideas in the future!"

"Who doesn't like it?" Su Xin quickly responded, "There are still a lot of holes here, so I'm worried that you don't have enough ideas!"

If Xiaodongbei really didn't say anything, Su Xin would definitely be criticized by the factory manager for this matter.

"That's still so wordy!" Wang Xuexin replied casually: "I haven't asked you for a reward yet, but you've complained!"

"What are you looking at with your head?" Su Xin asked strangely when she saw Wang Xuexin's appearance.

Wang Xuexin said "Oh" and explained: "It's nothing, it's just an occupational disease. I'm... used to fighting and fighting, so I just look at the terrain and defense when I come up."

Wang Xuexin felt that he was a little worried. It was not easy for the devils to hit Lujiagou at this time.

"But I'm talking about Xiao Su!" Wang Xuexin said: "There are not enough openings to cover each other. It is easy to be blocked by the enemy!"

"Are you still worried about this?" Su Xin sighed inwardly, this Little Northeast has such a habit after fighting so many battles and suffering so much.

After a while, Su Xin asked intentionally or unintentionally: "By the way, didn't you say that you want to save money to build a house and marry a wife? I will share this cave with you!"

Wang Xuexin laughed: "Student Xiao Su, you are serious! Didn't I deal with the factory manager? If I let him talk about it, he would have to start saying that this girl is good, that girl can do something what!"

Su Xin was secretly delighted, and summoned up the courage to ask: "Then you..."

At this moment, Hardware and Zhang Ruozhong came up with a box of parts.

These parts could have been sent up on a conveyor belt, but because they were worried that they would be mixed up with other parts and could not be found, they were simply lifted up.

As soon as Wujin entered the cave, he shouted excitedly: "Director Su, Xiaobei, the parts are complete, let's pretend to try!"

What was assembled was what Wang Xuexin called the jumping mine.

Jumping mines have actually come out at this time. The first jumping mine is the S-type jumping mine called "Bouncing Betty".

It's just that the news in China is relatively closed at this time... In fact, the devils blocked the coastline, so they don't know about this kind of landmine for the time being.

However, what Wang Xuexin imitated was not this kind of S-type jumping mine... The delay fuze of this kind of jumping mine still has some technical difficulties.

Although it is not difficult, it is enough to stump Zhang Wanhe and his party.

Su Xin frowned and said: "Although we can also make a time-delay fuze, the time is not precise enough, especially this kind of time-delay fuze that requires explosion within one second!"

Zhang Wanhe nodded and said: "If the delay is too long, the mine body will fall back to the ground, and if the delay is too short, it will explode in the ground. Neither situation will have much effect. In addition, every landmine will Is the cost too high for a time-delay fuze?"

Su Xin added: "There is a kind of cheap time delay, which is to rely on gunpowder to burn time delay like a grenade, but its accuracy is worse."

For countries with mature industries such as Europe and the United States, some things are cheap, simple, and can be mass-produced, but for the Eighth Route Army with almost no industrial foundation, they are expensive, difficult, and all made by hand. Not accurate, not safe.

So the production of Jumping Thunder is stuck here, and Zhang Wanhe and others are even considering whether to give up Jumping Thunder because of the low cost performance.

Zhang Wanhe explained to Wang Xuexin in this way: "I said Xiaobei, your idea is very good, but landmines need to be mass-produced to be useful. If the production is only a few dozen a day... even the best landmines are just a show. what!"

Wang Xuexin took a look at the sketch drawn by Zhang Wanhe and said, "It's not easy. What kind of time-delay fuze do you need? Take a steel wire, tie one end to the bottom and the other end to the mine body. When the mine body is thrown up, it will be pulled. ……Isn’t this just an explosion? You can adjust the length of the steel wire as high as you want, and the accuracy is guaranteed!”

Su Xin: "You monster!"

Hardware: "Can you give me some way to live?"

Zhang Wanhe: "Is this fucking human?"


People are more popular than dead people!

This discussion went on and on, and it was almost rejected, and it turned out to be a steel wire?
This made Zhang Wanhe feel ashamed. He whispered to Su Xin and the directors: "You all, why don't you have the cleverness of Xiaodongbei? It's the arsenal. If it gets out, Are you ashamed of yourself?"

In fact, this is not Xiaodongbei’s brain, it’s Mao Xiong’s idea... When other countries either use delayed fuzes or delayed gunpowder, Mao Xiong pioneered the O3M-72 jump with a steel wire thunder.

Bear equipment is cheap and easy to use. Of course, Wang Xuexin needs to learn more.

Just as Su Xin and the hardware were assembling, Zhang Wanhe arrived late.

He ignored the others, but pulled Wang Xuexin aside, and asked, "Comrade Wang Xuexin, I'm thinking about a problem. After we fix this mine, we can use it on the battlefield. The devils will definitely know about it. By then..."

Needless to say, will the devils produce more jumping mines and use them on the Eighth Route Army, and will the Eighth Route Army suffer from it?After all, the Eighth Route Army has more troops.

Wang Xuexin has actually considered this issue long ago.

At this time, he smiled and replied: "Director, landmines are more useful for the defensive side, and devils are more for attacking, sweeping, and looting, so they should be more afraid of this kind of landmines, right? "

Zhang Wanhe let out an "oh" and nodded, no longer having any scruples.

Wang Xuexin actually has another consideration: jumping mines have been used on the battlefield for several years, and they are still used by devils' allies. If devils want this technology, they can easily get it.

The reason why the devils don't use it is probably because they have the same idea as Zhang Wanhe... If something so simple and capable of killing infantry in a large area is learned by the enemy, it will not be a good thing for the imperial army!
So the problem becomes simple.

What the enemy worries about, the Eighth Route Army will use.

(End of this chapter)

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