Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 265: Lujiagou

Chapter 265: Lujiagou

Wang Xuexin was completely unaware of the danger coming, and he was still training recruits in Lujiagou.

In fact, the task of training recruits has basically been handed over to Xie Baolin.

This guy was originally a teacher at a normal university and has rich teaching experience. You only need to tell him about Wang Xuexin's tactics, and he can immediately integrate them and teach them to recruits accurately, even better than Wang Xuexin's own teaching effect. fine.

This made Wang Xuexin couldn't help but lament that 360 lines are the number one.

With instructors like Xie Baolin who came from a normal school, it will be much easier to popularize any tactics in the future.

Now it is squad platoon, battalion and company tactics, and then it will be individual tactics.

As for the coordinated tactics of multiple arms... At this time, the Eighth Route Army has no air force or tanks, so of course it doesn't need much coordination.

At most, it is to practice the coordination of infantry and artillery, or the coordination of infantry and rocket launchers.

According to this development, Wang Xuexin believes that the Eighth Route Army, whose quality is not satisfactory, will become an elite soldier like the Volunteer Army in the not-too-distant future.

Thinking about the military appearance, Wang Xuexin was full of expectations.

However, military training is a long-term solution, so there is no rush.

At this time, Wang Xuexin was more in the cave of the arsenal, jumping thunder and firing smoke bombs with Su Xin and his party.

It didn't take long for these two things to be sorted out, after all, they are not complicated things.

Among them, jumping mines are especially, according to Wang Xuexin's idea of ​​using steel wires to pull the hair, in fact, it is a pulling hair thunder and then a shell, and the propellant is decorated inside.

Su Xin tested a few of them, and was surprised to find that the killing radius was as high as 50 meters...

"Its production is not difficult!" At the summary meeting, Su Xin sent the test results to the directors of each branch and said: "The cylindrical projectile is larger than the grenade, and we don't even need to toughen it. , so the production cycle and cost are shortened, and mass production can be done in a short time!"

The killing principle of jump mine is different from that of grenade.

The grenade relies on fragmented shrapnel to kill the enemy, so it is required to have more shrapnel and fly far.

Leaping mines rely on densely packed steel balls around the projectile to kill the enemy, so it does not need particularly high-quality steel.

After a pause, Su Xin continued: "If the jumping mine cooperates with the directional mine, and the two are on and off, steel balls can be shot everywhere on the battlefield, and there is no doubt that they can kill a large number of enemies."

Everyone was overjoyed when they heard it. This is undoubtedly another "artifact" suitable for equipping the Eighth Route Army.

Zhang Wanhe was more cautious, he asked calmly: "Tell me about the shortcomings!"

"The disadvantage is that it is difficult to eliminate." Su Xin replied: "If deployed in large quantities, it is very easy to cause accidental injury!"

The purpose of the Eighth Route Army's operations is to smash the enemy's sweep. Once the enemy retreats, the soldiers and civilians still have to live on this land, so mine clearance is usually required.

This is also the reason why bullet mines are so popular... Bullet mines are also convenient for quick demining. If it doesn’t work, just use a long-handled bamboo broom to slap the minefield once, and then the bullet mines will be cleared away.

But guerrillas usually don't do this. They don't want to part with those bullets and mines, and they will recycle them for reuse.

It is not enough to use this method to clear mines by jumping mines. This guy jumped up and exploded. If he is not careful, he will be blown down a large piece.

So this is a double-edged sword, powerful but also more dangerous to one's own side.

Zhang Wanhe thought for a while, and then ordered: "Comrades, we must pay attention to safety when conducting experiments. The minefields must be strictly sealed off, and fellow villagers must not be allowed to enter. In addition, the number and location of the mines that jumped must be recorded." Be clear and prepare for future demining!"

"Yes!" Su Xin replied, and of course she and Wang Xuexin were responsible for this matter.

Shinozuka Yoshio couldn't believe the location Neiji Okamura found on the map.

"Lujiagou?" Shinozuka Yoshio said, "No, Lieutenant General, there must be something wrong with this!"

"Why do you say that?" Okamura Ningji asked suspiciously.

"Our secret service team once attacked Lujiagou!" Yoshio Shinozuka explained, "But that's because we found out the location of their headquarters. We didn't find out that there was an arsenal there!"

After a pause, Shinozuka Yoshio continued: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, even if their arsenal is there, but we have already attacked Lujiagou, they will definitely move!"

"So that's it!" Neiji Okamura looked at the map, nodded slightly and said, "It's getting more and more interesting. It seems that they not only have a powerful weapon expert, but also an excellent commander!"

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, you mean..."

"Xiaozuka-kun!" Neiji Okamura laughed and said, "The Eighth Route Army just took advantage of your mentality, thinking that they would move after the attack, so they still set up the headquarters and arsenal in Lujiagou!"

Yoshio Shinozuka was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in shame: "Yes, it is indeed very possible that this subordinate is taught!"

Shinozuka Yoshio felt a sense of frustration. He felt that he was not at the same level as Neiji Okamura and the commander of the Eighth Route Army. This was a war between them. They were fighting wits and courage, and he was a foil.

As if feeling Yoshio Shinozuka's frustration, Ningji Okamura patted Yoshio Shinozuka on the shoulder and encouraged him: "Don't be discouraged, Mr. Shinozuka, our opponents are never easy, otherwise Hayao Tada won't end up sad La! What's more, you have already attacked Lujiagou, which can provide us with valuable experience!"

"Yes!" Yoshio Shinozuka replied, "I'll find the record of that battle right away!"

Neiji Okamura nodded and added: "Also, I want to meet the commander of this battle!"

"Yes!" Shinozuka Yoshio stood up and responded.

After Kazuki Yamamoto listened to Neiji Okamura's analysis, he regretted it on the spot: "My subordinates wondered why the Eighth Route Army was still guarding a few earthen houses when the headquarters was attacked. I thought it was The warehouse of the Eighth Route Army, now that I see it, it should be an arsenal!"

Then Kazuki Yamamoto stood up and pleaded: "Please give me another chance, Lieutenant General, I will definitely destroy the enemy's headquarters and arsenal!"

Neiji Okamura, who was flipping through the battle records, was silent for a while, and then replied blankly: "So, does Yamamoto-kun have a solution? I mean, if you encounter a similar situation last time, you are still sure. mission accomplished?"

This question stopped Kazuki Yamamoto.

Objectively speaking, Kazuki Yamamoto was not sure at all. Last time, his secret service team seized the opportunity to catch the enemy by surprise, but they still failed.

This shows that it is not a matter of luck, but that the opponent's strength is not inferior to his own.

Now, after the sneak attack last time, they are probably already prepared...

(End of this chapter)

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