Chapter 27 Grenade

Huang Yibin continued: "This is by no means a simple question of how many more grenade canisters! It's a question of how many more grenade canisters created by the devils are enough to destroy our entire firepower system!"

The cadres at the venue obviously agreed with Huang Yibin's words.

All of them are old revolutionaries who have fought for many years. When they brought their troops to fight against the devils on the battlefield, they never suffered from the loss of the grenade launcher, so they started talking:
"The grenade is a thing that was played by the devils. It can hit 500 meters. In addition, the devils are well-trained, so it is accurate!"

"Well, the devil first knocked out our machine gun with a grenade, and then used his machine gun to suppress our firepower, layer by layer... In the end, we who were originally weak in firepower were passively beaten. share."

"We can only use a group charge due to poor equipment, but the devil's grenade has an eight-meter killing radius, and a blast is a large area..."


The cadres are right, the existence of the grenade makes the Eighth Route Army often fall into an embarrassing situation when fighting the devils:

If you don't charge, you can't do it. The firepower is completely suppressed and you can only be passively beaten.

Charge is not enough, the personnel will be massively killed by the devil's machine guns and grenade launchers.

Therefore, charging is not about not charging or not. When a war begins, it is almost using human life to fight against the devils.

The chief nodded heavily and said, "The problem exists, but we can't be discouraged because there is a problem. If there is a problem, we must solve it. Let's brainstorm and see if there is a solution!"

The cadres whispered, knowing in their hearts that it was not easy to find a way.

The chief frowned and turned his eyes to Li Yunlong: "Li Yunlong, you just won a big victory, tell me!"

Li Yunlong said "hi": "I fought this battle by digging the trenches forward, but this trench is a bit of a moral! It's also a little northeast's stuff..."

"Stop!" The chief interrupted Li Yunlong again: "Let Comrade Xiaodongbei speak!"

Li Yunlong couldn't hang his face: "Headmaster, next time you just ask Xiaodongbei to say no?"

The cadres couldn't help laughing out loud, and the atmosphere immediately eased a lot.

This Li Yunlong was born with the appearance of not being afraid of the sky and the earth. He didn't take difficulties seriously at any time, which helped ease the pessimism in the team.

Wang Xuexin got up and talked about the tactic of "gradually digging trenches", and then concluded: "This tactic is only suitable for sloping high ground battles, and it will not work on flat ground. Moreover, if the two armies collide temporarily, it will be too late to build fortifications. This approach is not universal!"

The cadres nodded in agreement.

Ding Wei got up and said, "I've been thinking about it, can we form a sharpshooter unit to fight the devil's grenade?"

"That won't work!" Li Yunlong denied without thinking, "Let's not say that our troops lack sharpshooters..."

"The lack of sharpshooters can be trained!" Ding Wei was not to be outdone.

"The grenadier has a range of 500 meters!" Li Yunlong objected: "To train a sharpshooter who can shoot 500 meters, how much original bullets will be consumed? We don't have enough bullets for war. How can we have so many bullets for training?"

After saying that, Ding Wei was silent.

"What's more!" Li Yunlong added: "The devil's grenade is shot from the sky, and the devil can hide behind the cover to shoot, but our bullets go in a straight line, no matter how accurate the marksmanship is, we can't hit! "

Ding Wei had to sigh and admit that Li Yunlong was right.

Another suggested: "Then use machine gun fire to suppress!"

The proposal was immediately met with opposition:

"Isn't that the same thing?"

"The machine gun bullets also go in a straight line. Unless the devil does not hide, no amount of bullets will hit!"

"The machine gun was originally the key target of the devil's grenade, but it was knocked off by the grenade after only a few rings. How can it hit the grenade!"


Huang Yibin didn't say anything, and listened quietly to other people's discussions. After a while, he said, "Chief, this issue has been discussed within the National Army for a long time."

The chief gave an "oh" and said, "Let's hear it!"

Huang Yibin got up and said: "The national army has discussed several times within the army, and invited experts to argue many times. The final conclusion is that the grenade can only be used against the grenade, otherwise..."

After saying that, Huang Yibin shook his head helplessly, and he didn't need to say more.

Zhang Wanhe interjected at this time: "Are you talking about the 27-year-old grenade launcher equipped by the National Army a year ago?"

As the logistics minister, Zhang Wanhe must know the equipment of friendly and enemy troops in addition to his own equipment.

Huang Yibin nodded and added:
"In fact, the national army realized the seriousness of this problem as early as six years ago."

"At that time, the first batch of grenade launchers were imitated, but because the quality was too poor and the troops were not equipped, not many people knew about it."

"The 27-year-old grenade launcher that came out last year is just usable."

"Its performance is too different from the Devil's grenade... The range is only over 200 meters, and the accuracy is poor and there are many failures, and it still cannot reverse the situation!"

The range of more than 200 meters is less than half of the range of the Guizi Grenadier, plus the difference in accuracy, there is no need to say which is better.

At this time, Li Yunlong was not convinced. He pouted at Zhang Wanhe and said:
"I said Lao Zhang, how did you become the logistics minister?"

"The devil can build the national army, but we can't build it?"

"Isn't it just a small tube in your hand?"

"It can't be built, it's still an arsenal!"

Zhang Wanhe retorted helplessly:
"I said, Lao Li, don't underestimate this small tube in your hand."

"It's okay to say that the national army is a smoothbore gun."

"The devil's got a university question. Do you know why it hits so far and accurately?"

"It has a rifling in its small barrel, and we can't make it out of this one!"

Li Yunlong said "hey": "I still don't believe it..."

"Li Yunlong!" Seeing that Li Yunlong made the topic wrong, the chief stopped and said: "Do you think this is pretending to be a family? Piss on the pee and pile some mud, pinch it and pinch it and come out? We are arsenal. A bullet is difficult, let alone a grenade!"

Li Yunlong smiled "hehe" and replied:

"I...isn't this just talking? What if this is possible?"

"I wondered if Zhang Wan and this minister were lazy!"

"Since the chief said so, I understand!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! When I didn't say..."

What else could Zhang Wanhe say, only a wry smile on his face.

Wang Xuexin, who was listening on the side, opened his mouth and wanted to sleep, but at this moment, a "ding" sounded in his mind:
"The host has met the conditions for imitation, do you want to enable imitation mode?"

This made Wang Xuexin's half-open mouth stop in the air.

"Imitation? It's actually an imitation?"

(End of this chapter)

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