Chapter 278
As soon as the chief raised this question, everyone was in a dilemma.

Although the Eighth Route Army has a large number of troops, everyone is busy with large-scale production during this difficult period. The troops on the front line defending against the devils are already tense enough, but now they have to defend against the stubborn army?
Zhang Wanhe frowned and said: "Chief, the border between us and the stubborn army is at least several hundred kilometers away. If we send troops to guard this place, I'm afraid we won't do anything else!"

"That's why we need to hold a meeting to discuss!" The chief said: "Three cobblers can beat a Zhuge Liang, let's brainstorm together to find a solution!"

Xie Baolin said: "Why don't we lay mines at the junction? I think that jumping mines will do the trick. Putting mines at the junction can prevent both stubborn troops and devils!"

Mining mines may be a solution, but Zhang Wanhe shook his head: "Let's just plant one mine at a distance of one meter. At least hundreds of thousands of mines will be needed for hundreds of kilometers. It is not difficult to produce these mines, but several One hundred thousand or even millions of pieces... we still have nothing to do!"

This is a very real problem. The Eighth Route Army's arsenal has insufficient production capacity and limited resources, so it is impossible to do such a big deal.

In fact, Wang Xuexin thinks that the problem is not here.

The root of this problem is that "offense outweighs defense".

Devils may infiltrate from any point of the defense line, and the Eighth Route Army cannot know in advance which position the enemy will attack from, so if they want to defend, they can only defend on the whole line.

In this way, whether it is using troops or landmines, the price will be quite high.

Paying these prices is fine if it is useful, but it may still be unstoppable, because devils will always find weaknesses in it to make breakthroughs.

and so……

Wang Xuexin said: "Chief, I don't think we can do this. To guard against it, the most cost-effective way is to start with intelligence."

"The key is that they enter the stubborn army's defense zone first!" The chief of staff's face was full of helplessness: "Even if we get information and know that the devils have entered the stubborn army in disguise, what can we do with them? We can't enter the Jinsui army's defense zone to chase and intercept. Still passive!"

That's what the chief of staff said.

The main problem is that Lujiagou is too close to the junction, only a dozen miles away.

The devils in the stubborn army are equivalent to being protected by the stubborn army. The Eighth Route Army has nothing to do with them.

"Chief of Staff!" Wang Xuexin said, "Didn't the devils like to pretend to be the Eighth Route Army? They must have the uniforms of the Eighth Route Army with them... The Jinsui Army is not active in fighting devils, but it is active in fighting our Eighth Route Army!"

"But they are devils..." Before he finished speaking, the chief of staff said "oh", and then cast his eyes on the chief thoughtfully.

The chief also understood, he nodded in agreement and said: "It's a good idea! We can't be quack doctors who treat headaches and feet, just thinking about defending ourselves won't work, we can take advantage of Yan Laoxi's enthusiasm !"

The commanders and fighters in the conference room nodded in agreement.

This should be the cheapest and most effective way.

The Eighth Route Army lacks everything else, that is, there is no shortage of intelligence personnel, whether it is an enemy-occupied area or a stubborn military area.

The Devil's secret service team may be able to deceive the intelligence personnel located in the county seat and the puppet army... This is because the devil's secret service team does not operate in contact with the county seat and the puppet army.

However, our army can place intelligence personnel at the junction between the Jinsui army and the devils for precise prevention. Many of these intelligence personnel are merchants who sell salt to and from Yuncheng. not difficult.

Once the clues are found, and the intelligence personnel tell Yan Laoxi that the Eighth Route Army has infiltrated, then Yan Laoxi will arrest people like chicken blood?
After going back and forth like this, maybe there will be some conflicts between the devil and Yan Laoxi.

The situation later turned out to be exactly as Wang Xuexin had imagined. After getting "accurate" information, Yan Laoxi laid an ambush on those "Eighth Route Army" who dared to infiltrate into his defense area.

It was a real fight with real swords and guns, and it was beaten so hard that it is said that few people were left alive.

Then Yan Laoxi interrogated and found out that it was a devil, and he was still a devil who wanted to infiltrate the Eighth Route Army's defense area. He regretted it and hurriedly confessed to relax his vigilance.

I don't want to, at this time the Eighth Route Army really got room to play again, buying food, medicine, salt, etc., and they were extremely busy.

In the end, Yan Laoxi found that it was impossible to tell the real from the fake, so he could only strictly guard against it, which can be regarded as helping the base to guard the flanks.

This thing is over.

Li Yunlong then received news from Chu Yunfei.

It turned out that after Chu Yunfei got a few rocket launchers, he immediately ordered Liu Shucai to wait for a whole army of military workers to copy them with all their strength.

As a result, everything else was fine, and even made better and more refined than the original ones. For example, the bazooka charge changed the black powder into a more powerful smokeless gunpowder.

But it's just that the solid gunpowder column can't be adjusted.

Not only can't get it right, but he has no clue at all. Liu Shucai doesn't know how to make the gunpowder into a solid column.

Chu Yunfei thought, this is impossible!
There were only six rockets in total, one was tested and two were dismantled, leaving only three.

If the devil tank came up, what would the three rockets do?

In a hurry, I hope to buy a few more rockets.

He asked the adjutant to find Li Yunlong to bring a message: "Brother Yunlong, although the bazooka has some power, it still has many shortcomings. Brother, I wanted to offer some advice, but I was too quick for a while, and the six rockets have already been used up. I can only trouble Brother Yunlong Sell ​​a few more rockets, so that my brother and I can get addicted to it."

In Chu Yunfei's words, he deliberately put down the bazooka, but in fact he meant to bargain.

Chu Yunfei thought so:

A bazooka is equipped with two rockets. This rocket is equipped with at most 10,000+ catties of food!

The Jinsui Army can afford it. Didn't they "buy" a lot of food from the Eighth Route Army in French currency a while ago?
At this moment, it will be considered as returning to the original owner, one hundred rounds!

Unexpectedly, Li Yunlong responded: "Brother Chu is polite, brother Chu urgently needs rockets, brothers should be obliged. But our brothers settle accounts clearly, the old rules, one hand pays the grain and the other hand delivers, one rocket 90 catties of grain!"

Hearing this, Chu Yunfei almost spewed old blood onto the ceiling. After a while, he slapped the table with a "bang": "A rocket bomb costs 90 catties of food, Li Yunlong, you are too deceitful!"

Sun Ming said: "That's what I said too, but Li Yunlong replied that last time the rocket bomb was half sold and half given away for the face of the group seat. Unconvinced, Li Yunlong has no objection to making up the price difference of 50 catties of grain per car!"

Chu Yunfei: ...

My heart says I'm fucking sick or what?

Pay you back the difference?

(End of this chapter)

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