Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 282 Big Fish

Chapter 282 Big Fish
The chief and Zhang Wanhe couldn't help being taken aback when they heard that, they cast doubtful glances at Wang Xuexin at the same time, and asked each other one sentence at a time:
"The devil knows this technology? When did it happen?"

"Little Northeast, you can eat indiscriminately, but you can't talk indiscriminately. This matter is not a joke!"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Boss, factory director, didn't we seize the 'injection bomb' from the devil? If the devil didn't have this technology, the 'injection bomb' would not be able to make it!"

Zhang Wanhe was still a little confused when he heard it, but the chief understood it. He said "Oh", and then nodded with a laugh: "That makes sense, we just need to make this solid gunpowder column. Tell me what kind of technology it is!"

Zhang Wanhe understood what the chief said, and he nodded again and again: "That makes sense, this 'injection bomb' is a secret project for the devils. The Jinsui Army doesn't know that this thing has two sets of technologies , can't we just give him the tricks of the devil?"

"That's right!" The chief waved his hands and said, "So, this deal can be done!"

After a pause, he asked with some concern: "Is there any difference between the solid gunpowder column made with the devil's technique and ours?"

The chief is worried that Chu Yunfei has a few in stock, and if they compare the two and find that they are different, then they will show their feet.

"Don't worry, chief!" Zhang Wanhe replied positively: "The finished products produced by the two technologies are almost exactly the same, and there is no difference. If there is any difference, it is that the devil's set is a bit less accurate. But the problem of accuracy... ...we can explain that they didn't calender enough and the powder was not evenly distributed!"

"That's it!" Wang Xuexin said, "Just tell them to press it a few times, and the more you press, the more even it will be!"

Zhang Wanhe opened his mouth for a long time and did not close it.

He participated in the production of gunpowder column all the way, and he knew that rolling with 100-degree rollers was the most difficult and dangerous of the eleven processes.

But Xiaodongbei confessed that he pressed it several times, and "the more he pressed, the more evenly he pressed"?
Isn't this for fear that something will happen to others?
Still, why not?
Zhang Wanhe swallowed his saliva with a "gudong" and said, "Isn't it? If you want to improve flight stability, you must press it several times!"

Wang Xuexin continued solemnly: "We did the same thing, there is no way! We have sacrificed several people!"

"That must be!" Zhang Wanhe nodded, "That's why these rockets are worth the money. They are all bought with human lives. 50 catties of grain are exchanged for one round, which is not expensive at all!"

"We sold it all at a cheap price!" Wang Xuexin raised his chin: "If it is someone else, we can't buy it at this price!"

"I definitely can't buy it!" Speaking of Zhang Wanhe, he couldn't hold back his laughter.

The chief was also happy: "You two are still singing the oboe here! Well, let's do it! It's a pity that the grain business can't be done..."

Before the words fell, a correspondent came forward with a telegram and reported: "Chief, the chief of staff called, saying that the recalcitrant army intends to buy rocket launchers, please give instructions!"

The chief held the telegram and looked at Wang Xuexin and the others. Just now he said that the grain business could not be done, but the business came to him?

It turned out that the chief of staff was having a meeting with the stubborn army in Yangcheng at the moment.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army and the Recalcitrant Army were actually in a state of delicate balance. The Recalcitrant Army had already imposed a blockade on the Eighth Route Army from all aspects and even attacked the New Fourth Army, but on the surface it was still a cooperative relationship.

This time at the meeting in Yangcheng, the recalcitrant army was the first to file a complaint, accusing the Eighth Route Army of violating the agreement and issuing border currency in the base area.

What a fucking joke, beating someone and accusing others of fighting back!

The chief of staff argued hard at the meeting, condemning the recalcitrant army and devils for colluding in plunder, blocking base areas and destroying the united front, and so on.

However, these are not the purpose of the stubborn army.

The representative of the stubborn army is a Colonel named Jiang Guorui, a negotiator who returned from studying in the United States.

When the meeting was heating up, Jiang Guorui interrupted coldly: "Chief of Staff, I heard that your army used a new piece of equipment to defeat the enemy's tank squadron in Yucun. Congratulations! If your army has sincerity and unanimity, is it true? Should we be honest about the technology of this equipment?"

It turned out that in Yucun World War I, the Eighth Route Army defeated the Devils, a chariot squadron and another brigade with a regiment of troops, which can be said to have shocked the stubborn army.

In particular, the recalcitrant army is extremely short of anti-tank equipment, but the Eighth Route Army can easily destroy the devil's tanks with a single soldier equipment, which immediately aroused great attention from Chongqing.

This meeting is called the issuance of border area coins for the accountability base, but it is actually for this anti-tank equipment.

The chief of staff was stunned when he heard this. A batch of bazookas were sold to the Jinsui army, but the stubborn army didn't know it at all?
This fully shows that the recalcitrant army is full of internal contradictions and has different intentions.

That's good, does it mean that it can be sold again?
The chief of staff was secretly delighted, but his face remained calm, and he asked: "Colonel, in this way, should your army's technology also need to be honest with our army?"

The chief of staff thought that this would make the other party speechless, but unexpectedly he fell into the trap set by the other party.

"Of course!" Jiang Guorui replied very simply: "If your army needs any technology, as long as our army has it, our army will know everything!"

The Chief of Staff was stunned.

What the Eighth Route Army urgently needed was not technology, to be precise, it was not unnecessary, but that it had no industrial foundation and equipment, so even if it got the technology, it would not be able to use it.

Jiang Guorui saw this point for sure, so he said, "Know everything without saying what you can say."

Fortunately, the chief of staff was clever, and he immediately replied: "It's a pity that the bazooka has no technology at all. Even if our army wants to exchange it with your army, I'm afraid there is no way to exchange it!"

Jiang Guorui's eyes lit up when he heard this.

This is the same as the previous speculation from Chongqing. They all think that the things made by Tuba Road are not technically difficult, and there is a high probability that they made them up by chance using local methods.

Therefore, as long as you can get a few samples and take them apart, you can quickly imitate them.

Originally, Jiang Guorui was not sure.

Now hearing what the chief of staff said, this matter is basically confirmed.

Jiang Guorui pretended to hesitate for a while, and said, "In this case, how about we exchange some rocket launchers for our military equipment or ammunition, I don't know what the chief of staff thinks?"

The chief of staff replied: "Colonel, in fact, our army is even more short of food..."

"Food is okay!" Jiang Guorui was calm on the surface, but his heart was bursting with ecstasy.

Sure enough, it is Tubalu, and they are actually willing to sell it, just for some food?

This is an anti-tank weapon, don't they know its value?
What Jiang Guorui didn't know was that the Chief of Staff was thinking:

Another big fish takes the bait...

No, it's not a bite, it's a jump right into the pot!

(End of this chapter)

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