Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 284 Digging a Pit

Chapter 284 Digging a Pit
Wang Xuexin didn't want to use any simple wooden tools, but the Eighth Route Army had this requirement, and these tools are said to be only available in Shanghai...

Shanghai is a special place.

At this time, China's industrial level was very backward, and it lagged behind Western countries in all fields. Many things were advanced and rare in Chongqing, but Shanghai was very common because of its many concessions and factories.

For example, the old-fashioned production of solid gunpowder columns requires horizontal mixers, differential constant temperature calenders, etc. This is the case.

The Eighth Route Army couldn't have traveled thousands of miles and worked so hard to go to Shanghai to buy these things at a high price and make them for Chu Yunfei, right?

This is still under lockdown!

Not to mention that it is difficult to do, even if it is done, it is not true... Chu Yunfei saw that the Eighth Route Army actually had these things?Shouldn't they all be silly things?Will there be fraud in it?
So I got suspicious right away!
Wang Xuexin asked the stunned Asano Aihara: "Is there any problem? I can't do it with homemade tools?"

"No, no, it can be done!" Asano Aihara hurriedly replied: "Actually, the reason why these tools are needed is that they can be more accurate in mixing speed and temperature, so that risks can be reduced as much as possible and better results can be achieved during rolling and mixing." Good results, self-made tools are either impossible, or..."

"Is it more dangerous?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Yes!" Asano Aihara replied: "For example, if the temperature of the roller is too high, it will catch fire or even explode. If it is too low, the rolling effect will not be good..."

"Pressing more times can improve the effect?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"Of course, but..." Asano wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wang Xuexin.

"That's enough!" Wang Xuexin said, "Let's start now!"

Wang Xuexin knew what Asano was going to say.

Using this kind of self-made tool is inherently dangerous, and pressing it a few times means multiplying the danger, which will definitely affect the output in the end.

What Asano didn't know was that this was exactly what Wang Xuexin wanted.

This wasn't exactly a trick to Chu Yunfei.

In fact, the Jinsui Army has a lot of military personnel in their hands. After all, the former Taiyuan Arsenal is one of the best in China, and Yan Laoxi has also recruited many talents who have returned from studying abroad.

The most typical one is a man named Zhang Kai. He graduated from Devil Empire University in chemical engineering. After returning, he succeeded in imitating cheap ammonium nitrate explosives. This explosive was also named "Kaizi explosive" by Yan Laoxi.

Since Yan Laoxi has these talents, they will soon discover the prototypes of these tools of the Eighth Route Army, and then go to Shanghai to buy them by themselves, and then they can improve the safety and efficiency of production.

Wang Xuexin did this because first, the self-made tools were more in line with the situation of the Eighth Route Army, and second, he hoped to make the enemy feel underestimated...

When they saw the process of the Eighth Route Army producing solid gunpowder columns, they were probably going to breathe a sigh of relief.

It turns out that the production of this thing is so difficult and dangerous, especially if Eight Road is still producing with such crude equipment, it must not be mass-produced, so why worry about it?

This is very important.

Because it was after the Hundred Regiments War that the stubborn army discovered that the Eighth Route Army had grown to more than 100 regiments, so it completely turned its guns against the Eighth Route Army.

If they find out that the Eighth Route Army can mass-produce rocket launchers... then don't they have to tear themselves apart immediately?

Then Wang Xuexin stayed at the headquarters for a few more days. After these homemade tools were completed and the workers could operate them skillfully, he rushed to Zhaojiayu with peace of mind.

When I arrived at the regiment headquarters and told Li Yunlong about the situation, Li Yunlong laughed "heh heh": "Damn it, I haven't replied for so many days, and I said this business is going to be a mess. I didn't expect the superior to agree to it!"

"You have to agree!" Wang Xuexin said, "This is a bullet production line. We only hope for the stars and the moon. Can you disagree?"

"That's what I said!" Li Yunlong felt the same way: "Isn't it just a rocket? Such a gadget, it's worth it to change it to a baby that can shoot bullets! But the political commissar kept saying that we should be cautious. Be cautious. What? If we are worried that the enemy will use rocket launchers against us, wouldn’t we be done with all the things that can deal with rocket launchers?”

Wang Xuexin responded with his mouth, but secretly said in his heart, you treat this research and development equipment as a treat for dinner, and if you say research and development, you will develop it!
What's more, there is no good way to deal with the bazooka even in modern times!
In contrast, Zhao Gang seemed much more cautious. He asked Wang Xuexin: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, is there really no problem? Has the superior thought it through?"

"Don't worry, political commissar!" Wang Xuexin replied: "The superiors have considered it clearly! The chief said that we have to look at the issue from the perspective of national justice. A large part of the reason why the stubborn army was defeated in front of the devils was that they did not have anti-tank equipment. .With the bazooka, this gap has been filled to a certain extent, and the anti-tank and anti-armor capabilities of the recalcitrant army have been enhanced. This is beneficial to China and the cause of fighting against Japan!"

Zhao Gang nodded slightly in agreement.

It's not that he didn't think about it.

If the stubborn army used bazookas to deal with the devils, he would not be worried at all.

What he worries about is...

With the virtue of the stubborn army, I'm afraid it will be used more to deal with our own people, and even leak the technology to the devils.

Wang Xuexin went on to say: "The chief also said that at this time, the recalcitrant army's negative anti-war sentiment is very serious, the morale of the army is very low, and the phenomenon of surrender and rebellion is repeated. We sell the bazooka technology to the recalcitrant army so that they have anti-tank capabilities. To a certain extent, boost their morale and stop this unhealthy trend!"

At this time, the situation of the stubborn army was indeed as Wang Xuexin said, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that there was no morale.

This is a blow to the morale of the vice president Wang Puppet who defected to the enemy.

The second is that the equipment of the stubborn army is indeed at an absolute disadvantage, and the mentality of fear of failure and fear of the enemy is common in the army.

At this time, the puppet Wang seized on this psychological propaganda of the so-called "curve to save the country" theory, so he found a high-sounding excuse for these capitulationists.

What's more serious is that the Chongqing side actually started a truce negotiation with the devils secretly at this time when it should be the toughest and the morale should be boosted...

Of course, this "secret" will not be a secret, the devil will secretly reveal the wind through his own channels.

So the recalcitrant army from top to bottom has no intention of fighting the war, but it is full of energy to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

"That's right!" Zhao Gang nodded again and again: "In other words, selling bazookas is not just a matter of equipment, it is a matter of joint resistance and unanimity to the outside world, and it should be sold!"

Wang Xuexin added: "Political commissar, many of our comrades do not understand this truth, and may have some thoughts and opinions on this..."

"Leave it to me!" Zhao Gang responded without thinking: "I will hold a meeting another day, and I will convey the thoughts of the chief to let comrades fully understand the meaning and importance of this transaction!"

Li Yunlong smiled "hehe" and didn't speak, but gave Xiaodongbei a meaningful look.

Damn, this kid is too brave!
Dare to dig a hole and let the political commissar jump!
(End of this chapter)

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