Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 291 Complaint

Chapter 291 Complaint

The chief of staff, who had been silent all this time, was so preoccupied that he couldn't be happy.After the conference room quieted down, he said seriously, "Comrades, do you know why the stubborn army is willing to make this deal and even volunteered to give us 5000 million central reserve certificates?"

There was silence in the conference room.

After a while, Ding Wei said: "Chief of Staff, is the stubborn army trying to take advantage of us?"

"That's right!" Li Yunlong stood up and said carelessly: "The stubborn army must want to use our hands to deal with the devils, but we have to deal with the devils, and the stubborn army is wasting all our efforts! If there is anything else, such as a gun Oh shit, just send it, I will take it all!"

The chief of staff shook his head and said: "There is another very important reason, which we found out when we went to negotiate. The recalcitrant army not only negotiated with the devils, but also hoped that a third country would intervene in the mediation and end the war at the cost of recognizing the Puppet Manchukuo! "

Before the words fell, the meeting room exploded, and the cadres were filled with righteous indignation and condemned:

"What? Isn't this a cession of land for peace?"

"These bastards! All the land of our ancestors has been lost!"

"Losing power, humiliating the country, being greedy for life and fearing death, they have come to this point!"


Although the cadres knew that the recalcitrant army was seeking a truce with the devils, they did not expect to pay the price of the Northeast, which was not allowed by the Eighth Route Army.

As a modern person, Wang Xuexin also knew something about this matter, but he didn't know it was at this time and he couldn't remember it clearly. Now when the chief of staff said it, he remembered it.

What the chief of staff was talking about should be the so-called "understanding" reached between the devil and Ying Jiang.

Wang Xuexin knew even more than the Chief of Staff.

There are several clauses in this agreement:

[-]. The stubborn army recognized the puppet state of Manchuria.

Second, the stubborn army agreed to merge with the Wang puppet regime.

[-]. Guarantee that the devils have mining rights in the south.

Under the condition that all these conditions are agreed, Ying Jiang will promote the truce and peace talks between the devils and Chongqing.

It is clear what this will do to Huaxia.

First of all, the Northeast will be ceded by Chongqing. The devils have even launched a plan to immigrate by one million people. As of this year, the first batch of 10 immigrants has been completed.

The devils called these immigrants the "land reclamation group." When these immigrants arrived in the Northeast, they immediately allocated land and assigned a few Chinese people as serfs.

One of the reasons for doing this is to develop agriculture and industry as soon as possible to make the Northeast a logistics supply base for devils, and the other is to completely turn it into the land of devils.

The second is that the traitors Wang and Puppets will be "converted to regular positions."

But of course they are still on the side of the devils, and they can justifiably continue to maintain the Peaceful Nationalist Army, so they have become a semi-colony of the devils.

There is also the so-called mining right, which is justifiably plundering resources.

In other words, Yingjiang's so-called "peace talks" are actually completely sacrificing the interests of China to promote the devils to cease fighting, and it is not an exaggeration to say that using China's people and land to please the devils is not an exaggeration.

The devil's truce is very beneficial to Ying Jiang, because in this way, Ying Jiang can sell resources on both sides: one side sells to the devil and the other sells to Huaxia, and they are all at high prices.

It's not like it is now. On the one hand, Yingjiang had to impose an embargo on the devils due to domestic and foreign pressures. On the other hand, the Chinese coastline was blocked by the devils and only a small amount of imports could be made.

Eagle Sauce is a country where capitalists control the political power. Of course he doesn't like the situation where both ends can't do business.

As for China's interests... Anyway, it is someone else's property, so sacrifice is sacrifice, Ying Jiang doesn't feel bad at all.

At this time, the Chongqing side was already scared of being beaten by the devils, as long as the war could be ceased, it would not matter about the territorial issue.

The chief of staff continued: "Because the recalcitrant army is secretly compromising with the devils, they don't want to offend the devils by fighting a financial war at this time, so they simply gave us the backlog of central reserve coupons and printing equipment! This also shows that they Negative attitude at this time!"

"The situation is very serious!" The chief frowned and said, "Once they reach an agreement, our army will fall into complete passiveness, and the anti-Japanese united front will also collapse. The situation is not optimistic!"

Wang Xuexin understood what the chief meant.

The situation in Huaxia at this time is that the stubborn army is facing the devils head-on. Although most of them are in a state of truce, they have at least restrained the main force of the devils.

Once the recalcitrant army and the devils have reached an agreement, not to mention being passive on the territorial issue, the devils can also withdraw troops from the front line to deal with the Eighth Route Army.

And there is a stubborn army on the side, Hushi Dandan, who may launch a fatal blow to the Eighth Route Army at any time.

At that time, the situation on the battlefield will become that devils, puppet troops and recalcitrant troops will encircle the Eighth Route Army together...

Li Yunlong stood up with a "teng", and cursed angrily: "Damn it, don't care if they stop fighting, anyway, we want to fight to the end, and we will never end until we drive the devils out! It doesn't matter if the stubborn army doesn't fight, they I usually do a lot of stabbing in the back, if I dare to do it, I will clean them up too!"

Everyone also agreed:
"That's right, if the stubborn army doesn't fight, let's fight!"

"They want to cede land for peace, it's not that easy! We don't admit it!"

"These bastards are no different from traitors!"


Wang Xuexin was not so excited.

Because he knows it won't happen.

Yingjiang and the pair of devils did give enough generous conditions.

In fact, there is no need to be more than generous, it is simply speaking from the devil's point of view: all the territories occupied by the devil are recognized, either ceded or turned into a semi-colony, and their mining rights are also recognized.

There is nothing more shameless than this!
Ying Jiang estimated that the devil would definitely agree, because there is an "embargo" on the other side. 80.00% of the devil's oil comes from Ying Jiang. He has a carrot and a big stick. Can he not control the devil to death?

However, Ying Jiang underestimated the devil's ambition.

The devils are not satisfied with the current results at all. What they want is the whole of China, and they don't like to be controlled by Yingjiang.

Therefore, the devils signed the so-called "understanding" on the surface, but secretly they were actively preparing for the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Wang Xuexin knew that this would be the direction in the future, so he didn't worry about the situation where the Eighth Route Army would be encircled by devils, puppet troops, and recalcitrant troops.


Just as he was holding this idea, the system suddenly turned red, representing danger.

Wang Xuexin cursed in his heart, I'll go
(End of this chapter)

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