Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 297 Flanking

Chapter 297 Flanking
This is actually turbo spin stabilization.

It is not difficult to do this. Six spray holes with a 30% inclination are designed symmetrically around the tail. These spray holes will generate some lateral force to rotate the shell.

Its advantage is that it can rotate by itself to achieve stable flight, which makes the rocket out of the empennage and is as convenient to manufacture, transport and launch as a cannonball.

The downside is that it requires some extra fuel.

A few years later, the Devil's rocket launcher was designed to fly in this way. As a result, the shortcomings of the rocket, which was originally insufficient in range, became more obvious.

The rocket launcher basically doesn't have to worry about this, because its rocket is large in size and has a lot of charges, and the extra fuel lost for rotation is almost negligible.

While Wang Xuexin was busy developing rocket launchers, Okamura Ningji was taking the time to mobilize troops and condemn generals.

Ningji Okamura was very disappointed with the result of Kazuki Yamamoto's surprise attack on Lujiagou last time.

He never got angry easily, and he scolded Yamamoto Kazuki: "What's the matter? The elite troops of the empire, the enemy and our troops are similar in strength, and our army took advantage of the sneak attack, but in the end they lost their troops and returned home! Isn't it a matter of personal ability? Isn't it a matter of command? You should stay in Lujiagou with your subordinates!"

Kazuki Yamamoto, who still had bandages on his hands, could only keep saying yes.

In fact, Yamamoto himself did not expect such a disastrous defeat. Only 100 people from the [-] special agent team returned, and only a dozen people from the mainland advance team survived. Including other soldiers, only a total of more than [-] people escaped. .

An elite team of more than 500 people, and Lujiagou's opponent with similar offensive strength is the Eighth Route Army... It is unimaginable to suffer such losses.

Yoshio Shinozuka couldn't bear Kazuki Yamamoto being scolded like this.

In fact, the more important thing is that the secret service team has always been the ace unit that the First Army is proud of, so the failure of the secret service team is the failure of the First Army, and by the way, he, the commander of the First Army, also loses face.

So Yoshio Shinozuka excused Kazuki Yamamoto and said: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, this attack at least shows that our guess is correct. Lujiagou is indeed the equipment research and development center of the Eighth Route Army, because a large number of weapons appeared in Lujiagou. 'Jumping Thunder', we've never seen it anywhere else! This is something Yamamoto-kun didn't expect!"

Neiji Okamura nodded. He also knew that there was a reason for the contingent's disastrous defeat. Landmines are the nemesis of infantry. No country in the world has a good solution to this, and Kazuki Yamamoto certainly has no way.

What's more, what the task force encountered was a huge destructive jumping mine.

Then, Shinozuka Yoshio asked strangely: "How could the Eighth Route Army have such a thunderstorm?"

It's no wonder Yoshio Shinozuka said that. Although this kind of landmines are very common in Europe and America, China is already under the blockade of the empire at this time.

Even if Huaxia introduced jumping mines, it should be equipped by Chongqing's army first.
But in the current situation, it still appears first in the troops of the Eighth Route Army.

"That..." Kazuki Yamamoto interjected, "Your Excellency, the jumping mines used by the Eighth Route Army are different. They are pulled by steel wires to detonate the mines!"

Ningji Okamura squinted his eyes, and said thoughtfully: "It is simple and practical to use a wire to pull the fuze without a delay fuze. It really is the Eighth Route Army! It seems that this is another equipment developed by their weapons experts themselves. Now, and it is likely to be experimenting, our task force has run into the minefield they are experimenting with!"

"So that's how it is!" Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, then was taken aback, and said, "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, if the Eighth Route Army mass-produces these mines and distributes them to the guerrillas..."

Neiji Okamura nodded, which was exactly what he was worried about.

It may be easy to deal with such landmines on the frontal battlefield. You can use tanks to crush them, or use grenades to blow them up. If it doesn't work, you can use artillery.


When sweeping or patrolling the law and order area, landmines are hard to guard against.

In the past, ordinary landmines were fine, with only a small number of injuries.

But now, a single jumping mine could bring down a squad, and the Imperial Army couldn't figure out who caused it.

"Have they grown into such terrifying opponents?" Yoshio Shinozuka was a little afraid to think about it: "If this continues, the imperial army is likely to lose control of the security area, and even the security area will be further compressed .”

Neiji Okamura replied: "Mr. Shinozuka, do you think that's all?"

"Your Excellency means..." Shinozuka Yoshio didn't understand what Okamura was referring to.

"Xiaozuka-kun!" Neiji Okamura said, "From bullet mines, to mortars, spray bombs, steel ball mines, and now there are jump mines. Do you think their new equipment will end here? "

Shinozuka Yoshio said "yes", thinking that what Okamura said makes sense, if the equipment has been in research and development, it doesn't make sense to suddenly stop.

Unless the imperial army can kill this weapon expert.

Okamura Neiji said worriedly: "All these equipments are easy to produce, low in price, fast in production speed, and have amazing lethality. If this continues, I dare not imagine what else this weapons expert can create. Come out with more powerful equipment!"

This made Ningji Okamura a little frustrated.

Although he is a China hand, he never thought that one day he would have to worry about the weapons of the Eighth Route Army.

"Then!" Yoshio Shinozuka said, "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, should we concentrate our main force to attack Lujiagou!"

Neiji Okamura set his sights on Kazuki Yamamoto.

Kazuki Yamamoto attacked Lujiagou twice, and he was very familiar with the terrain in that area. Neji Okamura wanted to hear his opinion.

Kazuki Yamamoto understood, stood up and bowed his head and replied: "Your Excellency, the terrain of Lujiagou is very dangerous. To attack from the front, you have to cross a road that is more than ten miles long and has highlands on both sides. These highlands are all built with anti-slope fortifications. !"

So Shinozuka Yoshio knew that a frontal attack would not work.

The anti-slope fortifications require troops to fight over one by one. Let alone whether they can be taken down, even if they are taken down, let alone weapons experts, the arsenal may have moved away.

What's more, in front of Lujiagou is Zhaojiayu, which has repeatedly defeated the imperial army.

Bombing from the air will have no effect, and the enemy's arsenal is all built in caves.

After a pause, Neiji Okamura asked, "So, what about attacking from the flank?"

Kazuki Yamamoto looked puzzled: "But, Lieutenant General, the flank is the army from Chongqing..."

"You just need to answer yes or no!" Neiji Okamura interrupted Kazuki Yamamoto impatiently.

"Yes!" Kazuki Yamamoto stood up and replied: "From the point of view of the flank attack, it is completely feasible at present. The defense of the flank is very weak. As far as I know, the Eighth Route Army is reclaiming land on a large scale to get rid of the plight of food shortage. Therefore, the flank attack There are very few fortifications on the highlands, and the vegetation has been cleared and turned into fields!"

Okamura Ningji nodded, this is the answer he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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