Chapter 300
The rocket launcher went into series production after only one full charge.

This is not because Zhang Wanhe and others were careless, but because wartime equipment is not waiting for others, not to mention that the Eighth Route Army is still blank in the long-range equipment area.

Before that, the equipment that the Eighth Route Army could hit the farthest was the original Ghost Cannon seized from the devils. It can hit the original shells up to 2 kilometers, but this is not counted, because the original shells can be counted with ten fingers come over.

Further inside, it is the self-produced ghost cannon, but the number is also pitifully small.

The rocket launcher is six kilometers long, and the range of firepower has more than doubled. The shells can be produced by themselves and the output is not low. This is a problem from scratch. No matter what the problem is, it has its value. .

So Zhang Wanhe immediately reported to the chief to apply for mass production.

The chief didn't believe it when he heard that the rockets could hit six kilometers: "Is it true? Six kilometers, this rocket launcher can provide fire cover for Zhaojiayu in the headquarters!"

Although Zhaojiayu is more than ten miles away from the headquarters, it is on a winding mountain road and highway, and the straight-line distance is less than six kilometers.

"Of course it is true!" Zhang Wanhe replied: "This shot hit Wujiaba, but fortunately no one was hurt, otherwise my old bone would have to pay for my life!"

The chief's eyes lit up: "Can you reach Wujiaba? Not bad, it's six kilometers away!"

Then he asked again: "How about the spread area?"

Zhang Wanhe replied: "I haven't tried it yet, I only fired one shot! I was thinking... Shall we try to let the enemy go?"

On the one hand, Zhang Wanhe had lingering fears because he almost hit Wujiaba before;
Then Zhang Wanhe added: "Chief, I heard that the devils have concentrated a lot of artillery on the blockade. Let's... use the devils' artillery to practice?"

The chief thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "It's not appropriate to do this, it may expose the firepower of our army in advance and make the enemy prepare!"

It is reasonable for the chief to say this. As a commander, he is more concerned about the overall situation and strategy.

For him, this rocket launcher should be used as a secret weapon, instead of sacrificing the suddenness of the equipment in battle because it is reluctant to bear a dozen rounds of shells. The value on the battlefield is likely to be far greater than a dozen rounds of shells much.

"What's more!" The chief added: "If we hit the enemy's position, how can we determine the area of ​​spread?"

Zhang Wanhe immediately felt that he was being petty, so he nodded, "Sure, then... shall we take a look first?"

"Fight, of course!" The chief nodded and said, "Only after fighting will you know what role it can play on the battlefield, and only after fighting will you know how to command it. You can't be reluctant to part with these shells!"

As a result, the arsenal conducted the one and only test firing with a full ammunition.

For this test firing, both the chief and the chief of staff came, and they also brought paperwork to record the whole process.

The arsenal had also made full preparations. Under Zhang Wanhe's arrangement, the two kilometers around the target area was cleared, and the guards were specially dispatched to search the surrounding highlands for several days.

This is not only for the safety of the people, but also to worry that spies and spies will discover the secret weapon of the Eighth Route Army hidden in it.

Finally, he connected the phone and set up an artillery position for the devils on the shooting range with wooden sticks and other simulations.

Then Zhang Wanhe gave an order, and the rockets flew out one after another.

It is not an exaggeration to use the word "magnificent" to describe that scene. In a choking smoke, the rocket flew into the sky with its unique whistling sound and went straight to the destination, and then a burst of "boom" exploded. A barrage exploded in the direction of the shooting range.

When the smoke dissipated, it was found that the mud behind the rocket launcher had been burnt black, and a few branches scattered on the ground had been ignited. The guards were worried that it would cause an accident, so they hurried forward to step on the fire while holding their noses. off.

The chief and the chief of staff held up the binoculars and looked at the shooting range from a distance, but they only saw fire and smoke but did not know the result.

Then the excited shout came from the phone: "Destroy the enemy artillery positions, repeat, destroy the enemy artillery positions..."

The headquarters erupted in cheers in an instant.

Prior to this, many people were still worried about the feasibility of the bazooka, which is a method of combat based on numbers... After all, theory is theory, and actual combat may be another matter.

For example, last time, everyone thought it could only cover four kilometers, but it turned out to be six kilometers. Does that mean it missed the target by two kilometers?

But now, a dozen complete rockets have accurately covered the target area, and everyone's hanging heart finally fell.

Six kilometers!
A few seconds of launch time will instantly destroy an enemy artillery position!
This was simply a fantasy for the Eighth Route Army before, and no one dared to believe it!

But it's in front of us now.

Moreover, one rocket launcher has such power, so what about two, three or even more?

The chief held Zhang Wanhe's hand, he was so excited that he couldn't speak, then he found Wang Xuexin, patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder, and said: "There is something wrong, Xiaobei! With this rocket launcher, our team finally has It’s the same artillery that can be used!”

The chief of staff stepped forward and asked: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, this rocket... uses the same solid gunpowder column, the kind that others can't learn?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied: "It is the kind that others have difficulties in producing, but we can produce easily!"

Everyone laughed knowingly.

On Chu Yunfei's side, he did encounter the difficulties Wang Xuexin mentioned.

In fact, Chu Yunfei always felt that something was wrong, because he felt that this technique came too easily.

But on the one hand, he felt that the Eighth Route Army might not know the value of this technology, and on the other hand, the solid gunpowder column was indeed produced with these dozens of processes, and Chu Yunfei had nothing to say.

In addition to the slow production speed and dangerous production process, everything else is fine, so why doubt it?
Chu Yunfei also sent people to Shanghai to buy tools quickly. After using the new tools, the speed has indeed improved, but mass production is still not possible.

Chu Yunfei frowned and asked Sun Ming: "It is difficult for us to produce a hundred rockets a month, but the Eighth Route Army can equip rocket launchers to each regiment in a short time. Is there any problem?"

Chu Yunfei was very well informed. He knew that the Eighth Route Army had already used rocket launchers in large numbers to attack devils' artillery towers on the blockade.

Sun Ming replied: "Tuan Zuo, the Eighth Route Army is different from us. They can easily mobilize a large number of people to produce for them. Although the speed is slow, they can invest more manpower. But we..."

Needless to say, the recalcitrant army has a bad reputation among the people, and it is almost a fool's dream to want the people to work for them for free.

After thinking about it, Chu Yunfei thought it was right, so he temporarily dispelled his doubts.

After hesitating for a while, Chu Yunfei ordered: "Immediately recruit flexible soldiers from the army, let them learn production methods and put them into production, at least two hundred rockets per month!"

(End of this chapter)

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