Chapter 386

When Zhu Ziming was about to leave, Wang Xuexin said to Li Yunlong at the right time: "Commander, I was thinking... Since this devil set a trap in the northwest corner, their forces must be concentrated in the northwest direction, why don't we change the direction?" Breakthrough?"

Li Yunlong replied: "You mean... let's go northeast?"

"That's what it means!" Wang Xuexin replied: "When it's dark and the devils can't figure out the situation, let's secretly change direction and walk a few miles east. The devils must not have many troops in that area, and they are unprepared. Already!"

Although the devils have invested a division's troops, but this division is surrounded by a large area and it is still a mountainous area. There is still a shortage of troops here and there.

Li Yunlong pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes, just do it like this, this method is much more reliable! I think..."

As he spoke, he took out the map from his pocket, and the guard hurriedly spread out his rain cape to block the light.

Li Yunlong looked at the map with a flashlight inside, and said, "I think Mawei Slope is suitable, so let's break through from there!"

Wang Xuexin looked at the location and found it suitable, not too far and not too close, seven miles away.

If it is too far away, the devils will react and find no one there, and they will be prepared in other directions, and it is best to break out before dawn, as it will not be so easy after dawn.

If they get close, the devils here will rush to reinforce as soon as the gunshots to break out of the siege, and then they will fall into the trap even more.

Thinking about it, Wang Xuexin nodded and said, "Success, it's Maweipo!"

When it was over, Wang Xuexin looked in the direction where Zhu Ziming left. Although it was dark and he couldn't see clearly, Wang Xuexin still faintly saw a black shadow flashing.

Apparently, Zhu Ziming was eavesdropping secretly and heard the location, so he really left now to avoid suspicion.

Then, Li Yunlong made a series of arrangements.

He designated a platoon to stay in this area, creating the illusion that the independent regiment had not left, and ordered them to retreat to the hinterland of the mountain in the other direction to mislead the devils.

A platoon of small troops is more flexible in activities in the mountains and does not have to worry too much about being encircled and suppressed. Moreover, Li Yunlong left food for a few days and gathered some bullets for them, so that they can fight guerrillas in the mountains after retreating, and break out of the siege when they have a chance. establish.

The other troops moved silently in the dark.

The Eighth Route Army is very experienced in this regard. They have often moved or sneaked under the nose of the enemy before...the equipment is too poor, so the Eighth Route Army can only try to take advantage of the suddenness of the battle.

Wang Xuexin was greatly impressed by the soldiers' operations.

For example, iron products are wrapped in cloth to prevent them from bumping into each other and making noise when marching.

Another example is that the kettle is full of water.

That is to say, two and a half pots are made into one pot, and if the pot is not satisfied, it is emptied.

This is because a half pot of water will make a "ding dong" sound when walking, but there is no problem with a full pot or an empty pot.

Finally, check the backpack again to make sure there are no metal hard objects in the bag before setting off.

As the team advanced in the dark, there was no sound at all, and the soldiers walked slowly one by one, without pushing or squeezing, in a very orderly manner.

If you hadn't walked to the front, you wouldn't have noticed that there was still a team in the jungle lined up like ants moving forward.

On the other hand, the troops staying in place deliberately made some noise to cover the transfer of the main force.

After walking for more than half an hour, the speed slowly increased, and then the soldiers straightened up one by one.

Wang Xuexin realized that he was safe for the time being, so he rushed to the front of the team and found Li Yunlong.

Wang Xuexin looked around and made sure that Zhu Ziming was not nearby, so he lowered his voice and said, "Leader, we can't hit Maweipo!"

"What are you talking about?" Li Yunlong became a little annoyed: "Little Northeast, how can you change today? You can't joke about wars. After a while, people have come here, why don't you tell me? went!"

"Regimental Leader!" Wang Xuexin said, "Don't you think there is something wrong with Zhu Ziming?"

Li Yunlong was startled, and asked solemnly: "What's wrong? Just because the captives provided false information? That's not their fault..."

"Commander!" Wang Xuexin interrupted Li Yunlong and asked, "Is the security department in charge of capturing the prisoners? Or did you order the security department to do this?"

Li Yunlong couldn't help but gasp when he heard that.

He didn't think about this before, but now that Wang Xuexin said it... he really thinks it is.

Capture of prisoners has always been the work of scouts, and the task of the security department is to ensure that the troops are not infiltrated by the enemy. Zhu Ziming is meddling in his own business.

"I can't tell..." Li Yunlong said, "This is a coincidence that the Security Section bumped into it when it was patrolling!"

To prevent the enemy from infiltrating, the security department needs to patrol around the troops, and it is not impossible to bump into the puppet troops.

"If it's patrolling, shouldn't it be divided into several parts and take turns?" Wang Xuexin replied: "But I found out that this prisoner was captured by seven people from the Security Section! And it was two miles away from our army's habitat!"

Hearing this, Li Yunlong fell silent. The patrol would not go that far, and it was clearly a purposeful capture of prisoners.

Wang Xuexin added: "What's more, what's the point of catching the captives and collecting information under these circumstances? Not only can you not get any valuable information, but you may expose your position, right?"

Captive interrogation is usually before attacking the enemy's position, because it is necessary to know the enemy's strength, designation, firepower and other information.

It is very rare for Zhu Ziming to catch prisoners when he is chased, killed and surrounded by devils. Do you still ask how many people are chasing after him?
Li Yunlong nodded silently, this is too coincidental.

Zhu Ziming did a foreign matter on a whim, captured a prisoner who was originally worthless, but this prisoner gave a very valuable information, and this information happened to be a trap...

Each of these things is fine on its own, but if they are put together...the problem will be big.

Thinking about it, Li Yunlong couldn't help but grit his teeth with hatred. He glanced back with a murderous look on his face, and said, "I've capsized in the gutter, and I let that kid trick me! His mother is a traitor, I'll show him off!" "

After finishing speaking, holding the box cannon, he was about to find someone.

Wang Xuexin hurriedly stopped Li Yunlong: "Commander, it's not the time yet. You can settle the score slowly. I'm leading the devils to Maweipo!"

"What?" Li Yunlong was stunned when he heard this: "You kid already knew?"

"Regiment leader!" Wang Xuexin said, "Don't we have no evidence? If the devil is really led to Maweipo, then we can't be wrong!"

Li Yunlong secretly praised, Xiaodongbei still has a way, and the spy will miss it after trying this.

Then think...

Damn, if Maweipo was a trap from the beginning, wouldn't I be kept in the dark too?
(End of this chapter)

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