Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 410 Cooperation

Chapter 410 Cooperation
Seeing that Wang Xuexin was silent, Sun Erwei thought he was struggling with the funds to hire technicians, so he said, "Wang, if you feel that you can't afford these expenses, we can consider another way!"

"What way?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"That's it!" Sun Erwei took out a document from his arms and said, "We can try to exchange the communication methods of technicians, as long as you sign this document and agree to work for us...then we can provide you with free Technical staff."

When it was over, Sun Erwei added: "Think about it, Wang, five technicians, that's a million dollars!"

Wang Xuexin smiled, it turned out that this was the real purpose of Sun Erwei's trip.

Wang Xuexin guessed right. Sun Erwei reported the interview process to his superiors as soon as he returned to Shanghai. In addition to viscous gasoline, there were bullet mines, jump mines, directional mines and so on.

The military is very interested in this, especially the directional mines. According to Sun Erwei, they imitated several directional mines immediately, and found that this equipment is not only simple and easy to manufacture, but also surprisingly powerful, especially after using high explosives. It makes people crazy.

"We should dig him here, Wilson!" The superior gave Sun Erwei an order: "It's hard to imagine that such excellent equipment can be developed under such conditions, he is simply a genius! Such a person should serve us! "

"No problem!" Sun Erwei replied.

Sun Erwei is very confident about this mission, because he thinks that the other party cannot refuse the conditions he offered.

At this time, Sun Erwei said to Wang Xuexin confidently: "You don't need to worry about your superiors disagreeing. I have already sent someone to communicate with your superiors. But out of respect for you, I think I should talk to you personally."

Sun Erwei did not lie. At this time, another "reporter" had found the superior of the independent regiment...the brigade commander.

At this time, although Yingjiang's energy in Huaxia is great, but he doesn't have much contact with the Eighth Route Army, and he will not be able to find the headquarters for a while.

But it's about the same.

Because the brigade commander immediately reported the situation to the headquarters as soon as he heard about it.

The chief and the chief of staff were in a dilemma when they heard that.

The production line bought by the foreign devils does need the technicians of the foreign devils.

The problem is that the Eighth Route Army cannot do without Xiaodongbei!

The chief of staff asked: "Chief, how do you see this matter resolved?"

The chief thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "I don't think it can be changed. Although the technicians on the side of the foreign devils are important, we can figure out these production lines by ourselves. I don't believe that we can't make them with the machines!"

The chief of staff said worriedly: "I'm afraid that foreign devils will tamper with these machines, and we can't understand them, and there will be maintenance problems in the future. I'm afraid it will affect the whole body..."

"That doesn't work either!" The chief replied: "Little Northeast's contribution to our army is not only in terms of equipment, but also has a great impact on strategy and tactics!"

The chief always felt that something was wrong, and he thought it was impossible to "replace" Xiao Dongbei in this way.

"Let's do this!" The chief of staff hesitated for a while, and suggested: "We can ask Xiao Dongbei for his opinion, and then make a decision!"

The chief frowned for a while and then nodded.

Therefore, when Wang Xuexin was talking with Sun Erwei, the correspondent came up: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, call the headquarters!"

The regiment headquarters was empty, only a few guards and correspondents stayed behind, and everyone else went to the back mountain to dig caves and build factories, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were no exception.

Wang Xuexin walked into the regiment headquarters and picked up the phone to identify himself.

The voice of the Chief of Staff sounded on the other end of the phone: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, the foreign devils want to exchange technicians with us, and we want to know your thoughts!"

It should be said that this is an opportunity for Wang Xuexin.

If it was before, Wang Xuexin would have wished for it... He could use a high-sounding excuse to leave this difficult and dangerous place, where even eating was a problem. What's wrong with it?
But now, Wang Xuexin finds that he can no longer leave this land, because here is his root, his hope and sustenance, and...

Therefore, Wang Xuexin replied without hesitation: "Don't worry, Chief of Staff, I can solve this matter!"

"Can you solve it?" The chief of staff was a little unconvinced: "I heard that five technicians are needed, and the asking price of the foreign devils is 100 million US dollars. Otherwise, we can buy two less production lines and exchange the saved money for technicians ,what do you think?"

"I understand!" Wang Xuexin replied: "I have a solution, technicians will come, and there are many production lines!"

The staff officer on the other end of the phone couldn't help but gasped, then looked at the chief.

The chief said: "Let him try, maybe it will work!"

The chief of staff nodded and said, "Okay, then you can talk to the foreign devils freely, we will fully support you!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin answered and hung up the phone.

Part of the reason why Wang Xuexin rejected the technicians was that he was too shy to afford the money. As for what he owed to Sun will not be so easy to bargain in the future. There is no free lunch in the world.

But now, Wang Xuexin has enough funds to hire these technicians, so he still feels that it is necessary to hire technicians.

After all, there are five rifle production lines and one bullet production line.

If you need to do everything yourself, such as repair, operation, maintenance, etc., each of these is not a small problem, and you need a team.

Although I can purchase technology from the system to complete these tasks, I will only do these things in the production line and train personnel in the future.

It's not as cost-effective as hiring a few technicians, and you don't need to make excuses.

Therefore, when Wang Xuexin returned to the dormitory, he said with confidence: "Two choices, Sun Erwei. One is that we buy these technicians..."

"No!" Sun Erwei shook his head with a smile: "You don't have enough funds!"

"We have!" Wang Xuexin replied: "You know, there are many overseas patriotic Chinese who will donate to our domestic war of resistance. Before these donations have been intercepted by the recalcitrant army, we don't get a penny. But now..."

Wang Xuexin raised the passbook in his hand and said: "We have our own account, thanks to you! So, we may not be able to pay now, but when the equipment and technicians get here, I believe we have enough funds Already!"

Sun Erwei's face changed, he didn't expect this.

What Sun Erwei didn't know was that the reason why Wang Xuexin was full of confidence was entirely because he could interpret the US dollars exchanged by the system as donations from overseas Chinese.

"Then!" Sun Erwei asked with a very ugly face: "What about the other choice?"

"We cooperate!" Wang Xuexin replied: "You send technicians to work for us, and I...provide you with reasonable advice and guarantee value for money!"

(End of this chapter)

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