Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 417 The Father of "Bazooka"

Chapter 417 The Father of "Bazooka"

It can also be seen from this that devils are very good at using "blackmail" means.

At this time, the devils had already been planning to attack Pearl Harbor and even trained troops for it, but they still used this to threaten Yingjiang to make it scruples.

But this is a question that Yingjiang has to consider, and it has nothing to do with Wang Xuexin.

At this time, Wang Xuexin secretly rejoiced, if he had agreed to Ying Jiang's request to exchange technicians with them... it would not be so easy to talk at this time.

Eagle Sauce's technicians came with the second batch of rifle ammunition.

Sun Erwei's so-called "secret" method was that the batch of ammunition was "turned around" in Chongqing: first the ammunition was airlifted to Chongqing, and then the batch of ammunition was transported to Xi'an by the stubborn army train and handed over to the Eighth Route Army.

Although there is no difference in this way, the nature is different.

The reason is that Yingjiang signed an aid bill with Chongqing, so this aid is a normal business transaction..."Aid" is actually a kind of loan, equipment is given first, and then repaid when there is money.

It is also normal for the Chongqing side to distribute equipment to the Eighth Route Army. The Eighth Route Army was originally a unit within the establishment. The Chongqing side should have issued guns, ammunition, and even military salaries.

There are 20 technicians in total.

To be exact, ten technicians and ten security personnel.

Five of the ten technicians were originally planned to be responsible for the maintenance and maintenance of the production line.The other five were sent to "cooperate" with Wang Xuexin, and two of them could speak Chinese.

In this case, it is of course necessary to bring your own translator, because they don't want the Chinese to say something secret in Chinese that they can't understand.They also carry a radio station of their own in order to get in touch with their home country.

The security personnel are a few Marines acting as guards.

In order to keep it secret, all of them entered the base area secretly in plain clothes. After arriving at the base area, they simply changed into a set of Eighth Route Army uniforms and equipped with Springfield rifles... This is not to prevent their identities from being hidden. It is difficult to hide their appearance. Avoid being accidentally injured by the unknown Eighth Route Army and guerrillas as enemies.

The leader is a captain, about 40 years old, with a thick beard on his chin, wearing a cowboy hat with a backpack on his back, and dressed like a tourist.

Introduced by Li Yunlong, the captain generously stepped forward to shake hands with Wang Xuexin, and said happily, "I've heard of you, Wang Xuexin, right? My name is Skinner, and it's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you!" Wang Xuexin replied politely.

Then I was stunned for a moment, Skinner?The name sounds familiar!

In the next second, Wang Xuexin remembered, Leslie Skinner, a scientific researcher working in the Army Ordnance Department of Yingjiang, known as the father of "Bazooka"?
Sure enough, Skinner said to Wang Xuexin: "Wang, speaking of it, I should thank you. If you hadn't used the rocket launcher on the battlefield and achieved success, my invention would probably be ignored! What a coincidence, we invented it. The same thing. The difference is that you use it on the battlefield, but we can only store it in the warehouse!"

"Oh, really?" Wang Xuexin pretended to be surprised: "It's really a coincidence that Sun Erwei didn't tell me about this!"

"Sun Erwei?" Skinner looked puzzled.

"It's Wilson!" Wang Xuexin explained, "He has a cool Chinese name!"

Skinner laughed loudly: "It seems that I also need a Chinese name!"

It makes sense that Ying Jiang would send Skinner to China to cooperate with Wang Xuexin.

The reason is that the most realistic and urgent cooperation with Wang Xuexin that Yingjiang can think of is the bazooka.

Although Yingjiang also has a rocket launcher, it is only a prototype at this time, and Wang Xuexin's rocket launcher has been mass-produced and put into the battlefield, and even developed various rockets.

Of course, Eagle Sauce hopes to know more about the performance of the rocket launcher and the performance and data on the battlefield. At the same time, he can learn from various types of bombs to develop his own types of bombs.

To this end, Eagle Sauce also sent a batch of Citi bazookas and rockets for testing.

Skinner patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder and said, "We have common interests, Wang, and I believe we will have a great time working together!"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied.

But although Wang Xuexin said so, he didn't think so in his heart.

The reason is that Wang Xuexin knows that this Skinny in front of him can be said to be Yingjiang's rocket expert... He has had a strong interest in rockets since childhood, and has built and launched many rockets by himself.

The problem is that Eagle Sauce has never been interested in rockets, so Skinner can only research and manufacture rockets in his spare time, which is why he is only a captain until now.

Therefore, this project is very important to Skinny. It almost determines whether the research field of Skinny can develop in Eagle Sauce, and it can also be said to determine the future of Skinny.

And for Wang Xuexin... the rocket is just a part of it.

Skinner was indeed a fan of rockets, and he was eager to see the Eighth Route Army's rocket launchers before he even settled down.

When Wang Xuexin handed the rocket launcher to Skinner, Skinner looked at Wang Xuexin in shock and praised: "God, this is simply a work of art, it is so beautiful! Especially the way it launches... You even have sights for it!"

It seems normal for Skinner to behave like this.

Because Wang Xuexin's bazooka is imitated according to RPG7... RPG has developed from type 1 to type 7. At first, it was just an iron pipe and turned into a mature anti-tank weapon. After many times of actual combat, problems were found, improved, and then The process of actual combat, re-discovery of problems, and re-improvement.

Wang Xuexin skipped all these processes and directly produced the most mature finished product.

If there is any disadvantage, it is that the armor-piercing ability without hollow charges is slightly insufficient.

In contrast, Skinner's bazooka was really an iron barrel at this time, an iron barrel that didn't even have time to install the sights.

Therefore, the shock that this bazooka brought to Skinner cannot be described in words. He even felt inferior and dared not show the bazooka he brought.

"Can I try it?" Skinner asked.

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin replied: "But you should save some, because it is not easy for us to produce shells!"

"No problem!" Skinner replied, and immediately got several subordinates ready to record data and start test firing.

Looking at the busy appearance of Skinner and his party, Wang Xuexin secretly smiled in his heart.

This Sun Erwei is really generous, he sent several rocket experts as soon as he sent it.

However, this may be related to the fact that they haven't paid much attention to the field of rocketry... Because they don't pay much attention, they casually send such an important expert to China.

It's just easy to get in, but hard to get out!

(End of this chapter)

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