Chapter 419
Thank you Hua Xuejian for the reward, and I will add more thanks next month... Sigh, I owe too much, so I have to pay it back slowly!


Sun Erwena had no objection to Wang Xuexin's proposal.

To be exact, Eagle Sauce has no problem with that.

Because that's how cooperation should be. If both parties benefit, it's called cooperation. If only one party benefits, it's called selling. It's destined not to last long.

In this regard, Ying Jiang has even considered it a long time ago, which is one of the reasons why they brought their own bazooka into Huaxia... If they want to make up for the shortcomings of their own bazooka, of course they have to make up for the shortcomings of the opponent's bazooka, otherwise What gives you experience in use?

So Skinner pulled a list to Ying Jiang.

In Skinner's words, it is: "There is nothing here. They use very simple tools to produce rockets almost by hand. Therefore, we first need to build a laboratory here!"

After reading the list, Sun Erwei tried to put the account on Wang Xuexin.

"Wang!" Sun Erwei said: "The laboratory is not a small expense. Instruments, tools, some parts and raw materials are needed, etc. This is not in our plan! We estimate that it will cost at least 30 US dollars!"

"You mean..." Wang Xuexin asked, "We will pay for this fee?"

"Shouldn't it be like this?" Sun Erwei asked back: "We are responsible for the transportation, what do you think? You know, in the current situation, transportation is not a small expense!"

That's right.

If the shipment from India and Burma is closer, there will be several transfers on the way from Yingjiang, not to mention that the coastline is still blocked, and the final freight may be more expensive than the equipment itself.

But Wang Xuexin didn't care about that.

"This is your problem, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin replied: "We don't need any laboratory. My suggestion is that Captain Skinner learns to make rockets by hand with us, and then there will be no problem. This is not so much as imagined. Difficult, what do you think?"

Sun Erwei was silent for a while, and could only reply helplessly: "Okay, you will get a laboratory!"

This is the helplessness of the cooperation between industrial countries and agricultural countries. As the saying goes, "the barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes", our Eighth Route Army is poor and has nothing, and you are afraid that you will not be able to make it?You, Sun Erwei, should have realized that you will suffer in this regard long ago.

Until then, the relationship between Wang Xuexin and Sun Erwei came to an end.

Because all the problems in the general direction have been solved, the correspondent can just watch the radio station to relay what is left, so Wang Xuexin is considered free and does not need to guard the radio station.

The next day, Wang Xuexin took time to visit Qiling Mountain with the troops.

Qiling Mountain, because the seven crooked mountains are connected to each other, it is called Qiling Mountain.

It is just right that Qiling Mountain is used as the sixth branch factory for the Eighth Route Army.

The reason is that there are six branch factories with five rifle production lines and one bullet production line, plus a chemical plant that produces gunpowder, which just happens to divide the seven mountains.

Wang Xuexin's fifth battalion was assigned to the fifth mountain, and the sixth and seventh mountains were in charge of the engineering battalion.

When Wang Xuexin went to the mountain to take a look, he really looked good:

The road connecting the mountains to the outside has been repaired, which can facilitate the delivery of materials needed by the arsenal to the arsenal, and cars can be driven directly into the cave and unloaded safely in the cave.

Several mountain roads are also used to communicate between the mountains, which can be used to transport raw materials and supplies, and can also send troops to support each other in an emergency.

The caves are being excavated one by one, using mountain hoe, and after digging the space, they are supported by logs, and then ventilation, accommodation, toilets, etc. are all available, and they are also numbered, such as 501, 502 and the like... the most The first number is the code name of the mountain, and the number after that is the number of the cave.

Xie Baoqing has not gone down the mountain for more than half a month.

On the one hand, it was because he had lived in the cave with his subordinates when he was in Heiyunzhai, so he could reminisce about his previous life during this time.

On the other hand, it was because he was in a hurry to complete the task, thinking that wasting time on the road would be better than sleeping on the mountain and doing some work.The food just makes people bring a few extra servings the next day.

As soon as Xie Baoqing saw Wang Xuexin coming up, he hurried up to greet him and said, "Battalion Commander, you are finally here. There are many things waiting for you to decide!"

At this time, Xie Baoqing had been promoted to deputy battalion commander by Wang Xuexin.

In fact, not only Xie Baoqing, but the entire Fifth Battalion is based on the seventh company: the commander of the [-]th company is Huzi, the commander of the [-]th company is Zhang Qingcai, and only the commander of the [-]th company is Zhu Zhenjiang, the former company commander of the Jinsui Army.

This is not to distrust the Jinsui Army, nor does it mean that the Jinsui Army is not capable of fighting.

In fact, the combat effectiveness of the soldiers of the 358th regiment is quite good, which can be seen from the previous battles.

The problem is that they have joined the Eighth Route Army now, and many disciplines, tactics, and habits need to be transferred from the Jinsui Army, so it is more suitable for them to be trained by the company commanders of the original Eighth Route Army.

Wang Xuexin even mixed up the troops.

The practice of mixed formation is not unified among the battalions. For example, Shen Quan and Guan Dashan think that it should not be mixed. They think that after the troops are mixed, many conflicts may arise and it is not convenient for training and education... For example, a certain company is all from The Jinsui Army can easily concentrate on training and learning discipline.

Wang Xuexin didn't think so.

He felt that although doing so would indeed reduce a lot of troubles in the initial stage, it would form barriers between companies that were difficult to break. The conflicts between soldiers were indeed reduced, but the conflicts between companies always existed. It will even become more and more obvious and finally even intensified.

This is also the reason why modern troops are usually transferred to other troops when they are promoted, in order to avoid the formation of small interest groups within the army. Once such small groups are formed, it is difficult to break them.

Wang Xuexin disrupted the troops from the very beginning. Every company, every platoon, every squad and even every group was a mixed formation of the Eighth Route Army and the Jinsui Army.

Wang Xuexin paid special attention to Zhang Qingcai's third row.

The reason is that the Eighth Route Army has too few accurate marksmanship, and if you want to train sharpshooters, you can't practice because of insufficient bullets, so the dozens of sharpshooters in the third row are like treasures and scattered to each company as a fire cover unit.

Wang Xuexin was just giving a plan for these things, and Xie Baoqing, the deputy battalion commander, would do all the big and small things.

In other words, Xie Baoqing was actually the battalion commander during this period.

"Old Xie!" Wang Xuexin praised while looking at the cave dug by the soldiers: "You are more capable than me. You can make up your mind about anything. I don't know what to do if I leave it alone!"

What Wang Xuexin said was the truth. Xie Baoqing, a bandit-born guy, is really an expert in digging caves.

But Xie Baoqing said: "Battle Commander, that's not what you're talking about, it's Zhu Zhenjiang, commander of the [-]th company!"

"What's wrong?" Wang Xuexin asked suspiciously, "Did he commit a crime?"

(End of this chapter)

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