Chapter 421 Harvest
After figuring out what Wang Xuexin said, Zhu Zhenjiang immediately got rid of the habit of bullying his subordinates.

He returned the shoes and money he had robbed to his subordinates on the same day, and it is said that some of them who could not pay back even wrote IOUs.

Not only that, but Zhu Zhenjiang's habit of punching and kicking his subordinates has also changed.

Because Zhu Zhenjiang uses Wang Xuexin's words to make such an analogy:

When I was in the Jinsui Army, it was normal for me to punch, kick and slap my subordinates, or order them to do something, because everyone was like that.

But now in the Eighth Route Army...

All the other troops talk about "equality between officers and soldiers" and "no specialization". As long as I, the commander of the [-]th company, rides on the head of his subordinates and dominates his subordinates, can this soldier still be able to carry on?

If this soldier can't go on, there will only be two results: one is that the company commander is withdrawn and becomes a target of bullying by others, and the other is that his subordinates refuse to accept his petty tricks on the battlefield...

No matter which result, I have no good fruit to eat!
So Zhu Zhenjiang knew what to do.

Therefore, the hardships of the Eighth Route Army also have the benefits of hardship:

Because of the extreme lack of material conditions, it directly leads to the phenomenon of exploitation and bullying. It will make people unable to live.

If you can't survive and you have a gun in your hand, will it make you feel better?

Therefore, even people like Zhu Zhenjiang had to abide by the rules.

Wu Zheng still felt strange because of this, he rushed to Wang Xuexin and asked, "Battle Commander, how did you make sense of this Zhu Zhenjiang? I have worked for him for more than ten days. He's just playing around with me, no matter what I can't convince him!"

"Instructor!" Wang Xuexin said with a smile: "It's useless for some people to talk about discipline and rules. You have to talk about your interests. If he understands this, you don't need to worry about it. He can obey the rules. !"

Wu Zheng was very curious, and didn't understand how to make people "understand the stakes", so he broke the casserole and asked the bottom line... Maybe this is also because Wu Zheng hoped that after learning this method, he could use it on others.

As soon as Wang Xuexin told Wu Zheng about the situation, Wu Zheng nodded in admiration and said, "Teaching students according to their aptitude and adapting measures to local conditions, the battalion commander did a good job!"

But after thinking about it, he asked again: "Battle Commander, how about we become rich one day? Does it mean that Zhu Zhenjiang will be able to grab things?"

"I'm talking about Old Wu!" Wang Xuexin replied helplessly: "Let's talk about it when we get rich. By then, the habit will be formed, and he can still grab it? Besides, if we become rich one day, doesn't it mean that We've already driven the devils out of the country? Then we won't be able to deal with this local snake!"

"That's right!" Wu Zheng pushed his glasses and nodded with a smile: "The battalion commander has a way!"

The time has entered June, and it is finally the harvest day.

But it is said to be a "bumpy harvest", but the food that can be received is actually not much.

This is mainly because the Eighth Route Army lost many base areas under the siege and attack of the devils. On the other hand, many wheat seedlings were discounted by the previous hail disaster. This year's harvest is estimated to be less than half of previous years.

However, the Eighth Route Army still stopped the project for a few days to collect food with the people.

During the grain collection period, all the soldiers and civilians were very nervous.

Judging from past experience, the devils will often organize a large-scale mopping up when the harvest comes.

Needless to say what the reason is, the devils can grab more food at this time. On the one hand, it is to supplement the devils' granary, and on the other hand, it is to further compress the supplies of the Eighth Route Army.

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army usually organizes troops to help the people grab grain on a large scale at this time, that is, when they hear the news that the devils are about to sweep up, they send several divisions to harvest and hide the grain in a certain area overnight. When I came, I could only look at the harvested wheat fields and sigh.

But this time the devil did nothing.

But this does not seem surprising, because the Eighth Route Army has successfully built two lines of defense in the mountainous area, and the devils can no longer "shoot through the base area" like before, and go wherever they want to grab food.

Wang Xuexin summed up the current situation silently while cutting the wheat:
At this time, the situation of the Eighth Route Army is much better than in history.

Successfully building a line of defense is a point, because it allows the Eighth Route Army to have its own space and its own harvest.Otherwise, I am afraid that there will be no harvest in front of me.

The other is to let the Eighth Route Army enter the stage of "doing it yourself to have enough food and clothing" in advance, so that the base area can also have sweet potato porridge to drink at the most difficult time so that people will not starve to death.

The most important thing is that the Eighth Route Army can mass-produce "China Reserve Coupons".

Central reserve coupons can be purchased from enemy-occupied areas. These materials are the main force. They are basically enough for the Eighth Route Army to survive, so the size of the 40 army has not decreased.

In fact, not only did not decrease but also increased.

The reason is that many refugees came from the devils, and there are hundreds of thousands of these refugees.

Although most of them are old people and children who are not suitable for combat, they can still be added to the logistics team to do some non-combat tasks.

So, what's next?

The production line will arrive in a few days, and the goal of the next stage must be to produce as many rifles and bullets as possible to arm the 40 Eighth Route Army.

Only in this way is it possible to compete with the devils.

Otherwise, there are only [-] outdated and backward rifles, so why fight hundreds of thousands of devils who are armed to the teeth?


Just as he was thinking about it, a correspondent hurried up to Wang Xuexin on a horse, jumped off the horse and shouted out of breath, "Battlemaster Wang, the regiment leader told you to get ready and go to the headquarters for a meeting right away!"

"Now?" Wang Xuexin straightened up and looked at the sky.

It was almost dark, and he was dirty from a busy day.

"Yes!" The correspondent handed the reins to Wang Xuexin and said, "The head of the group is already waiting for you at the entrance of the village!"

Wang Xuexin had no choice but to ride his horse to the entrance of the village.

When I arrived at the entrance of the village, I saw Li Yunlong and several guards waiting there.

Wang Xuexin asked: "Leader, what happened?"

Li Yunlong replied solemnly: "Something has happened, and Mao Xiong has fought a big battle!"

As soon as Wang Xuexin heard this, he understood that Hans launched an attack on Mao Xiong, which is the so-called "Barbarossa" plan.

Wang Xuexin had always known that this would happen, but he thought it was a matter between Hans and Mao Xiong, and it shouldn't have any impact on Huaxia, so he didn't take it too seriously.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Otherwise, the headquarters would not hold an emergency meeting because of this.

(End of this chapter)

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