Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 427 Battalion Staff

Chapter 427 Battalion Staff

The layout of Zhongtiao Mountain came to an end.

In fact, it cannot be said to have come to an end, because the headquarters has established a command center with Wang Xuexin as the core.

This is decided by the chief.

The chief hopes that Wang Xuexin can participate in the command of the Zhongtiaoshan battle.

But Wang Xuexin cannot be kept in the regiment headquarters... If Wang Xuexin stays in the regiment headquarters, it means that Wang Xuexin cannot sit in the three stores to cooperate with foreign devil technicians and form the sixth branch factory.

So after thinking twice, the headquarters assigned Wang Xuexin another radio station, three communication soldiers and a staff officer to assist Wang Xuexin in command.

A battalion commander is actually equipped with a staff officer. If you add the radio station and communication unit with Sun Erwei, there are two radio stations and eight communication units. This is a miracle in the independent regiment and even in the entire army.

Units generally do not have a staff officer at the battalion level.

The reason why I say "usually" means that in most cases there is no battalion staff officer, but there are special circumstances.

During the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, the Volunteers had battalion staff officers, which were not abolished until 86.

The modern combined battalion is more complicated because the battle at the battalion level... The combined battalion is to combine multiple arms such as artillery and armor into one battalion. At the battalion level, problems such as infantry-tank coordination, infantry-gun coordination, and barrier-breaking and opening-up are solved. Therefore, it is necessary to The staff officer assisted the command, so the battalion staff officer was added.

At this time, Wang Xuexin, the battalion commander, had a lot of affairs to manage because of the special situation, so he assigned a staff officer.

The staff officer, surnamed Chen, named Songyong, was from Yuncheng, Shanxi, and was very familiar with the terrain around Zhongtiao Mountain.

Wang Xuexin had read Chen Songyong's resume and knew that he was a regiment-level staff officer, so he said with apology: "I'm sorry, Comrade Chen Songyong. I let you, the regiment counselor, come to me..."

Chen Songyong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, do you think I am going to be transferred?"

"Isn't that a decentralization or something?" Wang Xuexin asked suspiciously: "This is the battalion, and this is the first time I have been assigned a staff officer to the battalion..."

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" Chen Songyong asked back: "Do you know how many people robbed this 'decentralization'?"

"What? Still robbing?" Wang Xuexin was stunned when he heard that, making the battalion staff look like a fat man.

"It must be robbed!" Chen Songyong replied: "After the command of the chief, more than a dozen staff officers immediately signed up, including two division-level staff and three brigade-level staff!"

Wang Xuexin was almost frightened.

You must know that the position of staff officer, especially the combat staff officer, is a temporary post to train and learn command, and it is usually selected from these people to be promoted to division commander and brigade commander in the future.

In other words, they are all future regiment commanders, brigade commanders, and division commanders, and they are actually rushing to serve as a staff officer next to him, the battalion commander?
"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" Chen Songyong said meaningfully: "We don't engage in those formalisms. We set up the post of staff officer for training. Where there are more, better, and more comprehensive opportunities for training, we are learning. place. Do you understand me when I say that?"

Wang Xuexin understood with an "oh".

From the aspect of learning, the battalion staff around me is really different.

Because it involved not only the battle in Zhongtiao Mountain, but also the training of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment, as well as the establishment of the arsenal and the research and development of the entire army's equipment... so he made money!

"Comrade Wang Xuexin!" Chen Songyong finally concluded: "You don't need to have any psychological burden. If it weren't for the fact that I am very familiar with the terrain of Yuncheng and Zhongtiao Mountain, I would not be able to grab this camp participation! In short, in the past In the future, I will try my best to cooperate with your work and learn more from Comrade Battalion Commander!"

As he spoke, he respectfully saluted Wang Xuexin.

So Wang Xuexin didn't think too much about it. If there were too many things, he really needed a staff member to help him, otherwise he would be so troublesome that he was so busy that Wang Xuexin was dizzy.

"Little Northeast, Little Northeast..." At this moment, Li Yunlong's roar came from outside the door: "You fucking come here for me! Move fast!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied, and quickly grabbed the rifle from the wall, carried it on his back, and ran to Li Yunlong's regiment headquarters.

There is an aisle between Li Yunlong's regiment headquarters and Wang Xuexin's office. Usually, if Li Yunlong has anything to do, he would ask the guards to notify him. For some reason, this time he called directly.

I ran to the regiment department and saw that Li Yunlong was still waiting at the door, which made Wang Xuexin even more surprised. Why can't he go inside and talk about it?
Then I saw Li Yunlong pretending to beckon to Wang Xuexin, and said: "Come, come, let me introduce you to a few people!"

When Wang Xuexin came forward, he lowered his voice and said: "The business is here, and the stubborn army brought it. Be smart. They will answer everything they say, understand?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin responded in a low voice, puzzled, how could the stubborn army bring people here?It's really a cooperation!

When I stepped into the regiment headquarters, I was stunned.

Zhao Gang is greeting a few stubborn soldiers, their ranks are not low, depending on their rank, one is a colonel and two majors.

This is not surprising, I have seen a lot of stubborn soldiers, including Chu Yunfei, Sun Ming and his party.

The strange thing is that there is also a man who is wearing a stubborn army uniform but can be recognized as Maozi at a glance.

Then Wang Xuexin understood that this was from the Maoxiong Military Advisory Group.

Sure enough, Zhao Gang stepped forward and introduced: "Comrade Wang Xuexin, this is Staff Officer Ye and Captain Lemon Lokoff. They have something to discuss with you!"

Wang Xuexin stepped forward to salute, and stood up and said, "Wang Xuexin, commander of the Fifth Battalion of the Independent Regiment!"

The stubborn colonel named Ye Junhai frowned, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He looked Wang Xuexin up and down, and asked, "Just a battalion commander? How old is this year?"

"Report!" Wang Xuexin replied: "20 years old!"

"20 years old?" Ye Junhai laughed when he heard it, and then looked at Li Yunlong with angry eyes, and said, "Commander Li, we have come to cooperate with your army with sincerity, but I didn't expect your army to deal with it with this attitude. , this doesn’t seem like hospitality, does it?”

Li Yunlong was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed "hehe": "Counselor Ye, you have a villainous heart..."

"To save the belly of a gentleman!" Zhao Gang added in a low voice.

"That's right!" Li Yunlong replied with a smile: "It's to save the belly of a gentleman!"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong patted Wang Xuexin on the shoulder, shook his head and said, "You think we brought Xiaodongdong to deceive you? The master is standing here, believe it or not! If you really don't believe me, I will take you too." There's no way! Staff Officer Ye, why don't we go on like this... You can inquire later, ask what's going on, and then come back, we'll wait here, do you think it's okay?"

As he said that, he moved away and put on a look of seeing off the guests.

This put Staff Ye in a difficult situation.

This Staff Officer Ye really didn't do a good job in intelligence work, he was just an officer who had studied at Mao Xiong's and acted as an interpreter for Mao Xiong's advisory group.

Seeing that Wang Xuexin is so young now, he doesn't believe that Wang Xuexin is the person Mao Xiong is eager to find.

(End of this chapter)

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