Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 432 Gambling

Chapter 432 Gambling
That night, Lemon Lokoff rushed back to the three stores from Xi'an, and brought a radio ready to contact the general counsel at any time.

On the other hand, the general counselor who was training troops for the recalcitrant army in Chongqing was also waiting in the office without leaving the radio station, worrying about missing any details or wasting time that shouldn't be wasted.

Wang Xuexin was woken up from the bed by the correspondent.

Since coming to this time and space, Wang Xuexin quickly developed the habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

For no other reason, in this era, when it gets dark at night, you can't do anything. Unless you want to spin cotton or handle official business, it is a pity to light an oil lamp in this difficult time.

Don't you have to go to bed early if you have nothing to do at night?Then get up early to work at dawn the next day, so that you can save some gas money... This seems unimaginable in modern times, how much is that little gas worth?But when life is difficult, it is saved bit by bit.

At the beginning, Wang Xuexin wanted to find a few people to play cards and chess, but most people in this era are used to it. It is difficult to find someone to partner with when it gets dark, so he gradually went to the countryside to do as the Romans do.

It was only past eight o'clock that night, and Wang Xuexin had already slept for a while, and then Mao Duzi quietly walked to Wang Xuexin's bedside, and called, "Battalion Commander, Battalion Commander?"

Wang Xuexin grabbed the cannon box next to the pillow and jumped up. He habitually raised the gun and pointed it at the black figure in front of him. The cat was so frightened that he hurriedly shouted: "Battle Commander, don't shoot, don't shoot!" ! It's me, cat calf!"

Only then did Wang Xuexin hear Mao Duzi's voice, and asked suspiciously, "Mao Duzi? Why don't you bark outside the door? Just knock on the door a few times!"

"Why didn't you bark?" Mao Duzi replied aggrievedly: "I knocked on the door several times, and you were snoring happily inside. I didn't respond for a long time, so I came in!"

Wang Xuexin said "Oh", secretly thinking that he has not gotten used to the term "battalion commander" in this period of time. If he called him "company commander", he would wake up like a conditioned reflex.

This thing is a bit strange, or it can also be said to be a habit developed on the battlefield.

Sometimes Wang Xuexin had to sleep on the battlefield, where there were guns and cannons, and there were all kinds of shouts from the soldiers.To fall asleep in this environment, you must block out the useless noise, that is, force yourself to ignore it.

If I heard my name or identity, such as "Comrade Wang Xuexin" or "Company Commander", I would jump up as if being pricked by a needle, no matter how deeply I fell asleep.

Now, Wang Xuexin should take some time to adapt to the call of "battalion commander" and form a conditioned reflex, and at the same time block the "company commander".

At first, Wang Xuexin thought that Li Yunlong's call to go there was some instruction from the headquarters, but he didn't expect to go to the regiment headquarters to see that there were sitting there with Lemon Lokov and the translator who had met in the morning.

This made Wang Xuexin happy. He must be in a hurry to get the bazooka so quickly!
If you're in a hurry, then why don't we charge a higher price?

As soon as Li Yunlong saw Wang Xuexin coming in, he said with a smile: "Here comes the master. I'm familiar with technology. If you don't understand anything, just ask!"

Wang Xuexin entered the door and bowed to everyone, and then sat down at the table under Li Yunlong's signal.

Wang Xuexin noticed that Lemon Lokoff had prepared pens and notebooks, as if he didn't want to waste any time, which convinced Wang Xuexin that Mao Xiongna was in a hurry for technology.

The tired-looking Staff Officer Ye seemed reluctant to facilitate the deal.

Wang Xuexin guessed that he should have contacted his superiors and knew that the Eighth Route Army had something Mao Xiong needed.

Obviously, if Mao Xiong directly contacts the Eighth Route Army, it may affect its assistance to the recalcitrant army, and it is normal to be unwilling.

But this matter is not something that the stubborn army can decide. After all, Mao Xiong has resources in his hands. Of course, the stubborn army has to consider Mao Xiong's interests.

Therefore, Staff Officer Ye said with a helpless expression: "Battalion Commander Wang, we want to know some information about the rocket launcher. I don't know if it's convenient for you!"

"It's convenient, of course it's convenient!" Wang Xuexin nodded with a smile, there's no reason to push customers away when there's business.

Then began a question and answer, in which Staff Officer Ye translated:

"Have you used this bazooka to participate in actual combat? How is the actual combat effect?"

"I haven't participated in actual combat! The reason is that the devil's armor is thin, and the old-fashioned bazooka can already meet the needs!"

"Then why did you develop this bazooka?"

"Prepare for the future! We can't wait for the devils to use tanks with thicker armor before developing this bazooka!"

"Do you have any supporting tactics for using rocket launchers against tanks?"

"Of course!" Wang Xuexin nodded affirmatively: "If you buy it, we will truthfully tell you the full set of tactics and experience, as well as relevant data."

"Can you tell me a thing or two?" Lemon Lokoff asked.

Wang Xuexin understands Mao Zi's worries. They are worried that they have spent a lot of effort to buy this technology, but in the end it will not be effective on the battlefield, or it will be different from what they imagined.

In this way, wasting money and supplies is still a trivial matter, but wasting time and affecting the entire battle situation is a big deal.

It can be seen from this that Maozi is somewhat different from Yingjiang.

Eagle sauce is rich and powerful, and a few million dollars is a drop in the bucket. At the same time, they have no sense of urgency for war, so they can take their time.

Maozi is not so rich. At this time, they all need Yingjiang's assistance, and they have to be cautious under the pressure of the war.

Therefore, before buying this technology, Lemon Lokoff wanted to make sure whether this equipment was suitable for the bear and whether it could really be anti-tank.

In this regard, Wang Xuexin put 120 hearts... What the hell, this thing was developed by Mao Xiong based on the "Bazooka" rocket launcher and Iron Fist a few years later, according to Mao Zi's habits, can it be suitable?

Wang Xuexin did not hesitate, and immediately replied: "Comrade Lemon Lokoff, let me put it this way! The shortcoming of this equipment is that its accuracy is not high, but this does not affect its use. Because it is cheap and can be mass-produced. If the It is compared to a war between tanks as a gamble, so one dollar bets the enemy ten thousand dollars. If we lose, we lose one dollar, and if we win, we will destroy the enemy ten thousand dollars.”

As Wang Xuexin said, he raised his head towards Lemon Lokov and asked, "Major, if it were you, would you be willing to bet?"

(Note: The cost of tanks at this time is generally around tens of thousands of dollars, and the T1941 cost 34 dollars in 2.7)
Lemon Lokoff nodded in satisfaction, and he was even a little surprised, because Wang Xuexin's statement was exactly what the general counsel expected.

Therefore, the General Counsel is right, this is the equipment they need, and it is very suitable for the war facing the country.

(End of this chapter)

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