Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 452 Training Plan

Chapter 452 Training Plan
The training of T26 is in charge of Petroyevsky... Maoxiong's name is such a feature, either Vicki or Yev and then another Sky, Wang Xuexin will confuse them if he is not careful.

Wang Xuexin simply simplified their names and called them: Peter, Andro, Lemon...

It's so convenient, why bother?
It was only later that Wang Xuexin found out that if they were called so, there would be two Peter and three Andro in Mao Xiong's advisory group of more than a dozen people.

But this matter will give Lao Fan a headache, anyway, as long as he knows who he is referring to.

Wang Xuexin gave the training plan for T26:
50 T26s were organized into five companies, three infantry companies, one reconnaissance company and one engineering company, and each company was assigned a tank company for training.

Among them, the No.13 company and the reconnaissance company are quite special.

Company No.13 only participates in training and then transfers tactics to other units.

This is out of the need for cooperation between Butan and Tanzania.

T26 is a light tank with a top speed of only 30 kilometers per hour. Wang Xuexin believes that it should be used more to cover infantry siege rather than hunting enemy tanks.


(Note: Type 97 speed is 38 kilometers per hour)

If it is against the Devil's Type 95, the armor and firepower are enough, but the speed of the Type 95 is 48 kilometers per hour. As long as the Type 95 does not want to fight, the T26 will not be able to catch up.

Therefore, what the T26 can do is to cover the infantry's defense lines, bunkers, gun towers, and cities, etc., just like the so-called "infantry tanks" that never set.

This is why Wang Xuexin asked for a T34 when he wanted a tank.

If there is no T34, these 50 T26s may really be useless.

Wang Xuexin trained the No.13 company as ordinary infantry.

This is considering that ordinary infantry also need infantry coordination, they need to know what to do behind the tank... This role is different from following infantry.

Following the infantry is to act as the eyes and ears of the tank and complement the tank.

Ordinary infantry mostly use the cover of tanks to approach the enemy and then charge.

Therefore, they should know some basic common sense, such as when to follow the tank, when to provide the necessary cover for the tank, when to charge over the tank, and so on.

It is especially important to note that they must observe the target of the tank, and cannot charge indiscriminately to block the firing angle of the tank's machine gun, and guide the target for the tank if necessary.

This is the knowledge that the entire independent regiment must master, otherwise it will be difficult for the Fifth Battalion to cooperate with other troops.

Of course, the reconnaissance company also has to learn the coordination of infantry and tanks... They are special forces in the modern sense. If they don't know the coordination of infantry and tanks, how can they be considered "special forces".

When necessary, they also take on the role of reconnaissance for the main force.

Of course, the engineering company must also learn the coordination of infantry and tanks.

Because sometimes they need to build bridges, repair roads, or even clear mines and clear obstacles... If there is no cover from tanks, it is basically courting death.

Petroyevsky looked at the training plan handed to him by Wang Xuexin, and nodded in agreement.

Petroyevsky was a veteran, and he could see that the training was necessary.

In fact, the training was much stricter than that of Mao Xiong. At this time, the domestic tank troops almost had only one sentence: don't talk nonsense, go up and shoot at the enemy!
Therefore, when Petroyevsky looked at this plan, he was a little surprised. It was hard for him to imagine that in this far east, these Chinese people who had never used tanks would know about it.

Androvich was not surprised by this, because as veterans, they had done this before, but it was not like this when they carried out tactical reforms after the war with the Land of Thousand Lakes.

To be exact, it’s not that this is not done, but that reconnaissance and obstacle removal are all done by infantry, and tank soldiers don’t need to consider these.

Finally, Wang Xuexin equipped each tank company with a troika of cars, thus transforming it into a mechanized force.

However, the mechanized troops are a bit unsatisfactory.

Because the most important feature of mechanized troops is their fast marching speed, the T26 has a top speed of 30 kilometers per hour, and usually can only run to about 20 kilometers per hour... This speed is a bit reluctant to call mechanization.

This is also the reason why Wang Xuexin was assigned a carriage instead of a car.

There are still some cars handed over from the devils, and each tank only needs 15 cars even if it is equipped with three, which is still affordable if it is transferred from other troops.

The problem is that it is limited by the speed of the T26, and the second is that the team of tanks and cars is too long to be bombed by devils.

This speed is almost enough for the carriage to follow with infantry, and it is easier for the carriage to hide in places with bad road conditions.

Cars are used to transport troops and supplies back and forth without delay.

Then there is the training plan of T34...

Wang Xuexin directly equipped each tank with three sidecars.

"Why Ural?" Androvich asked curiously.

The so-called "Ural" is Maozi's name for the bag... Maoxiong at this time is a planned economy. This kind of military side three-wheeler is all produced by the Ural Motorcycle Factory, plus the motor sound of the motorcycle and "Ural" The pronunciation is very similar, so Maozi gave this thing the nickname "Ural".

Of course, the old fan knew what "Ural" meant, and when he flipped it to Wang Xuexin, it was "shouzi".

"Because we need speed, Comrade Captain!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Otherwise, what else do you think can keep up with T34?"

"Can't cars?" Androvitch asked: "One car can fit a platoon, and a tank company only needs three cars. But with the 'Ural' need at least thirty!"

Wang Xuexin replied without thinking: "Because I need soldiers to fight guerrilla with T34, do you think the car is suitable?"

Androvich froze, the car was indeed not suitable.

A car pulls a platoon, which means that the speed of getting on and off the car is slow and the number of people is too concentrated. Coupled with the tall body and obvious targets, the enemy only needs one shell or a shuttle of bullets to cause heavy casualties to the infantry in the rear compartment of the car. .

On the contrary, "Ural" has three people in one vehicle, which not only disperses the personnel, but also can set up machine guns on the side buckets to provide fire support for the tanks on the move.

Wang Xuexin is not only considering these.

T34 has super off-road ability, and it can easily cross many uneven or even roadless places.

If it is equipped with a car... it means that there are many places where tanks can pass but cars cannot.

At that time, should we abandon the car and walk or let the tank divert?
Neither seems appropriate.

But the bag has a strong off-road ability, even if there is a pit, you only need to build a plank to pass it, plus it has the advantages of speed and small body, it is not a big problem if you can't make a detour, and you can still Keep up with the main force.

The problem is that thirty vehicles... To be precise, it should be fifty vehicles. It is not enough to bring all the captured vehicles from the Independence Regiment!

The reason why fifty cars are needed is because Wang Xuexin needs some fault tolerance.

For example, what if the bag breaks down on the road?
Another example is what if the shoulder bag is damaged by bullets or shrapnel in battle?
In addition, the reconnaissance troops also need to use the [-] slings are all said in Shaoli.

When Wang Xuexin mentioned this request to Li Yunlong, Li Yunlong's face darkened immediately: "I said Xiaodongbei, your Fifth Battalion has tanks and cars, it's enough! Now it costs fifty There are only 31 vehicles in our regiment, and they are scattered in various battalions for emergency use. If you gather them all here, will you give others a way to survive? No way!"

"Regimental Commander!" Wang Xuexin said, "Whether this bag is placed in the other battalion or the fifth battalion, isn't it all in our independent regiment?"

"That can't be cheap and let you take all the five camps?" Li Yunlong shook his hands and said, "It's not that you don't know the rules of our regiment. Whoever pays the things will belong to him. Now you have to take other people's bags in such a short order. The son is coming, can others be convinced?"

"It's easy!" Wang Xuexin had already made preparations, and he stepped forward and said, "If whoever pays the things goes to whoever, then all the Citi Centers of our regiment will belong to the Fifth Battalion?"

"You...can you use it?" Li Yunlong stared: "One person uses three guns?"

"Aren't I just exchanging guns for shoulders?" Wang Xuexin said, "Just ask other battalion commanders to change them or not!"

Li Yunlong fell silent when he heard this.

If you really want to count "whoever pays for it", then the sacks and landmines are actually related to Wang Xuexin. For example, some of the sacks were seized in Yunjing City.

To put it bluntly, without Wang Xuexin, few members of the independent group would have survived.

From this point of view, it is not too much for Wang Xuexin to want this bag.

Zhao Gang knew that Wang Xuexin was not Li Yunlong's character of "not enough to take advantage of and suffer from losses", so he asked in puzzlement after hearing this: "Xiao Dongbei, is there any reason why you want so many bags?"

"Political commissar!" Wang Xuexin explained: "The tank must be accompanied by infantry on the battlefield, so all the soldiers of the sixth company (T34 company) must be carried on their shoulders, otherwise this battle will be difficult to fight! The loss is not the bag but the T34!"

Zhao Gang is an educated college student. Although he doesn't know much about military theory, he can analyze and reason.

After listening to Wang Xuexin's explanation, he felt that it made sense, and immediately nodded and said: "Lao Li, we need to support this! There is a saying that 'good steel is used on the blade', and the shoulders we scattered in each battalion are Transporting things or sending letters to correspondents, but now they are used to fight devils on the battlefield? You refuse to let go of things that can be used to fight devils on the battlefield, how can there be such a reason?"

Li Yunlong thought it was right when he heard it. The Eighth Route Army relied on two legs to fight. This thing is not usually used, so it is used occasionally for urgent delivery of supplies or letters. Now of course it can be used to fight devils.

Thinking about it, Li Yunlong nodded and said, "OK, I'll go and gather all the people in the regiment!"

Zhao Gang said to Wang Xuexin: "I will ask the headquarters for the other twenty vehicles for you!"

After talking, I really just made a phone call to the headquarters.

Something went wrong on both sides, but it worked out.

Needless to say on Li Yunlong's side, of course the battalion commanders were not happy.

Li Yunlong responded with Wang Xuexin's original words: "If you don't like it, we will officially change back to Citigroup! You want a gun or a bag, you choose one!"

The battalion commanders fell silent after listening.

Only a fool would choose a pistol. A gun is something that can be used to fight devils on the battlefield, and everyone knows that the arsenal can produce this kind of gun and bullets. In the future, this gun will be the world. There is no reason to change it out.

As for the bag, it is only a rare thing, and it is used occasionally to return waste oil.

Thinking about it, the battalion commanders reluctantly handed over their bags one by one.

At the headquarters, it's because there are not many bags...

Don't look at the bag, which is not a big thing, but it is difficult to seize it.

The reason is that on the battlefield, the devils usually ride ahead on the shoulders, and a few shots will always hit the shoulders with some problems.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army usually uses horses instead of slings, so whether it is the Eighth Route Army or the guerrillas, the sacks captured are almost burned on the spot.

The reason why the Independence Regiment can have so many people is because they conquered the military depot and handed over a whole train, and secondly, they captured Yunjing City.

Regardless of the fact that the Eighth Route Army has 40 soldiers, there has never been a case of capturing a train or laying down a city from devils like this.

Therefore, there are only thirteen vehicles in the headquarters, and several of them are seriously aged and unusable.

However, after listening to Zhao Gang's explanation, the chief thought it necessary to equip the tank company with shoulders: "I think the devils also fight like this, which shows that Xiaodongbei is right to do so!"

The chief of staff said embarrassingly: "The problem is that we don't have so many, and we sometimes need a bag... For example, last time I was in a hurry to go to the three stores, and riding a horse might delay things!"

This is true. After all, it is the headquarters, and it is necessary to prepare a few emergency vehicles.

The chief thought for a while, then asked: "Which other troops do we have?"

"That's no use asking!" The chief of staff replied: "In addition to the independent regiment, it is their brigade commander... yes, brigade commander!"

No matter what the independent regiment seized, the brigade commander would call Li Yunlong, and the first thing he said was, "Li Yunlong, I heard you got rich recently?"

So Li Yunlong had to obediently send a copy of the things.

No way, who made him the brigade commander?
This of course includes the shoulder bag.

The brigade commander wanted this bag for nothing else, but to go to Dingbian to collect salt.

The road along Dingbian Road has not yet been repaired, and it is inconvenient to transport by car, and the transportation of mules and horses is too slow, and the transportation volume is not large.

The brigade commander ordered thirty carts from Li Yunlong, and "rumbled" back and forth to transport bags of salt to the base area.

Not to mention, the bagger is really good at transporting salt.

As long as it can be used by mules and horses, it can also be used. A few bags of salt are placed in the side bucket, a few bags of salt are tied to the back seat, and a few bags of salt are stuffed in the middle... The whole thing is that the driver's seat is vacant, and a bag is better than three horses. More luck.

This is the brigade commander's cash cow. Whenever the brigade is short of food and hungry, let the squadron go to Dingbian for a few times.

Thinking of this, the chief of staff didn't hesitate, and immediately called the brigade commander: "I said, Lao Chen, you also know that we are going to fight Yuncheng, right? There is a salt lake in Yuncheng, so there is no need to go all the way to fix it. It’s over! But now there is a problem in Yuncheng, and I need your support..."

These are not fuel-efficient lamps.

(End of this chapter)

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