Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 457 Cooperation

Chapter 457 Cooperation
Wang Xuexin personally drove a satchel and took Li Yunlong to the headquarters.

The satchel is almost extinct in modern times, and jeeps are more used in the army. It was more common in the armed police and civilian police in the past, but not many now.

Wang Xuexin is also learning and selling now. He was taught by Chen Fujun a few days ago.

As soon as Chen Fujun heard that Wang Xuexin could not ride, he said in surprise: "How can this work? The battalion commander must know how to ride! In case of an emergency, other people need to cover your retreat and you can't ride. Isn't that troublesome?" ?”

When the guards came out, the first thing they thought of was the safety of their superiors.

When Wang Xuexin heard it, he felt that it made some sense.

Usually it is possible to have a driver, but what if the driver dies?
Anything can happen on the battlefield or even in the rear. Will I have to sit and wait for death?

So Wang Xuexin practiced together with the idea of ​​"too many skills to not overwhelm one's body".

Since Wang Xuexin had driven a jeep with a manual transmission in modern times, he was very familiar with gear shifting and the like, and he was able to ride around in a few strokes. Chen Fujun and the others were stunned and couldn't believe that Wang Xuexin had never ridden before.

At this moment, in a hurry to go to the headquarters for a meeting, Wang Xuexin vacated a bicycle and rode there, with the guards sitting behind and Li Yunlong sitting on the sidelines.

Li Yunlong was still not used to sitting in it. He looked at this and that, and saw Wang Xuexin driving steadily all the way with his satchel, and sighed in his heart, this guy Xiaobei, his head is really easy to use, what the hell? It's like playing in his hands, so it's no wonder that the chief wants to call him by name in meetings.

Sangzi drove all the way into Dahuai Village, and when he arrived at the headquarters, several people had already discussed it inside.

However, there were not many people, that is, the chief of staff plus Li Changfu plus Ding Wei and Kong Jie. The other troops must have been too far away to arrive in time.

When the chief saw Li Yunlong and the others coming in, he nodded gloomyly and said, "Come on, tell me what's going on?"

Li Yunlong reported the details to the chief, and the conference room fell into silence.

Li Yunlong is a righteous person. He scolded Sun Ming when he was in the three stores, but he defended Sun Ming everywhere at the chief: "Chief, I'm lazy and I didn't tell them clearly. The words that the battalion commander said are actually It's not really a leak, it's just... Chu Yunfei has a good brain, he is familiar with the situation in Shanxi, and he can guess these from a single sentence..."

"It's useless to talk about it!" The chief replied while beckoning Li Yunlong to sit down: "The problem now is that Chu Yunfei guessed it. Yuncheng is a must-attack place for our army... The devils haven't realized this yet. If If they know, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

Everyone in the conference room nodded one after another. Now is not the time to pursue responsibility, but to find a way to solve the problem.

With the strength of the Eighth Route Army at this time, there is still hope to attack Yuncheng when the devils are unprepared. If the devils are prepared...they are aircraft and cannons, plus the geographical advantages of Yuncheng and Zhongtiao Mountain, Even with Wang Xuexin's tank unit, I'm afraid it will be difficult to win.

After being silent for a while, Ding Wei said: "Chief, I think we should first find out what the Jinsui Army's intentions are, and then we can prescribe the right medicine!"

The chief nodded, then turned his gaze to Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong is the person involved in this matter, and he has a close relationship with Chu Yunfei, so he has the most right to speak in this regard.

Li Yunlong thought for a while, and then replied: "I can't say what Jinsui Army's intentions are, but Chu Yunfei... I think he wants to eat meat in pieces!"

"Be clear!" The chief was a little annoyed: "What do you mean eating meat in pieces?"

"It's back to Yuncheng!" Li Yunlong replied: "This Yuncheng was originally the site of the Jinsui army. This place is made of salt and copper. It's a treasure! How could the Jinsui army be willing to let the devils take it like this! As usual Well, with their 10,000+ remnants and defeated generals, it’s impossible to even think about taking back Yuncheng. Now that we know that we have plans to fight Yuncheng, don’t you get envious?”

"He has a good idea!" Kong Jie raised his head: "I lost it, and now I want to borrow our knife to get it back, and then beat the devils away. Who should this Yuncheng belong to? One person Half? Or do we hunt them for meat?"

Ding Wei was silent for a while, then analyzed: "I guess this is not just Chu Yunfei's idea, the Jinsui Army will also have the same idea. After all, Yuncheng is the lifeblood of the Jinsui Army. Once Yuncheng is lost... the Jinsui Army Either rely on the stubborn army or surrender to the devils, there is no third way to go! Now, they seem to have found a third way, and that is to cooperate with our army to take back Yuncheng. It's just..."

"Just what?" asked the Chief.

Ding Wei continued to analyze: "I think there is no problem for us to cooperate with the Jinsui Army. No one is sure that we will be able to win Yuncheng, or... I can't guarantee how much we will have to pay to win Yuncheng!"

As he said that, Ding Wei turned his attention to Wang Xuexin.

Attacking Yuncheng is Wang Xuexin's plan, and his tank force is also the main force, so Wang Xuexin needs to make a statement.

Wang Xuexin nodded in agreement: "Commander Ding is right. The so-called 'management is up to man to achieve success'. No one can guarantee victory. It is definitely more beneficial for our army to be able to unite the Jinsui Army."

"Yes!" The chief of staff also agreed: "What's more, this will play a positive role in politics and propaganda. If the Jinsui Army has the intention to cooperate with our army, but we refuse, this is not the same as the cooperation in the War of Resistance. If the purpose is inconsistent, it will not only deepen internal rifts, but also give people a handle. If we can successfully cooperate and win Yuncheng, this will be good news for all parts of the anti-Japanese forces in the country, and it can set an example and inspire people!"

Yan Laoxi once did a pretty good job in cooperating in the war of resistance.

In fact, it cannot be said to be a "cooperative war of resistance", it should be "caused by interests".

At that time, Yan Laoxi was being beaten to pieces by the devils. What this guy wanted was to guard the three-acre land in Shanxi. He was about to be driven out of Shanxi by the devils. cooperate.

Because of this, Yan Laoxi once became an example and model of the national cooperative war of resistance.

However, when the situation stabilized, Yan Laoxi worried that the presence of the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi would greatly affect his position in Shanxi, so he started to make troubles again.

Now, with the changing situation, Yan Laoxi, who is determined to recapture it time to cooperate with the Eighth Route Army again?
The chief nodded and said: "This time, the current situation requires Yan Laoxi to cooperate with our army! So, let's try this way!"

(End of this chapter)

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