Chapter 470 Dilemma
There is a reason why the Jinsui Army did not blow up the fortifications. They did not collapse from the beginning.

When the devil hit Tiaoshan, he tried to encircle Yuncheng from the very beginning, that is, to break through Chu Yunfei's defense line and penetrate to the west of Yuncheng.

The west is the only retreat for Yuncheng... the south is Zhongtiao Mountain, the north is Luliang Mountain, and the east is the attack direction of the devils.

Once the devil penetrates to the west of Yuncheng, it means that Yuncheng's escape route will be cut off, so all the arms, equipment and food of Yan Laoxi in Yuncheng will be seized by the devil.

This is also the reason why Yan Laoxi deployed Chu Yunfei's 358 regiment on the flank of Yuncheng... Only when Chu Yunfei can hold the flank of Yuncheng will he have time to evacuate.

Chu Yunfei did hold on for a while.

Yan Laoxi took advantage of this time to mobilize the whole city to withdraw supplies from Yuncheng. Of course, there was no time to blow up the fortifications at this time, and it was meaningless for them to blow up the fortifications... Yan Laoxi thought he couldn't call back, even if he did. He won't fight back with a tank, and it doesn't make any difference to him whether he blows up an anti-tank trench or not.

Unexpectedly, these fortifications have caused a lot of trouble to the Eighth Route Army.

After being silent for a while, Li Yunlong said a little unconvinced: "I don't understand this. How do the devils attack the city when they have tanks? They can attack them all, but they can't fight in our hands?"

"The devil's way is to fill up the anti-tank trenches one by one!" Ding Wei replied: "This is the only way, otherwise the tanks will not be able to drive in anyway. If the tanks cannot drive in, they will not be able to destroy the gun towers." Knock down the bunkers, and our infantry will be massacred, and we won’t even be able to touch the city walls, let alone attack the city.”

Li Yunlong raised his head and said, "Then let's fight like this, let's follow suit!"

Wang Xuexin shook his head and said: "We can't fight like this, because we have to fight quickly!"

"That's right!" The chief frowned and said, "Once we start fighting, we must immediately finish it within a day, otherwise... the devil's reinforcements will arrive, and the enemy will cooperate internally and externally, and our army wants to take it down." It's getting more and more difficult!"

When the chief said this, the cadres fell silent.

The Eighth Route Army's attack on Yuncheng and the devil's attack on Yuncheng are two different things.

The devils fought against Yuncheng when their overall strength was far superior to that of their opponents and took the initiative, so they could take their time, and after the siege, the anti-tank trenches were slowly pushed forward, and there would always be a day when they were defeated.

The Eighth Route Army is different. The overall strength of the Eighth Route Army is not 01:30 than that of the devils. This determines that this battle must be resolved quickly and then build fortifications in Yuncheng, so that it is possible to gain a firm foothold.

Otherwise, Yuncheng will become an encirclement circle of devils. The devils can transfer a division, two divisions or even more troops from other places to surround Yuncheng... The devils are worried that they will have nothing to do with the Eighth Route Army in the mountains. How can they not eat it when it is delivered to the door in the plain area?

Therefore, the Eighth Route Army has no time to fill these anti-tank trenches, unless a large number of troops are used to contain and block the devil's reinforcements, which is obviously not an easy task.

Kong Jie stared at the map for a while, and then suggested: "Chief, the enemy's anti-tank trenches are not connected in one piece, but one in a row. Can we go through the gap in the middle?"

Speaking of which, Kong Jie turned his attention to Wang Xuexin. The tank battalion was trained by Wang Xuexin, so he has more right to speak.

Wang Xuexin actually discovered this too.

Wang Xuexin believes that this should be determined by the location and terrain of the gun towers and bunkers outside Yuncheng City... Some anti-tank trenches have to go through bunkers and gun towers, and some anti-tank trenches have to go through boulder mountains, so the anti-tank trenches have not been connected. into one piece.

It was only later that Wang Xuexin learned from Chu Yunfei that this was actually done intentionally by the Jinsui Army.

The reason is that if the anti-tank trenches are to be connected together, it means that a bunch of gun towers and bunkers must be arranged behind the anti-tank trenches... The anti-tank trenches need to be strengthened, otherwise the enemy engineers can easily fill up the anti-tank trenches, and the anti-tank trenches will be destroyed. Trench is meaningless.

Doing so will indeed make the anti-tank trenches tighter without any loopholes, but the disadvantages are also obvious...the defense line is too obvious, and the gun towers and bunkers must also follow the regular defense line.

At the same time, the Jinsui army's artillery fire was obviously inferior to that of the devils, so such regular fortifications undoubtedly made it easier for the devils to bombard them with artillery fire.

Therefore, the Jinsui army built anti-tank trenches into one piece and another, and the gun towers and bunkers were also one and the other, and there were many bunkers among them. This kind of fortification layout is more suitable for the weak Jinsui army to fight against the devils.

Wang Xuexin replied: "With this map, it is not a problem for our tanks to enter the enemy's positions from the gaps in the anti-tank trenches. We only need to send the map to the tank crew to let them memorize the map and rehearse it several times. The problem is almost the same. Because these passages are very narrow, the enemy is likely to lay mines on these passages. On the other hand, when our army follows the infantry, it will inevitably be blocked by devils' gun towers, bunkers and artillery. Once the infantry and tanks are separated..."

Others may not understand these words, because Wang Xuexin heard someone whisper:
"If the infantry can't keep up, change to another batch!"

"As long as the tank can pass, knock down the bunker first, and then our infantry will be able to go up!"


But the chief and the chief of staff understood.

The chief and the chief of staff have not been idle during this time. While tracking Wang Xuexin's training progress, they are also learning tank tactics.

This was proposed by the chief, and he even held a meeting specifically for this purpose and emphasized at the meeting: "Usually we don't have tanks, so we don't need to learn tank tactics, but now we have tanks, and there are a lot of them! If the commander No one knows how to use tanks, and there will be problems in the war! Therefore, we should start learning from us, and then gradually spread to all troops after learning, so that these tanks can be used well and correctly, and they will not be blind command!"

The chief’s method is to ask the staff officer Chen Songyong to report to the headquarters regularly, and let him go back to the headquarters every few days to concentrate on studying. The chief and the chief of staff also become students to listen to lectures and take notes.

By now, the chief and the chief of staff know what Wang Xuexin said about the infantry following.

Although the tank is made of iron, it is far more fragile than imagined.

If they fought as Kong Jie said, that is, inserted into the devil's position from a narrow passage, the devil could use mortars, grenades, or even directly use the bunker's machine gun to kill the infantry behind the tank from the side.

The result is that the infantry tanks separate and the tanks lose the cover of the infantry.

Once the tank has no infantry cover, there are blind spots everywhere.

To blow it up, the devil only needs to approach from a dead angle and a cluster grenade will solve it.

By the way, the chief of staff took this opportunity to popularize this knowledge with the soldiers.

Wang Xuexin felt a little helpless, if it wasn't for his inability to deal with it, of course such an important time of meeting would not be used for class.

(End of this chapter)

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