Chapter 472
Li Yunlong waited for another two days, and finally waited for Wang Xuexin.

As soon as Wang Xuexin walked into the regiment headquarters, Li Yunlong couldn't wait to ask: "Have you figured out a solution?"

"I think of it!" Wang Xuexin replied, "I just don't know if it will be possible..."

"There is a way!" Li Yunlong interrupted Wang Xuexin: "It's better than nothing, come on, come on, tell me, what is the way?"

Speaking of which, Li Yunlong gave up the position beside the Kang table and spread out the map on the Kang table.

On the other side, Zhao Gang, who was still flipping through the documents, dropped his work and came over.

"Head, I think so!" Wang Xuexin said, "We... can attack Yuncheng Railway Station first!"

"En!" Li Yunlong nodded, and immediately found the location of Yuncheng Railway Station on the map.

The train station was outside the city, built by the devils after they conquered Yuncheng, about 200 meters away from the north gate, surrounded by several defense lines consisting of bunkers and trenches.

After waiting for a while, Li Yunlong saw that Wang Xuexin was silent, so he asked suspiciously: "And then?"

" more!" Wang Xuexin replied: "Then it depends on the situation!"

At this moment, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang were stunned. They looked at me and I looked at you, and they couldn't believe what they heard.

After a while, Li Yunlong lost his temper. He looked at the map in high spirits and immediately put down his face: "I said Xiao Dongbei, are you playing with us? It took a few days to hold back such a thing. A sneak attack on the train station will kill it? Can a surprise attack on the train station take down Yuncheng or something? Is there such a thing..."

"Old Li, don't worry!" Zhao Gang stopped Li Yunlong, turned his gaze to Wang Xuexin, and asked, "Comrade Wang Xuexin, do you have any intention of attacking the train station...? Will it help you fight against Yuncheng?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Political commissar, I'm just not sure. Maybe it helps or maybe it doesn't. It depends on whether the devil is fooled!"

"How to say?" Zhao Gang became interested as soon as he heard this, and he knew that it was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

"That's what happened!" Wang Xuexin took out several maps of Yuncheng from his pocket and put them on the table one by one, explaining: "Political commissar, look! During this time, I have been comparing these maps... Yuncheng used to have railway tracks, but the devils entered Shanxi and the Jinsui army retreated to Yuncheng, and they dug up the railway!"

Zhao Gang nodded, he knew this.

In order to protect himself, Yan Laoxi dug the railway while retreating, and even blasted the roadbed section by section.

Otherwise, the railway would become a transportation line for the devils to transport supplies, and the Jinsui army would be even more unable to withstand it.

Wang Xuexin took another map, and continued: "This is a year ago. After the Jinsui army dug up the railroad tracks, they built many bunkers and anti-tank trenches at the original railroad tracks. Does the political commissar know why they did this?"

"Why?" Li Yunlong asked this question, and Wang Xuexin's words successfully aroused his interest.

"Because tanks can be used on the railway line!" Wang Xuexin explained: "The railway line is straight and long, and it usually transports a carload of goods without moving. The ground within tens of meters on the side must be hard, and many places are reinforced with stones and cement, otherwise, if the pieces collapse, there will be big problems!"

Zhao Gang said "Oh", looked at the map and nodded in agreement: "The Jinsui army is worried that the devils will attack along the railway line."

Li Yunlong understood now. He took another map and said, "The devils occupied Yuncheng and repaired the railway. So... the anti-tank trenches on both sides of the railway should have been filled?"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin nodded and said: "That's what I mean, but those anti-tank trenches are hidden anti-tank trenches, they were not discovered by our intelligence personnel, and we didn't know they were filled in, nor did the Jinsui Army know. , that’s why there is this picture now!”

Li Yunlong laughed "hehehe": "So it's not a problem for our tanks to hit the railway station along the railway line, right?"

"That's almost what it means!" Wang Xuexin nodded.

Then Li Yunlong frowned again: "That's not right, Xiaodongbei! The train station is more than 200 meters outside the city, and we haven't touched the foot of the city wall yet. Even if we hit the train station, there are still bunkers and anti-tank trenches in front of us... ...Can you make it through?"

"Regiment leader!" Wang Xuexin replied, "That's why I said I'm going to attack the train station!"

Li Yunlong was dumbfounded when he heard this, and then he raised his head and asked, "Little Northeast, don't come here with me. What does this have to do with the sneak attack on the train station? Could it be that you surrendered after you took down the devils at the train station?" ? It’s not such a cheap thing!”

"Captain, I didn't say I wanted to take down the train station!"

"Then what do you mean? Quickly, tell me the key points!"

Wang Xuexin pointed to the map and explained: "Commander, that's what I think. Let's sneak attack on the train station and make a small fuss. Use rocket launchers to fire a few shots today and a few shots tomorrow, so that the devils will feel that the railway station is not safe to build!"

The rocket launcher is very suitable for this. The reason is that the rocket launcher developed by Wang Xuexin can be disassembled. It is difficult to find when it is disassembled into a single tube and hidden for transportation. When it reaches the destination, it can be assembled temporarily. If necessary, it can be launched directly with rockets. It's a matter of precision.

But sneak attacking the train station does not require too high precision.

Because the train station is full of warehouses, which either store supplies or equipment, and some even store ammunition... If you are lucky, a single rocket hit can cause a chain explosion.

If the rockets use incendiary bombs, the effect may be better.

Playing a few like this, even if you miss, I'm afraid it will scare the devil to death!
But Li Yunlong was confused again, and he said angrily: "So what if it's not safe? Then change the place!"

"That's right!" Wang Xuexin asked, "Where is the safest place to change?"

"You think I'm stupid!" Li Yunlong replied without even thinking about it: "In this case, of course it's only in another city..."

Then Li Yunlong was stunned, and laughed in the next second: "That's right, it's safe to put the train station in the city, isn't that the same as building the railway into the city? Little Northeast, you really are a motherfucker." Genius, this idea can be imagined!"

Zhao Gang also wanted to understand, and he sighed: "In ancient times, there was Zhan'an Mun River, but now there is a railway to borrow it! Comrade Wang Xuexin, your trick is similar to Zhibo's! It's a good idea, a good way!"

(Note: Zhan'anyan River is an allusion in the Spring and Autumn Period. The Jin State wanted to attack Qiu You, but the road between the two countries was narrow and chariots could not pass, so the Jin State sent Qiu You a big bell and asked Qiu You to build the road. Pick……)
Li Yunlong couldn't understand this, and cursed dissatisfiedly: "Old Zhao, you cut the stream for a while, and he let the devils fill the anti-tank trenches by themselves, what a mess!"

Zhao Gang didn't explain, but just smiled wryly in return, can he explain clearly to this layman?Zhao Gang gave up a long time ago.

(End of this chapter)

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