Chapter 474 Railway
Chi Shangxianji thought for a long time, and thought that the best way was to move the train station to the city.

In fact, this should not be said to be "the best way", but "the only way".

Asakawa Tomie analyzed the matter one by one:

"Your Excellency, Major General! If we want to prevent the enemy from launching spray bombs at the train station, we must clear the six-kilometer radius of the train station and build a defense line. Although Yuncheng has sufficient troops, it is not enough to build another line of defense outside the city! "

"What's more, it is not safe to build a line of defense. The Eighth Route Army guerrillas can still concentrate their forces to break through or carry out sneak attacks from one point."

"But if we moved the train station into the city ... I think it would be much better!"

"We don't need to add additional troops and fortifications. The bunkers outside the city and the walls of Yuncheng can become natural and solid protection!"


Chi Shangxianji thought for a while, and then asked: "Is there enough space in the city?"

"Of course!" Asakawa replied: "After the Jinsui army retreated, they left a weapons factory, and they have emptied the equipment. It is a very good train station, and we even have many vacant warehouses! As for the labor force, We can mobilize the people of Yuncheng, and it will only take a few days to transport supplies into the city and build a new railway!"

Ikegami Kenkichi was eventually persuaded, because it sounded like a good thing and no harm.

After all, it was a strategic material for the Zhongtiao Army. If something went wrong, the Ninth Mixed Brigade, which had been neglected by its superiors, would never have a chance to turn around. He, the brigade commander, might even be asked to apologize by cutting open his stomach.

Therefore, Kenkichi Ikegami did not dare to neglect, he immediately ordered: "Mr. Asakawa, you are fully responsible for this matter, and immediately start building a railway to transport supplies!"

"Yes!" Asakawa Tomie stood up and responded, secretly relieved.

Asakawa is Kenkichi Ikegami's old subordinate. Asakawa knows Ikegami well, and knows that the brigade commander always treats an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth and will not easily show weakness to the enemy.

If it was the past, not only would Chi Shangxianji not relocate the train station, but he would also pull out troops to raid the periphery.

In Ikegami's words, "The best defense is to attack", so he will consider turning the area around the train station into a no-man's land, and burn all the houses and vegetation that can block the line of sight, so that it will be easier to find Sneaking enemies.

But now Ikegami has accepted Asakawa's suggestion.

Asakawa thought, this might be the reason for the shame on his body, even Ikegami had to deal with it carefully!

Asakawa moved very quickly. He was in construction before joining the army, and these were nothing more than trivial matters to him.

The railway line enters the city from the Xiaobei Gate...the North Gate originally had two city gates, one is the North Gate and the other is the Xiaobei Gate.

(Note: After the liberation of Yuncheng, the Xiaobei Gate was renamed "Guangfu Gate". The soldiers are not sure whether this gate is still there)

In this way, there is no need to drill holes in the city wall, which saves time and does not damage the firmness of the wall.

The demolition of houses along the line in the city is not a big problem.

When the Jinsui army fled, they took away many people, and at least half of the houses in the city were vacated, and the people along the line only needed to be vacated to the vacated houses.

The problem was the rail lines outside the city.

The railway line outside the city passes through many anti-tank trenches as well as three bunkers and a gun tower.

However, Asakawa had the same idea as Chi Shangxianji. He believed that the possibility that the Eighth Route Army would come to attack the well-fortified Yuncheng was almost zero.

Since this is the case, what's the point of bunkers and gun towers?

Especially anti-tank trenches... The Eighth Route Army doesn't even have tanks, so anti-tank trenches will only cause trouble for their own troops!
So Asakawa didn't think much, and drew a new railway line on the map with a ruler and a pencil. As long as it was a defense facility passing by, it would either be buried or destroyed.

The independent group had already arranged intelligence personnel to watch over it, and the independent group received the news as soon as the construction of the Yuncheng railway line started.

Li Yunlong took a pen and drew along the construction direction on the map, and said happily: "It's done, the devil is going to build the railway from Xiaobeimen to the city! Good guy, I finally got fooled!"

Zhao Gang drew a line on both sides of the railway line, and looked at Wang Xuexin worriedly: "If the left and right sides are filled with 20 meters each, this passage will be more than [-] meters wide. Is it enough for tanks to fight?"

Wang Xuexin looked at it and replied, "Almost!"

Zhao Gang was still a little worried, and asked, "What if the devils use artillery to block this passage?"

Li Yunlong replied without thinking: "Don't the Jinsui army also have artillery fire? The devil's artillery fire is handed over to them!"

"This is impossible!" Zhao Gang stood up straight and tapped the map with a pen and said: "The fight against Yuncheng is not a joke. We can't pin our hopes on others for such an important task. In case the Jinsui Army is at a critical moment What about dropping the chain?"

Later, it was discovered that Zhao Gang had confirmed this matter. The Jinsui Army joined the war with a ulterior motive... Who is Yan Laoxi? How could he make the Eighth Route Army feel better.

Li Yunlong thought it was right, and after thinking about it, he replied indifferently: "Don't we still have rockets? How can we say that there are hundreds of rockets now? If the Jinsui Army can't do it, we will fight by ourselves!"

"The rocket launcher can't be used!" Wang Xuexin said: "At least you can't hit the city!"

"That's right!" Zhao Gang immediately reacted: "The devil's artillery is mostly deployed in the city under such circumstances, and our rocket launchers are not accurate. Once we hit a large area, this area of ​​shells will be blasted in. It is impossible to kill them." How many people in Yuncheng have been injured. So you can't hit the inside of the city, you can only hit the targets outside the city!"

Li Yunlong said "this", and said helplessly: "This will not work, that will not work, what do you think?"

"Maybe there is another way!" Wang Xuexin said.

"What method?" Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang asked at the same time.

When Wang Xuexin told them this and that, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang nodded in agreement.

The news that Yuncheng was going to build a railway into the city soon reached the headquarters.

When the chief got the news, he laughed happily: "This time the devil has fallen into Xiaobei's trap again! This is a way for our tanks to attack!"

The chief of staff who stared at the map also said happily: "Yes! Once this road is opened, there will not be too many problems with the blockhouses and artillery towers outside the city. You see, the blockhouses, artillery towers, barbed wire fences, and anti-tank trenches outside Yuncheng were originally It’s the rings interlocking and covering each other to form a strong defense system. Once this railway line enters, it’s like a knife slashing on this defense system, forming a wide and straight gap,’Ring Ring Interlocking' breaks from here!"

The chief agreed with this: "That's right, we can use this gap as a breakthrough, quickly expand the results of the battle and capture Yuncheng!"

After thinking about it, the chief coincided with what Zhao Gang was worried about: "That is... can the devil's artillery be suppressed! Our tanks are not too many, and they are all baby bumps! If the loss is too great, we will not follow up." It's a good fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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