Chapter 479
In the binoculars, Wang Xuexin could only faintly see the figures of the soldiers in the tank when they were maneuvering.

However, Wang Xuexin is still very relieved, because the tank is still slowly advancing in the smoke, which is like telling everyone that the tank company has gained the upper hand in this battle.

At this time, the following infantry had already stepped out to fight the devils in front of the tank.

What the devil's demolition team hit was not a tank, but the muzzles, grenades and bayonets of a company of soldiers.

Amidst the billowing of smoke and dust, there were explosions one after another, and the desperate roar of the devil before he died.

Wang Xuexin knew that it was a suicide charge launched by the devils who could not break through the fire defense line organized by the infantry and ignited the explosives...

Wang Xuexin said this to the soldiers when he was training to follow the infantry: "Do you know what a tank is? You use it as a shield, and you don't care about its machine guns and artillery? Let me tell you, it should be your life! Don't look at it. It has thick skin and thick flesh, and sometimes this thing is fragile. If the devil gets close, isn’t it just a matter of explosives? If it is blown up by the devil, you can still come back alive from the devil’s gun! So, Do you understand what to do?"

"Understood!" The soldiers responded loudly.

This is not Wang Xuexin's alarmist talk, but the devil's firepower is much stronger than that of the Eighth Route Army, and his marksmanship and military quality are much better than that of the Eighth Route Army. If the Devils have a superior force in local battles...then what else can the Eighth Route Army rely on besides tanks?
The soldiers are also very aware of this, so they will not hesitate to use their lives to protect the safety of the tank.

Therefore, when the devil's blasting team rushed towards the tank with explosives in the smoke, it was like being blocked by invisible walls.

The first wall is the soldiers' rifle bullets.

With the introduction of the bullet production line and the increase in the supply of bullets, the training of soldiers will inevitably be strengthened.

The first supply is to follow the infantry... Wang Xuexin requires them to have at least two sharpshooters in each squad, of course sharpshooters fed by bullets.

Springfield rifles are used, because Springfield rifles have a large caliber, high damage, high rejection ability, and it can effectively knock down the target holding explosives instead of one shot or two.

Most of them practice shooting in the smoke... long-distance targets can be completed by tanks, and the most dangerous situation for tanks is precisely when the enemy's demolition team is approaching by the smoke.

As the saying goes, adapting measures to local conditions means making the most favorable and appropriate arrangements according to the actual situation on the battlefield.

So sharpshooters don't necessarily have to hit long-range targets.

Wang Xuexin asked them to be able to judge the wind force and direction by looking at the smoke, analyze the enemy's position in the smoke, and judge the enemy's tactical actions and movement direction based on the abnormal disturbance of the smoke.

So as soon as the bullets passed by, many devils were knocked down in a pool of blood before they understood what was going on.

The second barrier is the short-range firepower net.

The squad leader and deputy squad leader of each squad following the infantry are equipped with a Jinsui submachine gun. When the tank is in danger, the squad leader and the squad deputy will line up on both sides of the tank and use the submachine gun to form a crossfire without dead ends. Once the enemy is found Dash out of the smoke and they'll pin it down with a barrage of bullets and grenades in no time.

The third barrier is the soldiers' bayonets.

To be exact, it is not the bayonet, but the lives of the soldiers.

The reason is that if the devil blaster rushed to the state of being able to fight the bayonet, the bayonet would no longer work... Many devils had already pulled the fuse of the explosive package or cluster grenade when they rushed forward.

What the soldiers can do is to block them with their bodies, and they even need to roll aside with the devils to avoid the explosives from hurting the tank.

This is also one of Wang Xuexin's training subjects.

It sounds cruel, but Wang Xuexin thinks he must face up to it.

Because war is a cruel reality, it will not change because it does not train.

The purpose of Wang Xuexin's training in this subject was never to worry about no one rushing up, but to worry about too many people rushing up at the same time, causing unnecessary casualties.

Later, Wang Xuexin learned that in this battle alone, five soldiers used their flesh and blood to protect the safety of the tank.

The time for the tank to pass through the smoke was only 7 minutes. To outsiders, this journey was very short and ordinary. Only the soldiers in it knew how much danger and sacrifice it contained.

Immediately after the tank passed through the smoke zone, the battlefield became one-sided again.

This is not only because the tank crew regained their vision and roared with machine guns, but also had room to play when entering the enemy's relatively open positions.

As a result, the sound of gunfire and cannons immediately became intense again. The devils had more troops, but they were completely unable to function under these circumstances. The line of defense was immediately torn apart by the tank troops.

Of course, Wang Xuexin would not give the devil a chance to breathe a sigh of relief. With a wave of his hand, the follow-up tanks immediately entered the position and pushed towards the enemy's position continuously.

The devil's defense finally collapsed at this moment.

It is not easy for the devils to resist at this time... A unit without tanks, anti-tank equipment, and artillery reinforcements still has the courage to resist when seeing a large number of tanks rushing up. Not only has the courage to resist, but it can also form a certain defense , this cannot be done without a certain quality.

But this is only from Wang Xuexin's point of view, it's another matter from the devil's point of view.

The Eighth Route Army not only had tanks, but also defeated a brigade of the empire with one tank company... Strictly speaking, the Eighth Route Army was not a tank company. There were still many troops that could not be deployed in the pass, but there was indeed only one tank company that went into battle.

This is simply a shame...

Once upon a time, the Eighth Route Army had several regiments surrounding the devils and a brigade to fight against them, but now a tank company could do it.

This made Chi Shangxianji, who escaped on the side three rounds, not know how to report to his superiors.

Chishang Xianji wanted to commit suicide several times on the way to apologize, but he thought that he should at least warn his superiors, otherwise the superiors would not know about it at all... This can also explain how panicked Chishang Xianji escaped, he didn’t even have a radio station. Take it out in time.

However, this does not seem to be surprising. The speed at which the tanks push forward does not seem to be fast, but in actual combat, wherever they are pushed, they are within their reach. Coupled with the extended firepower of machine guns and artillery, the command of the Chishang Brigade has no time to evacuate. was eliminated in the earthen house.

Chishang Xianji fled ten miles before finding the phone at a post. He reported the situation by phone: "I am Chishang Xianji, the captain of the third brigade of the 226th Wing. The Eighth Route Army has broken through our defense line and may raid Yuncheng! They There are a lot of tanks, they are the T26 type of bears, and they have quite mature infantry-tank coordination tactics! Please, Chief Nagatake (Captain of the 226th Regiment), pay attention to them!"

After reporting this, Ikegami seemed to have completed something on his mind, then touched the grenade on his waist, and walked dejectedly into the woods beside the road...

(End of this chapter)

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