Chapter 485

There were still 10 minutes before the battle, and the tanks were hiding in the bunkers one after another. The crew members were getting ready in the tanks, and the soldiers were lying behind the tanks ready to go.

Wang Xuexin hid behind a mound, raised his head and held up his binoculars to look at Yuncheng through the vague smog.

The devils in Yuncheng also seemed to sense the danger, and had entered the final stage of preparation.

Outside the city wall, there are devils who are busy moving ammunition or laying mines on the ground. They want to store as much ammunition as possible to create obstacles before the battle starts. Some devils even start to pull the barbed wire until then...

This shows that the devils were not prepared enough. After all, no one thought that the Eighth Route Army would suddenly have the strength to attack Yuncheng.

On the top of the city hundreds of meters away, there are devils running around everywhere, and from time to time there are a few loud orders from the devil officers. They seem to have deployed machine guns and artillery on the top of the city... If the artillery wants to destroy the tank, it must be on the top of the city. It is more convenient to be able to see the target with your own eyes from a condescending height.

Wang Xuexin looked around the fortifications of Xiayun City again.

Although before that, he had already memorized the deployment of Yuncheng fortifications by heart, and even built a similar anti-tank trench to let the tanks run a few times... After all, the anti-tank trench is a hidden anti-tank trench. Wang Xuexin requires every tank crew They all memorize the position of the anti-tank trench in the direction of attack they are responsible for, so that they can be effectively avoided.

This is the first time for Wang Xuexin to face the real Yuncheng.

Regardless of the fact that the Jinsui Army did not fight well, the fortifications were built quite well.

Wherever the eyes pass, barbed wire, trenches, anti-tank trenches, traffic trenches and other fortifications connect the gun towers and bunkers into one, and spread five to 600 meters around Yuncheng as the center, like an army covered with The spiked hedgehog makes it hard to get started.

This kind of defense is correct, that is, building a large number of fortifications outside the city instead of relying on the city wall.

Many people think that the city wall is a shield against foreign enemies, but in Wang Xuexin's eyes, the city wall is more likely to be a cage to trap himself to death.

Whether it is a shield or a cage, it needs to be analyzed in detail.

If the defenders in the nearby area have an advantage in terms of strength and situation, then the city wall is a shield, because at this time they only need to stick to it and wait for reinforcements.

Conversely, if the defenders are obviously weak in terms of strength and situation, that is another matter.

At this time, the enemy only needs to block the city gate with firepower to prevent the defenders from leaving the city... Anyway, there will be no reinforcements, and even if there are reinforcements, they will be easily defeated, so victory is a matter of time.

The Jinsui Army belongs to the latter.

The devils have an obvious advantage in the battle in Shanxi. Once Yuncheng is besieged by the devils, it will become a dead city. If you only rely on the city wall for defense, once the devils block the city gate with firepower, the Jinsui army will die.

Therefore, the Jinsui Army built a large number of fortifications outside the city. Only in this way can the Jinsui Army have the possibility of breaking through.

This is a bit like playing Go. A lone army surrounded by strong external forces has nothing to worry about, otherwise it will only have to work.

As for guarding a city and "doing work", it might have been feasible in ancient cold weapon wars. In modern times, any cannon can blast a bunch of shells into the city, and there are also bombers... there is almost no possibility of "doing work".

The devils are the party with the advantage of external power.

Therefore, in Yuncheng occupied by the devils, these bunkers and artillery towers outside the city are just icing on the cake, they can stick to the city wall and wait for reinforcements.

As far as the Eighth Route Army is concerned, if these bunkers and gun towers are pulled out one by one by conventional methods, and then they attack the city walls in a satisfactory manner... How long will it take to take down?
one day?
I'm afraid that even clearing the bunkers and gun towers outside the city would not be enough, even if the Eighth Route Army had tanks in their hands.

When the devil's reinforcements arrive, will the Eighth Route Army be surrounded by internal cooperation?
Therefore, Wang Xuexin did not intend to use conventional methods to attack from the beginning.

Zhao Gang trotted all the way to Wang Xuexin from the back, took out his Roman watch, and asked, "It's almost time, and the monk hasn't heard back yet, could something be wrong?"

"Probably not!" Wang Xuexin replied: "I guess there may be a problem with the radio station!"

The reason why Wang Xuexin made such a guess is because if something goes wrong, the devil should react at this time.

Zhao Gang nodded solemnly and said, "Then follow the original plan!"

"Yes!" Wang Xuexin replied.

Zhao Gang fixed his eyes on the dial, watched the second hand jumping to point to ten o'clock, and said: "It's started!"

Before the words fell, there was a whistling sound of "whoosh, whoosh, whoosh".

The first to attack is the rocket artillery unit.

At this time, the rocket launcher force of the Eighth Route Army had been expanded to two battalions with 26 rocket launchers.

In fact, the rocket launcher still has the ability to expand. Although the Eighth Route Army has seized not many cars, it is not a problem to expand to [-] or [-] vehicles.

The problem is that it is not easy to produce rockets. There are too many rockets and the shells cannot keep up, so the rockets can only be limited to two battalions.

At this time, these two battalions were all used. One rocket launcher had 12 tubes, and 26 rockets were 312 rockets. They bombed the bunkers and blockhouses outside the Devil City in one breath, and a sea of ​​​​fire and fire broke out outside the city. soot.

This is actually for the sake of tank troops.

The devils arranged a lot of grenades and mortars in the bunkers and trenches, waiting for the tanks to come up and blow up the infantry after the tanks...

This is a common means of anti-tank.

The most important thing in anti-tank warfare is to separate the enemy infantry from the tanks, and then send the blasters to blow up the tanks after they are singled out.

The sharp weapons that can separate infantry from tanks are grenades and mortars with curved ballistics.

Because the devils knew that the Eighth Route Army didn't have much artillery fire, the gunners arrogantly placed the mortar positions behind the bunkers. They thought it would be more convenient to observe so that they could strike the enemy more accurately and in a timely manner.

But didn't expect...

The rockets of the Eighth Route Army immediately taught them how to behave as human beings, to be precise, how to behave like ghosts. The mortar positions set up at ground level have almost no possibility of surviving under the instantaneous and intensive attack of rockets, especially because some of them are incendiary bombs. .

As a result, howling firemen soon appeared on the battlefield, not to mention mortar positions, and some bunkers became balls of fire after being hit by incendiary bombs, and then exploded because the ammunition was ignited.

Chi Shang Xianji standing at the top of the city was stunned when he saw this scene.

He couldn't believe how the Eighth Route Army, which had no artillery fire, could suddenly have such a strong firepower. Could it be the Jinsui Army?

But it's not like it!
This is not artillery fire, but sprayed bombs, that is, sprayed bombs used to attack train stations...

In other words, these were all the firepower of the Eighth Route Army, whether he believed it or not.

Chi Shang Xianji, who was still confident in defending Yuncheng, lost all confidence at this moment.

He understood that if the Eighth Route Army had such powerful artillery fire, then Yuncheng would be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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