Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 502 Preparation

Chapter 502 Preparation
Although the devils give people the impression that they are brave and fearless, at the last moment they always launch a suicide charge or die with the enemy.

But that is generally speaking, when faced with life and death, there are still many people who hope to live, even if they become prisoners of war.

The most typical is Hideki Tojo. After the defeat, he had plenty of time but failed to commit suicide several times, even with a pistol... It can only be said that he did not have the courage to commit suicide at all.

On the contrary, Anda 37, who was still the head of the 23th Division at this time, successfully committed suicide with a rusty fruit knife in prison... He made a cross on his abdomen, but because the knife was too blunt, the wound was not deep, and finally There was a knife in the artery.

Therefore, Anda 23 was not well-known in his life. He was an ordinary general. The courses and routines learned to command operations.

But this guy became famous after his death. The reason is that he committed suicide very simply and with great determination, which was in stark contrast to Hideki Tojo.

The devil's chariot unit that was wiped out had a total of 36 tanks, and only 6 of them surrendered at the end of the battle, and two of them could not be regarded as surrenders... They knew they could not escape, so they parked and ignited grenades in the tank compartment suicide.

In other words, only four vehicles chose to surrender, which is considered a very low surrender rate.

Then Androvich asked on the radio: "What should we do now, Comrade Company Commander? Continue to chase?"

From the perspective of military rank, the captain Androvich was at the battalion commander level, and he should have been in command.

But Androvich is Mao Xiong's advisor after all, and this is the Huaxia battlefield. Androvich didn't even know the battle plan and worried about disrupting the rhythm, so he left the decision to Gangzi.

Gangzi thought for a while, then ordered: "Keep chasing, don't give the enemy a chance to breathe!"

After the war, when Wang Xuexin learned of Gangzi's order at this time, he felt that there was no use in wronging the person. Gangzi did have the courage to take the lead.

For ordinary people, after achieving such a brilliant achievement...with 10 T34s against 36 enemy tanks and achieving a complete victory with zero casualties, most people would choose to wait for the main force to catch up before making a decision.

If you have a little selfishness, you will think like this:
Since the victory has been enough to record the promotion and save his life, why bother to risk his life?
Besides, there is nothing wrong with waiting for a large force.

In the process of chasing the enemy tanks, except for Chen Fujun, who followed the infantry to follow up with a satchel, the main force marching on two legs had been left behind a few miles away.

On the other hand, the chariot from which the devils fled probably joined the mountain artillery squadron that came to reinforce them. Is one tank company enough to deal with the devil's mountain artillery squadron plus a tank squadron?

So, keep on winning!
Otherwise, if you are not careful, the victory and battle achievements you just won will be lost, and you may even lose your life.

But that's not what Gangzi thought.

What he thought in his mind was that the Devil's chariot squadron hadn't fled far away, and it might only take ten minutes for the T34 troops to catch up.

On the other hand, the Guizishan Artillery Regiment carried mostly 92 infantry guns that did not pose a threat to tanks. They didn't know that the Eighth Route Army was equipped with T34 tanks that were almost godlike to the devils, so they were probably unprepared.

Then why not catch the devil by surprise?

The so-called fighter opportunity is fleeting, as long as he hesitates, the devil is likely to communicate with the chariot wing and make preparations.

Therefore, Gangzi did not hesitate, and immediately ordered: "Go at full speed, break through quickly!"

On the other side, Arimijiro had indeed contacted the 37th Mountain Cannon Regiment.

The captain of the 37th Mountain Pao Regiment is an officer named Taro Nagatake.

The devil's mountain artillery unit should have 36 mountain artillery according to the standard establishment, and the total strength requires more than [-] people.

But in fact, it is far from meeting this standard... This is related to the lack of devils' troops and equipment, especially the Mountain Artillery Regiment, which is usually used to fight the Eighth Route Army, is the object of being streamlined.

The 37th Mountain Artillery Regiment has only 12 artillery pieces, ten of which are 70MM [-] infantry artillery pieces, two howitzers, and a total strength of more than [-] people.

This is considered to be the mountain artillery unit in better condition, and some of the other mountain artillery units only have 9 guns, and even have 6 guns.

Nagatake Taro was taking a nap in the passenger seat of the car when he received the telegram.

He doesn't care about the battle in front of him. The chariot regiment and the cavalry regiment still need his mountain artillery regiment... Changzhutaro doesn't understand what General Okamura thinks, even if the enemy is equipped with dozens of Mao Bear's chariot, it is not possible to send so many troops!

I heard that the Ninth Mixed Brigade also lost the gate of Yuncheng, what a bastard!
These guys are simply wasting the food and resources of the empire. So many troops and equipment are actually the result.

Just when Taro Nagatake was falling asleep in the shaking of the car, a communications soldier caught up with the car in a three-wheeler and shouted out the window: "Your Excellency, Your Excellency..."

Changzhutaro rolled down the window, and the messenger reported: "Your Excellency, the 7th Chariot Regiment urgently sends an urgent message. They and the Cavalry Regiment have been defeated by the Eighth Route Army!"

"What?" Taro Nagatake was startled awake from his drowsiness at once, and he asked in surprise, "What did you say? The Chariot Alliance was defeated? What's going on here!"

Nagatake Taro ordered the car to stop, opened the door in a hurry and took a look at the telegram. Sure enough, just as the messenger said, the front line has been completely defeated.

"Your Majesty!" The communications soldier continued to report: "The Chariot Squad reports that the Eighth Route Army is equipped with new chariots. Please be prepared to fight against chariots!"

"A new type of chariot?" Changzhutaro frowned: "Isn't it a T26?"

"It is said that it is not!"

"What is that?" Nagatake Taro asked back.

"Unknown model!" The signalman replied.

Nagataketaro then asked a series of questions:
"What is the thickness of the armor of this tank?"

"What's the speed?"

"What is the caliber of the gun?"


The communications soldier was dumbfounded by the question, and he only got a few words from the chariot wing and didn't know the details.

In fact, it's not just the communications soldiers who don't know, even Yufujiro, who fought with the Eighth Route Army, doesn't know.

This is the advantage of the new type of equipment. Only the person who uses it knows its detailed data. Even if the enemy has seen it, it will be confused, unless it is obtained from intelligence personnel or captured on the battlefield.

However, because Changzhu Taro didn't know these things and couldn't reasonably estimate them, he didn't even know whether the 92 infantry guns he was equipped with could penetrate the enemy's new type of tank.

That being the case, what can he do to prepare?
(End of this chapter)

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