Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 509 Thought Victory

Chapter 509 Thought Victory
Neiji Okamura considered the Yuncheng Battle in two aspects:

One is that reinforcements to Yuncheng should not be rushed.

Otherwise, the imperial army is short of troops and has no anti-tank equipment. At the same time, the tanks cannot compete with the enemy's T34. The result of hasty reinforcements is likely to be the same as the previous three regiments. rout.

The second is that Okamura Ningji intends to use Yuncheng to force the high-level officials to pay attention to the Huaxia battlefield and bring back their troops.

The tradition of the empire is that an order is an order. Once an order is issued, it is almost impossible to change it. If there is any difficulty, the problem of the subordinates must be solved by themselves, unless the higher-ups realize that the war has changed or something has gone wrong.

Okamura Ningji, as the supreme commander of the North China Front Army, is considered a high-ranking officer, but he still has to obey the orders of his superiors.

Therefore, Okamura Ningji believed that Yuncheng had a problem at this time, but it would be beneficial to his battle against the Eighth Route Army in North China.

But in the end Okamura Ningji also failed to fulfill his wish...

The reason is simple. With the deepening of the war and the oil embargo imposed by Yingjiang on the devils for a period of time, the fuel oil of the devils has approached the dangerous line.

In fact, this is also one of the reasons why the devils in history did not hit the bear in the end.

There is not much oil left, and there are no oil fields in Maoxiong's Siberia. If Maoxiong is still attacked at this time, does it mean that the demand for fuel oil will increase in series while the source remains the same, and the collapse of the empire will be accelerated as a result.

But attacking Southeast Asia is different. There is oil in Southeast Asia. Although it is not much, it can barely fill the gap and support the imperial army to continue fighting.

Because of this, Neiji Okamura miscalculated in this regard.

He hoped that the imperial army would bring the army back if it didn't kill the bear.

However, the build-up of these troops happened to be used for wars in Southeast Asia, such as Malaysia, Burma, and the Philippines.

As for the Ninth Mixed Brigade trapped in Yuncheng... Okamura Ningji thinks they are hopeless, the fate of the Ninth Mixed Brigade was doomed the moment the city gate was breached, especially the Yongbei outside the city. The fortifications were still in the hands of the Eighth Route Army, and even if reinforcements arrived in Yuncheng, they would not be able to save them.

Okamura Ningji's idea is correct.

Yuncheng is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Since it was taken by the Eighth Route Army for a while, it will be difficult to take it back. The Ninth Mixed Brigade in Yuncheng is just a fight between trapped animals.

The sky gradually darkened, and since the tanks at this time did not have the ability to fight at night, the battle came to an end.

Li Yunlong took advantage of this time to gather the battalion commanders together for a meeting.

Li Yunlong had a smile on his face throughout the whole process, and every battalion commander greeted him warmly when he came, especially Li Yunlong stood up to greet Wang Xuexin when he walked into the headquarters... This guy has such a temper. Treat others as ancestors, and if you are in a bad mood, you can arrest anyone and scold them.

What can affect Li Yunlong's mood is winning battles and grabbing equipment.

After everyone arrived, Li Yunlong said: "Comrades, today's battle was fought beautifully. The devils were beaten in the city and a brigade was unable to fight back. The devils were beaten outside the city. Three regiments fled. The alliance has been almost completely wiped out! Let’s feel proud, you see, the little devil is still here today, this battle is enough for our independent regiment to be powerful for a while..."

"How do you talk?" Seeing that Li Yunlong's words were getting more and more unreliable, Zhao Gang interrupted him: "We are a revolutionary team, and fighting devils is not for 'prestige'!"

Li Yunlong couldn't figure it out, rolled his eyelids, and replied, "Isn't it just majestic now? There is a saying that people fight for breath and Buddha fights for a stick of incense, so what's wrong with us being majestic in front of devils..."

"Get it!" Zhao Gang simply ignored Li Yunlong, stood in the middle, and said, "Comrades, I think our victory today is not just a tactical victory, nor is it just winning the mines and strategic locations around Yuncheng." , but also a comprehensive ideological victory..."

Li Yunlong couldn't help but continued: "Yes, yes, we don't like the devil's 95 style now, isn't it an all-round ideological victory?"

The battalion commanders "coaxed" and laughed.

However, this smile had a different meaning. Sun Ming and Wang Xuexin knew that Li Yunlong had misunderstood Zhao Gang's meaning, while the other battalion commanders felt that what the regimental commander said meant something to their hearts, and they were full of pride.

Zhao Gang glared at Li Yunlong angrily, and Li Yunlong tilted his head and replied, "Okay, can't I not talk? Say I'm good at fighting, talk about ideas... Let's listen to the political commissar!"

The cadres laughed again.

"It's like this!" Zhao Gang continued: "All along, the recalcitrant army has been full of a kind of surrenderism, thinking that China can't defeat the devils. They even thought, if this war is doomed to fail, why didn't they surrender earlier Devil, in this way we can prevent China from suffering more... They call this idea 'curve to save the country'..."

"Is there still such a saying?" Zhang Dabiao stood up angrily: "Damn it, the surrender of greed for life and fear of death is called 'saving the country'. Isn't this a bitch and erecting a memorial archway?"

"That's right!" Zhao Gang nodded and said, "The First Battalion Commander's words are rough and unreasonable. The essence of this kind of thinking is to beautify his surrender behavior that is greedy for life and fear of death. But the fake can't be true, the real one can't be fake! Who is betraying the country when saving the country? The people have a steelyard in their hearts, and they can see clearly!"

After a pause, Zhao Gang continued: "Although we understand, this is a perfect excuse for many people who are greedy for life and fear of death, such as puppet soldiers, or traitors. They are traitors in the name of saving the country. It's a scam! So you can sell your country with peace of mind! You can sell it in a high-sounding way!"

All the cadres were filled with righteous indignation. They couldn't imagine that someone had the cheek to turn black and white and describe the traitor who was greedy for life and fear of death as patriotism.

If their behavior is called patriotism, then what is the Eighth Route Army's insistence on fighting against devils under such difficult conditions?
What are so many soldiers who died?
What is the support of thousands of people?
Speaking of this, Zhao Gang raised his head and proudly waved his hands and said: "But today...we have proved with our own fists that this 'curve to save the country' is wrong! Because we defeated the devils, not only defeated the devils but also suffered heavy casualties This is to deal a fatal blow to this fallacy, so that all the monsters and monsters hiding under the lies have nowhere to hide! Let them be exposed to the sun naked! Let the people see clearly! Comrades, tell me, is this an all-out ideological victory!"

"Yes!" The cadres answered in unison.

Even Li Yunlong nodded again and again: "This is true, and the political committee still speaks!"

(End of this chapter)

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