Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 528 Proximity Fuze

Chapter 528 Proximity Fuze
Soon, Sun Erwei sent a telegram to order M1 anti-aircraft guns from his superiors.

But the point is not this, the point is to observe the results.

When Sun Erwei's superior, Colonel Smith, received the telegram, he replied with great interest: "It seems that the Chinese man convinced you!"

"Yes!" Sun Erwei replied: "We thought we knew that they knew our weapons, but... we don't, Colonel!"

After speaking, he reported Wang Xuexin's tactics.

Colonel Smith also agreed after seeing this tactic. He said: "It seems that we have only discovered part of the functions of these weapons. Under certain specific circumstances, it may play an unexpected role!"

After a pause, Smith asked again: "How should I report it? Are they worthy of our assistance?"

"I'm not sure, Colonel!" Sun Erwei replied: "Their current situation is to make the best choice based on the existing conditions, and they are very good at this. I don't know if they can control it once they have more equipment!"

Colonel Smith understood what Sun Erwei meant.

Less equipment has the advantage of less equipment. For example, the Eighth Route Army's tactic of using the M1 anti-aircraft gun at this time is to grasp the fact that the devil has a clear target and predict the position of the devil's plane.

But if there is too much equipment, this prediction will not exist, and what is needed then is regular combat.

But Sun Erwei added: "But I think they are worth trying, Colonel! I mean, they can invent these practical and unexpected tactics in this situation, does that mean... If there is more equipment , they can also invent more tactics! I'm looking forward to this!"

What Sun Erwei said was true. The tactics Wang Xuexin invented are very interesting, but unfortunately these tactics cannot be used by Yingjiang... Yingjiang has radar, so of course there is no need to use tanks to attract enemy planes like the Eighth Route Army.

So Sun Erwei thought to himself, if Yingjiang can give more assistance to the Eighth Route Army and allow Wang Xuexin to invent some modern tactics, some tactics that can be used by Yingjiang, will it help Yingjiang in future wars?
Colonel Smith disagreed.

"Forget it, Captain!" Smith replied: "We can't hope that a group of people who don't even have planes or warships can provide us with constructive advice. We just want to know whether it is meaningful to aid the Eighth Route Army with equipment!"

"Yes!" Sun Erwei replied: "I will continue to observe them!"

When Sun Erwei returned to Wang Xuexin's battalion headquarters, he did not tell Wang Xuexin what he had observed. He just said lightly: "I have asked them to send over twenty M1 anti-aircraft guns. Considering the urgency of your needs, we will dismantle them Afterwards, it will be transported by air. There are [-] rounds of shells accompanying it, and it is estimated that they will arrive in a few days!"

Wang Xuexin nodded in satisfaction, then flipped through the documents in his hand and asked, "Can you tell me about your radar? Can it really see targets tens of kilometers away?"

Wang Xuexin's question was just a foreshadowing for knowing about radar in the future, so that he would not know how to explain it.

"Of course!" Sun Erwei nodded proudly: "It's amazing, isn't it? But I can't tell you how far it can see, it's a military secret!"

Wang Xuexin expressed his understanding.

This should indeed be a military secret. If the enemy knows the radar detection range of the eagle sauce, they will fly at a low altitude outside this distance to avoid its detection.

However, Wang Xuexin could guess that the detection distance should be around [-] to [-] kilometers.

The reason is that Sun Erwei said that they developed an anti-aircraft gun that can hit 25 kilometers... If there is no longer detection distance, the range of this anti-aircraft gun is meaningless.

"How does it work?" Wang Xuexin asked again: "I hope to know its principle!"

"Let's put it this way!" Sun Erwei hesitated, and tried to explain in easy-to-understand words: "It can emit a sound wave, and when this sound wave hits an object, it will be reflected back and received by the base station, so we The distance to the target can be calculated from the received time and the speed of the sound wave!"

Wang Xuexin raised his head with interest: "You mean, it can detect the distance of the target?"

"You can say that!" Sun Erwei nodded.

This is not a secret. Many countries know that they also have radars, and the devils are no exception. It's just that the devils' radars are relatively backward.

"Interesting!" Wang Xuexin laughed: "I was still thinking about the problem of anti-aircraft artillery shells. You said that radar technology... can be used on artillery shells?"

"What do you mean?" Sun Erwei asked puzzled.

"Look!" Wang Xuexin said: "The anti-aircraft gun shells need to manually adjust the delay time, which will cause many problems, and directly lead to the low hit rate of the anti-aircraft gun."

Sun Erwei nodded. Of course he knew this. This is a big problem for anti-aircraft guns, so the loader is often the most important member of the anti-aircraft gun crew... The loader is responsible for adjusting the delay fuze, and the delay depends on his experience.

He had to determine the altitude of the enemy plane, then convert the altitude into time, and then adjust the shell fuze.

As long as one link is wrong, the calculation is too small or too much, or the calculation speed is not fast enough, the shells will not be able to hit the enemy plane.

Therefore, the hit rate of anti-aircraft guns is an average of 2000 shells with only one hit.

But Sun Erwei doesn't think there is any problem with this. They have always played like this. In order to make up for this defect, they can use other methods.

For example, increasing the rate of fire of the anti-aircraft gun, the M1 90MM anti-aircraft gun can fire 20 shells per minute, and the hit rate will naturally be higher if there are more shells.

For another example, radar can be used to cooperate with anti-aircraft artillery units, which can increase the hit rate of hitting enemy aircraft outside the visual range.

Wang Xuexin went on to say: "I mean, since the radar can detect the distance of the target, why don't we make a fuze, which is a small radar, which continuously detects the distance between itself and the target after the shell is fired. The distance to the target is getting closer and closer... When the distance changes from close to far, there will be a 'boom'..."

Speaking of which, Wang Xuexin raised his head towards Sun Erwei: "In this way, we don't need to adjust the delay time. Not only can it save the reloading time of the anti-aircraft artillery, but also improve the hit rate of the artillery shells. What do you think?"

Sun Erwei's eyes widened immediately, and then he nodded in a daze.

After a while, he suddenly exclaimed: "This is great, Wang! This idea is great...I will report this idea to them immediately and demonstrate its feasibility! God, this is nothing short of a miracle!"

Said, Sun Erwei even forgot to say goodbye to Wang Xuexin, turned around and rushed towards his residence.

(End of this chapter)

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