Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 530 Self-propelled Artillery

Chapter 530 Self-propelled Artillery
Sun Erwei answered very conservatively, but Ying Jiang responded straightforwardly.

Just kidding, this thing is likely to save Yingjiang from danger, what is a few million dollars?
Not to mention that aiding the Eighth Route Army with equipment is originally in the interests of Ying Jiang... The stubborn army has no benefits at all. Ying Jiang needs guns, military uniforms, food, military uniforms, and even planes, cannons, tanks, etc. Waiting, the Eighth Route Army can be regarded as a deal, so how can there be any reason not to give it?

So the general waved his hand and said, "If there is still such a deal, let them raise it, the price is negotiable!"

Sure enough, he is the richest local tyrant in this era, with a lot of money.

After Sun Erwei came back, he asked Wang Xuexin one thing: "Wang, the plan you proposed, why is the shell getting closer and closer to the target, getting closer...and only triggering when the distance becomes farther?"

Wang Xuexin was a little confused, and he asked back: "Is this what the superior asked you to ask me?"

"No, no, they didn't ask anything!" Sun Erwei replied: "This is my personal question, because of curiosity!"

Wang Xuexin wondered secretly.

If Yingjiang asked Sun Erwei this question, Yingjiang's scientists would be idiots, and Sun Erwei is just an equipment enthusiast, so it's normal if he doesn't understand this question.

"Let's put it this way!" Wang Xuexin squatted on the ground, put the cigarette case on the ground, and then used the extinguished cigarette butt as a cannonball, explaining: "This is the enemy's plane, and this is the cannonball. We can't hope that the cigarette butt will hit the plane directly. , so this new type of fuze is meaningless! We can only hope that the shell explodes at the moment it is closest to the target..."

Sun Erwei let out an "oh", and then nodded again and again: "When the radar detects that the target is getting closer, it means that it can be closer. When it changes to getting farther and farther, it is when the shell is closest to the target!"

"Totally correct!" Wang Xuexin nodded: "What your scientists have to do is to detonate the bomb when the signal turns, and there will be no problem!"

Sun Erwei looked at Wang Xuexin in disbelief, and sighed: "Wang, how did you think of this?"

"It's not difficult, is it?" Wang Xuexin replied.

"It's really not difficult, but..." Sun Erwei shook his head: "But no one thought of..."

"I just thought of it!" Wang Xuexin didn't explain much, and the matter often became darker and darker.

Sun Erwei could only nod his head. The guy in front of him might be born to develop equipment. Didn't he also invent the practical and cheap equipment of the Eighth Route Army?
"Now, let's talk about the Bofors anti-aircraft gun!" Wang Xuexin said.

A trace of doubt appeared in Sun Erwei's eyes: "Bofors? Haven't you already denied this anti-aircraft gun?"

"As a kind of infantry anti-aircraft firepower, I refuse it!" Wang Xuexin replied.

"What do you mean?" Sun Erwei asked.

"I need your modification, Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin said: "I hope you can install Bofors on the tank chassis!"

Sun Erwei's eyes widened immediately: "What's the point of this? Is it too wasteful?"

The waste Sun Erwei refers to is to use a tank chassis to mount an anti-aircraft gun... Then why not just build a tank?
Wang Xuexin explained to Sun Erwei in this way: "All I need is the chassis of a light tank. I think you must have many light tanks that are already behind and unable to adapt to the battlefield!"

Speaking of which, Wang Xuexin turned his attention to Sun Erwei.

Sun Erwei nodded in affirmation of this statement.

Due to the low pressure of the war, Eagle Sauce has been lagging behind in the development of tanks. In the early days, only Stuart tanks or "seven brothers' coffins" were garbage tanks that could be put into the battlefield.

It was not until the "Sherman" entered emergency service in 42 that there was a tank with good performance.

But before that, Ying Jiang's tank was not even comparable to the Devil's Type 97.

(Note: The Huaxia Expeditionary Army used Yingjiang's tanks to fight the devils, but it was quite difficult until the "Sherman" was replaced)
Wang Xuexin said: "If these light tanks are about to be eliminated, wouldn't it be a greater waste to use them as tanks? It's better to use these tank chassis!"

Seeing that Sun Erwei did not answer, Wang Xuexin added: "As for the meaning, if the infantry uses horses or cars to drag the Bofors anti-aircraft guns, it will undoubtedly be difficult to survive on the battlefield, but if it is equipped with a tank chassis... then It's different!"

What Wang Xuexin was talking about was actually the M45 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun developed by Yingjiang in 19.

There are three main reasons why Wang Xuexin wanted this self-propelled anti-aircraft gun:
One is that Bofors is the best anti-aircraft gun for medium-range and short-range air-to-air, which is the main reason why the Allied countries are generally equipped with this anti-aircraft gun, and even Mao Xiong has imitated it.

Second, except for the Type 97 tank, the armor of Devils tanks is generally relatively thin... and the Bofors anti-aircraft gun has a range of 7 kilometers and can penetrate the armor of Devils light tanks, especially at a rate of fire of 240 rounds per minute. Why don't you beat it into a sieve?Definitely a light tank killer!
The third is that this thing can also provide fire cover for infantry, which is what Yingjiang did in the Pacific battlefield.

In short, with this thing, you can fight against the air, against the tank, and against the infantry. If it is combined with the tank, it can provide cover for the tank. If the tank rushes into the enemy's artillery position next time, it will not be the same as last time. heavy casualties...

What Wang Xuexin thought of was Chen Fujun's guard company.

Although the T34 tank had fought a big victory before, the final result was that at the cost of three tanks being injured, most of the Japanese tank regiment was annihilated and an artillery regiment was surrounded and wiped out.

However, Chen Fujun, the guard company, suffered more than half of the casualties because he followed the tank on a crossbow.

In fact, more than half of them were killed or injured, because all of the 53 surviving people were injured, but they were not seriously injured and were ignored by them.

They need armored vehicles.

However, it is a luxury to want armored vehicles in this era, and there are not many tanks!

Wang Xuexin also thought about Yingjiang's half-track vehicle.

However, the half-track vehicle cannot solve the air defense problem, and its half-track off-road capability is also difficult to deal with the complex terrain in this area.

If you can use a multi-purpose self-propelled anti-aircraft gun like the M19...

Sun Erwei thought for a while, and then gave a conservative reply: "I can tell them your idea, but I don't think you should have too much hope. I mean, if it is useless to our army, we will not We will develop this equipment specifically for the needs of your army!"

"No problem!" Wang Xuexin nodded confidently.

It would be no wonder if Eagle Sauce was useless. Isn’t it all about the complex terrain on the Pacific islands, as well as air defense and providing firepower for infantry?
Taking advantage of the fact that the Burma Road has not yet been blocked, make up for this shortcoming as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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