532 Demand

Perris immediately called a seminar on adding a tank chassis to the Bofors.

"We need this weapon!" Perris said, "and without delay!"

Davis, however, is still on the opposite side, and his opposition is very similar to Wilson's.

"Colonel!" Davis said: "An anti-aircraft gun can only be semi-open, and its survivability on the battlefield cannot meet the requirements of soldiers. If we do this, we can create a tank and send it to the battlefield. Obviously, the tank It will be more useful on the battlefield!"

Davis had the experience of enlisting in the army and was more superstitious about the closed turret. He believed that only in this way could it provide better protection for the infantry, otherwise, it could be blown to pieces by a single mortar shell or grenadier.

However, air defense necessarily requires semi-opening, because the gunner requires good vision and external perception capabilities, only in this way can it be possible to shoot down aircraft passing overhead at high speed.

Davis thinks this is extremely ridiculous. A fully enclosed turret that can be made into a tank is made into a semi-open type. It costs about the same amount of money but has much worse survivability than a tank... What is the point of developing this kind of equipment?
Thinking of this, Davis added: "Colonel, maybe we should listen to the opinions of the military. The purpose of our research and development is to be used by soldiers on the front line, and decisions must be made according to their needs. If they are unwilling to use or not If it needs to be used, it means a huge waste!"

Perris thought for a while and replied: "I basically agree with you, Major. But if this is a piece of equipment that is not currently available, and soldiers don't even know it exists, let alone whether they need it, then should we Should it be produced for them to use?"

Davis was speechless. This was indeed the case with many equipment, such as the proximity fuze. This thing was even being developed as a secret. Of course, the frontline soldiers did not know it, but this did not affect its research and development.

"Let me tell you why we need this equipment!" Perris raised his head towards the adjutant standing beside him.

The adjutant understood, turned on the projector and turned off the lights, and a large map with a red circle was projected on the other side of the conference room.

"I believe everyone knows what this is." Perris said: "This is the devil's offensive posture. You see, they rely on the superiority of the navy and air force to occupy islands one by one in the Pacific Ocean. After occupying the islands, they will build airports on them. Know what that means?"

Perris took a sip of coffee, and then continued: "The Devil's Type Zero fighter has a maximum range of 2222 kilometers. If it is equipped with auxiliary fuel tanks, it can fly 3350 kilometers. In other words, as long as the devil occupies an island in the Pacific Ocean And successfully built an airport on the island. Within a thousand kilometers around the island is the devil's control area. Our warships and planes can't get close. This is equivalent to being cut off by the devil from our army's traffic in the Pacific Ocean. !"

This doesn't need too much explanation, the officer Yingjiang knows this, after all Yingjiang has been working in this direction all along.

"Therefore!" Perris continued: "Although our army is now mostly engaged in naval battles with the devils, unless we admit defeat, we will inevitably compete with the enemy for these islands in the future. Gentlemen, when our army lands on these islands, will you let us What anti-aircraft do they have? Machine guns? Bofors? M1 anti-aircraft guns?"

Everyone in the conference room was silent.

Machine gun air defense is of the kind that few are better than nothing, with poor firepower and short range, it is almost impossible to pose a threat to fighters.

Bofors and M1 may be able to, but their weight is there. When landing, they need to be docked or hoisted to go ashore, and they need to be cleared and erected on the complex terrain of the island. These are extremely unfriendly challenges for artillery.What's more serious is that the enemy and our army are fighting on the island, and the anti-aircraft firepower is extremely vulnerable to enemy infantry and artillery attacks.

Perris leaned back on the chair with a cup of coffee, and said relaxedly: "But if we can install Bofors on the tank chassis, all problems will be solved. We can use the landing craft to transport it directly to the shore. The tank chassis It is determined that it has a strong cross-country capability, and it can provide air and ground cover for the infantry as soon as it stops... Do we have a reason to reject this equipment? It is simply prepared for our future landing operations on the island!"

There was an instant silence in the conference room, because no one could refute Perris' point of view.

Peris stared at the projected map, and said thoughtfully: "We know that weapons and equipment usually lag behind wars, because it is often the soldiers who find out what they need on the battlefield and give us feedback, and then we use these Project research and development is required, but this will delay at least a few months or even years, and the result is that many soldiers died on the battlefield because of equipment problems during this period.”

Speaking of which, Perris stood up and faced the participants, saying: "So, why don't we try advanced research and development? This equipment may be useless now, but one day when we compete with the enemy for the island... If we can use it when the soldiers need it Get this gear in their hands right away, and the soldiers are like 'Whoa, this is awesome!', don't you?"

After listening to Perris' analysis, the researchers who were not paying attention at first nodded their heads in agreement.

Perris' analysis and predictions are reasonable. Unless Ying Jiang is beaten to death by devils, this equipment will definitely be useful.

In this case, why not research and develop in advance and prepare for it? You have to wait until you can't wait to develop it!

At this time, the communications soldier sent another telegram, still from Huaxia.

Perris glanced at it, and then nodded his head sighing: "Gentlemen, in addition to what I just said, you can look up the information of the devil tank. Our Bofors installed on the tank chassis may be able to Break through most Devil tanks!"

The meeting room was once again a sensation. If so, this equipment will undoubtedly play a big role in the future battlefield.

Perris thought, this should not be intentional by the battalion commander of the Eighth Route Army of Huaxia, but Yingjiang and Huaxia have the same enemy, and Huaxia will have a series of needs in the process of fighting the enemy, and at least some of these needs can be transplanted to Eagle On the army of sauce.

Thinking of this, Perris called Davis to him and said, "I need someone to go to China. On the one hand, I can better communicate with them. On the other hand, I don't want to miss any of their ideas."

"Why me?" Davis was a little reluctant.

Although Davis didn't know much about China, he knew that it was very backward there.

"Because you need such training!" Perris replied: "Go and see the real war, the real needs, and how they face and solve these needs!"

(End of this chapter)

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