Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 542 Confidentiality

Chapter 542 Confidentiality
The headquarters has not held a meeting for a while, not even the summary meeting of the Yuncheng Campaign.

This is mainly because immediately after the Battle of Yuncheng, the troops were intensively stationed in Zhongtiao Mountain and resumed work and production of iron and copper smelting. The army, cadres, and workers were all very busy.

On the other hand, it is also because Zhongtiao Mountain is a bit far from the headquarters... In fact, the distance is not too far, only more than [-] kilometers.

But it takes more than an hour to go down the mountain, and then there are roads and mountain roads. The [-]-odd kilometers have to be tossed for more than half a day.

It would not be so easy if the group leaders were gathered for a meeting in this situation.

But this time the chief still called a meeting. Needless to say, Ying Jiang was willing to provide assistance to the Eighth Route Army...

The chief couldn't believe it for a while, and he asked several times in the telegram: "Is it true? A loan of 1000 million US dollars? This is not a small amount!"

"Chief!" Li Yunlong called back: "How dare I make fun of this matter with the chief, I have already confirmed with Yingjiang... Sun Erwei, there is indeed such a thing! According to Sun Erwei, there is part of the reason It's Ying Jiang who owes Xiao Dongbei a big favor!"

"And this thing!" The chief was a little strange when he heard it: "What kind of favor?"

"I asked!" Li Yunlong replied: "But they said it was a military secret, and told us not to ask too much. Anyway, it's Xiaodongbei who has made meritorious service again!"

The tactics proposed by Wang Xuexin do have a secret meaning for Ying Jiang.

Because tactics are often "the height of the road is one foot, and the height of the devil is ten feet high", today Yingjiang has developed a set of effective tactics to deal with devils, and tomorrow the devils will find something wrong when they fight, and they will develop a set of tactics to fight against them. tactics of tactics.

However, if some tactics are known by the enemy before they are fully applied tactically and corresponding countermeasures are formulated, it will deal a considerable blow to the military spirit and morale of Yingjiang pilots.

At this time, Ying Jiang was fighting against the wind. Since the beginning of the war, Ying Jiang has been at a disadvantage. Ying Jiang needs a boost to the morale and morale of the army, and even needs a decent victory to boost the confidence of the people...

That's why Taka-chan bombed Tokyo a few months after the war started.

(Note: Devils attacked Pearl Harbor in December, and Eagle Sauce attacked Tokyo in April of the following year)
In fact, this air raid was only symbolic. There were only 16 bombers dispatched in total, and it was the kind that never returned... The range was not enough to return, so I had to fly to Huaxia to parachute.

But this air strike can boost the morale of all the soldiers and civilians from the depression of being suppressed and beaten by devils, and prepare for the big battle in the future.

Therefore, Ying Jiang was cautious enough in the face of Wang Xuexin's new tactics.

Sun Erwei confessed to Wang Xuexin: "Wang, I hope that the communication between us will not be leaked to the outside world, including your superiors!"

Wang Xuexin was a little embarrassed. He was a member of the Eighth Route Army, and it seemed inappropriate to conceal military information from his superiors.

Sun Erwei also thought of this, and he added: "At least your superiors, I will talk to them about this issue!"

Then Sun Erwei really ran to find Li Yunlong.

Li Yunlong's regiment headquarters is located three miles behind the mountain. Before the road is opened, you have to walk completely. In some places, you even have to use your hands and feet to climb up... This is commonplace for the Eighth Route Army, but it is common for intelligence personnel like Sun Erwei. up.

But this is not the point. Sun Erwei said to Li Yunlong like this: "Leader Li, maybe you have heard about the 1000 million US dollars in aid."

Li Yunlong nodded calmly: "Comrade Sun Erwei, that's right! Devils are our common enemy. Let's help each other to subdue the little devils. It's a good thing for everyone! It's not like those prodigal sons of the stubborn army." , not doing business, but secretly hooking up with the devils... You guys are the ones who understand!"

Li Yunlong replied neither humble nor overbearing, even Zhao Gang who was listening on the side couldn't help giving a thumbs up secretly.

What Sun Erwei wanted to say was not this. He replied: "What I want to say is that this aid and even the follow-up aid are conditional. The communication between Battalion Commander Wang and us involves the military secrets of our country. For reasons of confidentiality, I hope your army will not ask about this issue! Otherwise, we will cancel the aid!"

"No problem!" Li Yunlong responded immediately: "This is your business, so we don't have the heart to watch the excitement!"

But Li Yunlong said it nicely. He was actually reluctant to part with the 1000 million US dollars in aid.

As soon as Sun Erwei walked away, he asked Zhao Gang: "I said Lao Zhao, you said this little Northeast... what is it capable of? This Yingjiang still uses 1000 million US dollars in aid as a condition to keep it secret!"

Zhao Gang laughed immediately: "Look at you, you just said you couldn't ask, didn't you?"

Li Yunlong was a little embarrassed by Zhao Gang's words, and replied with a hey hey: "We are just guessing here, not asking Xiaodongbei!"

Zhao Gang said very seriously: "Although I don't know what it is, I guess it probably has nothing to do with our army but involves Ying Jiang's military secrets. Once leaked, it will cause irreparable losses to Ying Jiang. They did this It’s also understandable!”

While talking, Zhao Gang said, "I think we should trust Xiao Dongbei in this matter. If there is something that involves the interests of our army, Xiao Dongbei will definitely not keep it a secret for Ying Jiang!"

"I believe it, of course I believe it!" Li Yunlong straightened his eyes and said with a big wave of his hand: "This guy has won us battles and equipped us with equipment, and now he has received such a large amount of aid... I don't believe he can still believe it." who?"

Then Li Yunlong softened again: "But this thing is hanging there, I don't know, it's like a cat's paw is scratching in my heart! Fucking little Northeast, after the war, I have to drag him out and ask him to know everything! "

As he said that, he sat down on the kang with his head bowed and arms folded, sulking. This made Zhao Gang laugh out loud, secretly thinking that if anyone in the team could cure Li Yunlong, it would belong to Xiaodongbei.

The Chief also agreed to this matter very simply.

The chief said this: "We know what kind of person Xiaodongbei is. This guy is probably making suggestions and referring to Yingjiang! It's not easy. If this can turn Yingjiang's defeat, then we have to remember The last great achievement!"

As the commander, the chief must of course have an overview of the overall situation to understand the situation in the overseas battlefield, and he knows that Yingjiang is not playing well in the Pacific battlefield.

Therefore, one guess is almost inseparable.

At the same time, if Yingjiang can win the battle, it will definitely be good for the Huaxia battlefield.

Therefore, the chief thinks there is no reason to object.

Not only should he not object, but he should also keep it a secret for Ying Jiang.

And the best way to keep it secret is "don't know".

(End of this chapter)

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