Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 544 Strategic Intention

Chapter 544 Strategic Intention
As soon as Wang Xuexin finished speaking, everyone in the conference room cast curious glances at Wang Xuexin.

The chief felt strange for a while. He didn't want to intervene to let the cadres speak freely, but after hearing Wang Xuexin's words, he couldn't help asking: "Food? Why do you want to buy food?"

The chief of staff also asked curiously: "That's right, Little Northeast. It is said that there are planes, cannons, and tanks, but no one is talking about buying food. We are already self-sufficient in food now, and it is expected that there will be more food next year under the condition of large-scale production." There is a bumper harvest and there is no shortage of food!"

What Wang Xuexin was thinking about was the great famine in Henan next year, which would affect more than 3000 million people and nearly 300 million people would starve to death. What kind of tragedy would that be!
Moreover, there is only one river away from Zhongtiao Mountain, and the devils will consciously drive these victims to the Huaxia control area to create chaos and shortage of resources.

This trick was indeed useful, because at that time the Burma Road had been blocked by devils, and the resources needed by Huaxia could only rely on the drop in the bucket of the Hump route, and the whole country was in a state of resource shortage. Devils can occupy these areas almost without bloodshed.

(Note: With the fall of Myitkyina on April 42, 4, the Burma Road was completely cut off by devils)

The stubborn army's countermeasure is simple and crude, which is to use machine guns to prevent the victims from entering the control area, so there is a scene in the film where the train is stopped by officers and soldiers and has to go back.

The situation in the base areas of the Eighth Route Army has indeed improved significantly under the large-scale production movement, but that is only an "improvement".

If Zhongtiao Mountain is in the hands of the devils, it will be fine. The victims in Henan cannot cross the Yellow River and cross the devil's defense line of Zhongtiao Mountain to enter the Eighth Route Army to deploy in southern Shanxi.

But now Zhongtiao Mountain is in the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

To be precise, there is no clear boundary between the Eighth Route Army's defense zone and the devil's defense zone, and the devils are still separated in the middle.

But Wang Xuexin considers this issue in this way:
From the overall strategic situation, these divisions of the Devils are in a state of semi-encirclement by the Chinese army, and it is extremely difficult to supply them.

It's not so obvious now, if one day Henan and even the north bank of the Yellow River are affected by food shortages, how many divisions can the devil maintain in this area?
If you can't maintain it, will you have to withdraw completely sooner or later?Otherwise, is there a danger of being encircled and wiped out?
Therefore, in the long run, the Eighth Route Army is likely to directly face the impact of the disaster victims.

What is the most missing at that time?
It must be food!
But what should Wang Xuexin say about this?

Could it be that the Night View Sky Project predicts that China will be hit by a large area of ​​disaster next year, so it needs to "accumulate food widely"?
It would be strange to say that it was not severely criticized.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin said, "Chief, I heard that the Devils are already planning the Burma Highway!"

The chief immediately understood what Wang Xuexin meant: "You mean, our army will lose this battle?"

"This is unlikely!" Kong Jie continued, "The stubborn army has sent the 200th division to reinforce, and there is still an army stationed there where the sun never sets, and there is also Yingjiang's assistance. Or is the equipment superior to the devils, can we still lose this battle?"

Li Changfu stood up and said, "We can't trust the fighting power of the stubborn army, but the army that never sets on the sun can stop Hans in the African battlefield, and it shouldn't be a problem to stop the devil!"

Hearing these words, Wang Xuexin almost spat blood on the ceiling.

Some things seem to be taken for granted in the eyes of modern people, but they are all under the condition of knowing the result.

People in this era know nothing about the future, they can only rely on existing information to analyze problems.

For example, the recalcitrant army was a mess on the battlefield of the Anti-Japanese War, so the Eighth Route Army generally did not believe in the combat effectiveness of the recalcitrant army.

But the sun never sets is the number one power in this era... At this time, Ying Jiang and Mao Xiong are both in the second echelon, and the title of the number one power is still the sun never sets.

Where can the army and equipment of this most powerful country be worse?
Therefore, what Li Changfu said was quite normal. He believed that the combat power of the army on which the sun never sets was better than that of the stubborn army, and if something went wrong, there must be something wrong with the stubborn army.

In fact, not only Li Changfu thinks so, but most of the commanders think so.

Who would have thought that something went wrong, and what caused the big problem was that the sun never set, but the stubborn army fought very bravely... The Burma Road is the main artery of China's transportation, and the stubborn army sent the most elite and most capable fighters to ensure its safety force.

When the cadres supported Li Changfu's point of view, Wang Xuexin analyzed: "Let's put aside the combat effectiveness of the army first, I think we have to consider the issue of strategic intention first!"

"What do you mean?" Li Changfu asked back: "Isn't the strategic intention to defend the Yunnan-Burma Highway?"

"The Huaxia army is indeed like this!" Wang Xuexin nodded, and then asked several questions: "The Huaxia army is indeed like this, but what about the army where the sun never sets? What is their strategic intention? Why are they fighting this battle? What is in their interest to fight this war?"

Li Changfu and the cadres were a little confused.

Their thinking is very simple, winning a battle is winning a battle, and if there is a war, you will win if you fight, so why should you consider so many ins and outs.

But the chief and the chief of staff showed seriousness when they heard Wang Xuexin's words.

The chief thought about it for a while, then nodded and said: "Xiao Dongbei's words are on point. We haven't thought about it carefully and haven't discovered this problem. Now that it's mentioned like this... there is really no need to stick to it when the sun never sets. It's just its colonies. If there are benefits, they will occupy them. If there are no benefits, they will run away. What they lose is the interests of other countries. They have nothing to do with them. Of course, they are not willing to sacrifice their lives and waste financial and material resources to defend this road. But this is not the case for Huaxia. "

All the cadres understood the crux of the problem after hearing what the chief said.

In fact, the chief minister has not yet spoken thoroughly on this issue.

Not only did Sun Never Set not have a strategic intention to fight, they even had the intention of losing... Only losing in this battle is beneficial to Sun Never Set.

The reason is that this is a colony. If we win with the Chinese army, will the colony be divided into half of China in the future?
But if this battle is lost, as Yingjiang will win the battle sooner or later, this colony does not need a single soldier, and it will return to the hands of the devils in the future when the devil is judged.

Therefore, if a battle is won, it is not good to lose. Can you still fight at the risk of your life?Certainly all kinds of deceiving teammates and even blatantly supporting enemies...

Wang Xuexin didn't say it so clearly, so as not to be too publicized and look like a fortune teller.

He followed the chief's words and asked a question: "Sir, if the Yunnan-Burma Highway is lost and the passage between Huaxia and the outside world is cut off by devils, what is China most lacking?"

(End of this chapter)

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