Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 601 Tank Battle

Chapter 601 Tank Battle

"Get ready to fight!" Chimi Konno gave the order, then hesitated for a while, then retracted his head from outside the chariot and ordered to the electromechanical operator: "Let's go!"

"But Your Excellency, Commander!" The engineer looked at Chimi Konno in horror: "We don't have infantry coordination!"

Konno Chimi said firmly: "Forget about these bastards! We can only rely on ourselves!"

"Yes!" The electromechanical operator responded and conveyed the order.

So the tanks of the 25th Tank Regiment formed an offensive formation and headed towards the smoke.

On the way, some subordinates gave advice to Chimi Konno through the radio:

"Your Excellency, Zhong Zuo, although the guy at Guankou doesn't obey the command, they have already gained the upper hand in the defense line. Shouldn't we wait for them for a while?"

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant Commander! We can pull the tank behind the line of defense and wait for the enemy, so that the infantry can still coordinate with us!"


However, Chimi Konno replied: "Do you know what kind of tank they may be coming up? Bear's T34! They can easily destroy our tanks at a longer distance, even the 'one type' is no exception! Therefore, Are you still going to wait behind the line of defense?"

When Chimi Konno said this, his subordinates fell silent.

They all knew that Chimi Konno was right, and long-distance shooting was what the Eighth Route Army hoped for more. Now they could only step forward and fight the Eighth Route Army to the death.

"Everyone!" Konano Chimi ordered in the rickety chariot: "We should ignore the enemy's T26 and focus all our firepower on the enemy's T34, understand?"

There was silence on the radio for a while, and responses came one after another:


"Yes, Your Excellency the Lieutenant Commander!"


Chimi Konno's decision should be said to be very brave and very smart.

Because he realized that the reason why the tank troops of the Eighth Route Army had always made the empire very afraid was because of those ten T34s.

If the ten T34s can be dealt with first, the T26 will not be a problem. At that time, the imperial tank troops will have the upper hand and have the initiative no matter whether they are in close combat or long-distance combat.

But of course, if you ignore T26 and concentrate your firepower on T34, you will have to pay a heavy price.

Konno Chimi intends to sacrifice herself in exchange for the strategic advantage of the imperial army.

However, when Konano Chimi got closer and closer to the enemy, what he saw chilled him.

In the dust, one after another T26 lined up in the middle as the main force to fight, while the T34 was divided into two parts and placed on the flanks as cover units.

This is Gangzi's decision.

This decision was even opposed by Androvic.

"I have never seen a T34 as a cover, Comrade Company Commander!" Androvich said dissatisfiedly: "We should use stronger tanks as the main force, the enemy's shells cannot penetrate its front armor, but T26 is not the case ..."

Gangzi interrupted Androvich: "This battle is under my command, and I know what to do!"

After finishing speaking, Gangzi muttered: "We are not bears. After the tanks are finished, there are still ten T34s. I just hope to keep them to scare the devils and dare not let go of them!"

What Gangzi is playing is actually a kind of psychological warfare.

He believes that T34 is not only an advanced tank, but also a kind of strategic equipment, a kind of feeling that reminds devils of the Eighth Route Army tanks, and immediately has a feeling of being humble and careful...

At this time, even if the T34 did not fire a single shot and did not destroy a target, the strategic containment of the devils was considered a success.

Therefore, Gangzi believes that T34 should be preserved as much as possible on the battlefield.

What's more, using the T34 for flank cover does not affect its performance at all... The T34 artillery has a high penetration depth and can destroy the target from 1000 meters away, so there is no need to be generous.

In addition, the T34 has excellent maneuverability, and it is also very suitable for maneuvering on two wings.

So the ten T34s were divided into two sides to form a regular triangle formation to face the enemy.

Chimi Konno felt dizzy when she encountered this formation.

The imperial army may be able to attack T34 first as originally planned, or even divide it into two parts to carry out the siege.

But the reality is not feasible.

Because the T34 is further back, if the imperial army forcibly does this, it will only expose its flanks to a large number of T26s and at the same time be under the attack of the T34... This is almost courting death.

In desperation, Konno Chimi could only change the order: "Take out T26 first! Go forward at full speed!"


The subordinates responded, and drove the chariot at full speed towards the Eighth Route Army tank.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army tank stopped. When the tank turret adjusted the shooting angle, the infantry on the car and the side three wheels got off one by one and quickly dispersed to the cover of the tank.

This scene made Chimi Konno's scalp tingle.

He originally hoped that the Eighth Route Army would not know that the Butan cooperation would catch them by surprise, but now it seems that the Eighth Route Army is well-trained and knows how to deal with such emergencies.

This made Konno Chimi a little unbelievable.

Wasn't the Eighth Route Army trained by consultant Mao Xiong?

Mao Xiong doesn't understand these infantry and tank coordination tactics and fights indiscriminately. How would the Eighth Route Army know?
Of course, Konno Chimi didn't know that Androvich, as Mao Xiong's advisor, was still secretly learning tank tactics from the Eighth Route Army...

However, Chimi Konno had no choice but to bite the bullet and move on.

The speed of the first type of tank is not fast, the maximum speed is only 44 kilometers per hour, which is faster than the 97 kilometers per hour of the 38th battle. This is one of the reasons why Okamura Ningji compiled these two tanks together. The speed difference is not much synergistic better.

However, the Type 97 tank, like the Type 34, still has no stabilization system and cannot shoot while moving. Therefore, they can only use armor to carry the enemy's rounds of shooting... This is actually the strategic advantage brought by the T50, otherwise the Devil's Type 26 The chariot is facing the T26 with [-]MM thick armor, and it can completely wait for the T[-] to attack.

There was only a bang of "boom", and the Eighth Route Army tanks opened fire.

However, to Chimi Konno's surprise, only the T34 fired... Ten T34s fired nine armored shells, and two tanks were hit and paralyzed on the way to attack.

The hit rate was not as high as expected, which reassured Konno Chimi, and he said to himself: "After all, it's the lack of training!"

Konno Chimi thought this was a problem with the level of the Eighth Route Army gunners. In fact, this was the characteristic of Mao Xiong's equipment... Although the skin is rough, the flesh is thick and powerful, but the accuracy is not high.

Especially aiming at moving targets, turret rotation is definitely a chore for the gunner. The reason why ten tanks only fired nine rounds is because one tank's turret got stuck and couldn't rotate at this critical moment, and then the gunner So angrily, he smashed the inside with a hammer "Keng Keng".

Just when Konno Chimi's confidence was boosted, the Eighth Route Army fired a row of smoke bombs with mortars.

In an instant, the front was engulfed in a vast expanse of white smoke.

Konno Chimi secretly cried out, and scolded: "Bastard, bully us for not following the infantry!"

(End of this chapter)

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