Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 612 Counterattack

Chapter 612 Counterattack
Because of Li Yunlong's "buying grain" plan, Shen Quan transported a batch of grain from Luliang Mountain in time to solve the urgent need.

However, this is only a temporary solution. After Zhao Gang made the statistics, he came up with a result: "If the number of people does not increase, each person will have three or two meters per day, enough to eat for more than a month!"

The meeting room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop on the ground.

There is only enough food for one month, and it is still a situation where the number of people does not increase.

But now, people are still being driven up from the bottom of the mountain in a steady stream. Many people are not even from Yuncheng, but are driven over by devils from other villages. Many of them still have knife wounds on their bodies.

That was intentionally drawn by the devil with a bayonet, in order to cause trouble for the Eighth Route Army... The injured people not only cannot work, but also need to be taken care of, and even consume medicine.

Food is still a trivial matter, and the issue of ammunition will slowly surface over time.

The Eighth Route Army also had the problem of insufficient ammunition when it fought in Luliang Mountain before, but at that time the Eighth Route Army was more of a guerrilla fighter, and the advantage of guerrilla warfare was that when there was no ammunition, it would hide in the mountains and play hide-and-seek with devils, and the ammunition that had been accumulated for a period of time suddenly came out. Give it to the devil.

But now the Eighth Route Army is fighting a regular battle on Zhongtiao Mountain and guarding a line of defense. Without a stable supply of ammunition, it will definitely not work.

Then Zhao Gang raised a new question: "There are also our steel mills, copper smelters, and copper-iron mines... Most of them are outside the defense line and connected by roads, so they are extremely vulnerable to attacks by devils. Should we defend or defend?" Do not keep?"

The conference room was silent again.

Because copper and iron ore needs to be transported, and it is a heavy transport, roads are built even in remote mountains and remote areas, which makes it easier for the devils to attack.

After a while, Zhang Dabiao finally responded: "Should guard, of course we must guard! How else can we make bullet rifles?"

"The question is how to guard?" Zhao Gang asked again.

"Don't we also have tanks?" Zhang Dabiao replied, "We beat the devils to pieces again and again. When the devils tanks come, let's use tanks to defend them!"

"That sounds good!" Li Yunlong stared, and replied: "We only have fifty or so tanks in total, and our mine and factory add up to forty or so. One tank guards one point? Do you have such a guard?" ?”

Zhang Dabiao immediately fell silent.

Wang Xuexin didn't speak.

In fact, what Li Yunlong said is not a big problem. If possible, tanks can defend on the move, such as wandering between several major mines for reinforcements.

The problem is that the consumption of ammunition is astonishing, and the ammunition reserve will be exhausted in a short time. What should we do then?
So these are not long-term solutions.

Wang Xuexin thought for a while and said, "Leader, let's discuss and discuss. We are all talking about defense. Why don't we consider attacking?"

Wang Xuexin's words were not surprising, and everyone in the meeting room immediately focused their attention on him.

"Fifth Battalion Commander!" Guan Dashan shook his head and said, "The devils have assembled three divisions in the Yuncheng area. The reason why only one division is attacking is because the troops cannot be deployed. We have no more than 3 troops at best in the Yellow River, and it is difficult to defend Zhongtiao Mountain, so attack?"

Although Guan Dashan didn't get to the point, the cadres could understand.

What he was talking about was actually the characteristics of the Eighth Route Army's combat... The Eighth Route Army is good at fighting in mountainous areas with complex terrain, and if they want to counterattack, they must go down to the plains to fight the devils. Not much difference.

However, Li Yunlong didn't believe that Wang Xuexin would make such a suggestion that violated common sense, so he asked, "Little Northeast, please explain clearly, how to counterattack? If you counterattack again, where is the right way to fight?"

Wang Xuexin replied without thinking: "If you want to counterattack, of course you must attack Yuncheng!"


"Fight Yuncheng again?"


There was an uproar in the conference room, and no one thought that Wang Xuexin would plan to hit Yuncheng twice.

Zhao Gang asked curiously: "Tell me, why did you hit Yuncheng again?"

Wang Xuexin replied: "Because all the problems, such as food problems, ammunition problems, and factories, mines, etc., their safety can be attributed to one problem, that is Yuncheng! As long as Yuncheng is taken down, the devils will not dare to go deep into us no matter what. The hinterland of the army, because their logistics supply line is under the attack of Yuncheng, and what's more serious... Their army that goes deep into the hinterland of our army may be surrounded by our army at any time!"

Zhao Gang looked at the map and nodded in agreement.

This is why Yuncheng has always been a battleground for military strategists.

"So!" Zhao Gang said, "You mean to turn all problems into one problem? This is indeed to simplify a complicated problem, but..."

Li Yunlong objected aloud: "What's the use of talking about this! The point is that Yuncheng is so easy to attack? The bunkers and artillery towers are like throwing beans outside the city. Last time we took advantage of the train to crash into it. This time Returning to the devil can let us bump into it again?"

The cadres nodded in agreement.

It hasn't been long since the last attack on Yuncheng, and many people felt lucky after they took it down. Thanks to Xiaobei Dongbei who thought of a way to hit it with a train, otherwise they wouldn't be able to take it down after a few months.

Zhang Dabiao sighed and said: "Fifth Battalion Commander, let's not think about such a beautiful thing. The devil has the experience of being careless and unlucky last time. This time, what kind of hole and door is it? dead!"

Sun Ming hesitated for a moment, then asked: "Fifth Battalion Commander, do you want to send people into the city? This method may not work! The people in Yuncheng have almost escaped..."

"No! Not sneaking into the city!" Wang Xuexin replied: "I plan to attack!"

Li Yunlong couldn't help but replied: "I said Xiao Dongbei, you are usually very smart, what's the matter today?"

"Regiment leader!" Wang Xuexin replied: "First of all, if even our comrades don't expect to fight Yuncheng, and the devils certainly don't expect it, is it a surprise?"

Zhao Gang nodded and said, "Forget it! But the Fifth Battalion Commander, you can't use surprises in Yuncheng! It's a city, and there are bunkers outside the city..."

"There is no bunker in the south!" Wang Xuexin replied.

"There is no blockhouse in the south." Zhao Gang said, "But that's because there is a large salt lake. What's the difference between that and a blockhouse? Can we still swim there?"

Wang Xuexin nodded and said, "Yes, why not?"

"Nonsense!" Zhao Gang said: "Is there anyone like you who fights like this? If you fight like this, many troops will lie in the salt lake and cannot return..."

Wang Xuexin replied: "If so, we will send the tank over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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