Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 638 Evacuation of Ammunition

Chapter 638 Evacuation of Ammunition
Happy New Year, fellow readers!

When interrogating these devil prisoners afterwards, they still asked with lingering fear:
"How did you suddenly appear behind us?"

"This is terrible. We are completely surrounded but don't know it. Fortunately, we still think we are well-trained!"

"I am convinced that I lost, I have never encountered such a thing on the battlefield!"


This may be a huge psychological gap that makes it difficult for them to accept: originally they had a strong psychological advantage over the Eighth Route Army, and felt that they must be better than the Eighth Route Army in terms of tactics and quality. As a result, this battle directly sent them from heaven to hell. .

"The higher you climb, the harder you fall", these words are perfect to describe the devil at this time.

In fact, even Wang Xuexin was a little surprised, because in less than 1 minutes, the reconnaissance company successfully completed the task of occupying the warehouse, and the cost was only one sacrifice and five injuries.

This also made Wang Xuexin very gratified, because it proved that the reconnaissance company has not been idle during this time, and they have been training according to the subjects and methods they designed for them.

But at this time, Wang Xuexin was not concerned about this. He hurried to the warehouse door with a few people, and the monk was smashing the door with a hammer... Although the devils surrendered, the monk gestured for them to hand over the key, but did not People screamed, but the monk was so angry that he almost caught them out and killed them one by one.

With a "clang", the copper lock was smashed to the ground, and the monk opened the door and took a flashlight to shine... All the soldiers exclaimed.

Boxes of ammunition were piled up inside, and the entire warehouse was so full that it was difficult to even enter the door.

"Good guy!" The monk looked at the ammunition and then turned his head to look at Wang Xuexin, saying, "The devils are so courageous, aren't they afraid of being bombed if they store ammunition like this?"

What the monk said is right, this warehouse has a tile roof, and there is a warehouse full of piles, and there are more than a dozen other warehouses.

With so much ammunition, if a few mortar shells come in, the entire warehouse will probably be reimbursed.

Wang Xuexin only replied: "Because this is Yuncheng!"

The monk understood as soon as he heard it.

In Yuncheng, the people have been driven out, and Anda 23 has set up two lines of defense outside, so this is the safest place for devils.


"That's not the case for us," Wang Xuexin said.

"What do you mean?" the monk asked back.

Wang Xuexin said: "The devils have planes, and they also know the location of the ammunition depot!"

The monk's eyes widened immediately: "You mean..."

Wang Xuexin nodded.

Needless to say, after the fleeing Anda 23 calmed down, he turned around and thought about it. He must not let this batch of ammunition fall into the hands of the Eighth Route Army, so of course he would send planes to bomb it.

No fighter or bomber is needed, just the kind of 98 light explosion used as a reconnaissance aircraft is enough.

Therefore, in the following time, Wang Xuexin was not actually fighting most of the time, but was thinking about this batch of ammunition.

Distribute them?

There are quite a few scattered places, because all the people in Yuncheng have been driven out, and Yuncheng is relatively affluent city, with many brick houses... Wooden houses are too easily affected by fire and are not suitable for storing ammunition.

The problem is that there are not enough people.

At this time, the battle was not over yet, and the tank company and the following infantry were still fighting for the city gate. The only thing Wang Xuexin could use was the reconnaissance company.

The combat effectiveness of the reconnaissance company is strong, but this does not mean that they can evacuate the ammunition in these dozen warehouses in an instant like a superman.

But at this time, the sky is about to light up, and the devil's plane may appear in the sky above Yuncheng as soon as the sky is light.

And it's not just this warehouse, there is also a smaller ammunition depot and grain warehouse. Even if the people from the independent regiment can come in now, it may be too late.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuexin ordered: "Find tires, light the fire and let off smoke!"

"Yes!" The monk waved his hand, and the soldiers of the reconnaissance company immediately split up.

For a while, all the things that could be used in Yuncheng were used, and some soldiers even had an idea to set the whole house on fire... As long as the front and back houses were blown down so that the fire would not spread, it would not be a big problem to ignite it .

As soon as the fire ignited, anything that could emit black smoke was thrown in, and the whole Yuncheng was shrouded in smoke in a short while.

The Eighth Route Army was lucky.

When the sky was getting brighter, Wang Xuexin found that there was heavy fog again... This may be related to Wang Xuexin lighting the fire and setting off smoke. Smoke particles are more likely to float in the air and mix with water vapor to form dense fog.

In addition, it was cloudy that day, so the visibility in Yuncheng was very low, and we could only vaguely see more than ten meters away.

Then, sure enough, the sound of a "rumbling" motor sounded in the sky.

Wang Xuexin looked up at the sky, and the soldiers, whose faces were covered with blood and smoke after a busy night, also looked up at the sky, although they couldn't see anything because of the smoke.

"Battalion Commander!" The monk looked around and said worriedly, "You should change places!"

It was only then that Wang Xuexin realized that they were still in the ammunition depot at this time. If a few bombs were dropped from the sky... Wang Xuexin, including the reconnaissance company, would be blown to pieces and even a piece of intact meat could not be found.

But Wang Xuexin shook his head and said, "I bet the devil can't find the target!"

The monk grinned in embarrassment, and replied: "Battle Commander, what do you mean, let me bet that the devil can find the target?"

"What? Not happy?" Wang Xuexin asked back.

"When did you learn the head of the group!" The monk replied disdainfully: "If I gamble, wouldn't I be stupid? If I lose, I have to bet you. If I win Just being blown up to the sky by devils... you are winning or not?"

As he said that, the monk raised his head towards Wang Xuexin: "Battle Commander, you forgot that I used to be a security guard with the regiment commander, and I am more familiar with this than you!"

Wang Xuexin was speechless for a while, the monk's head was getting brighter and brighter.

At this time, there was a howling sound of bombs falling in the sky, and when Wang Xuexin heard the sound, a string that had been tightened was half loosened.

Based on his experience, he knew that the bomb fell at least two kilometers away from their location.

Sure enough, I saw two explosions in the distance "booming", accompanied by the flames of the bombs exploding.

However, the flames only flickered for a moment, and soon everything was once again plunged into smoke.

The Devil's plane seemed to be still reconciled, and continued to circle a few times in the air, and dropped a few bombs from time to time as if trying its luck.

But Yuncheng is too big, trying to blow up the warehouse like this is harder than winning the lottery.

Finally, more than half an hour later, the sound of the plane gradually faded away.

Wang Xuexin immediately ordered: "Quickly, contact the head of the regiment and send someone to evacuate the ammunition immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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