Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 678 Piezoelectric Fuze

Chapter 678 Piezoelectric Fuze
"Hey, Wang!" Skinner walked into the office and saw Wang Xuexin, and greeted Wang Xuexin warmly: "It's a pleasure to cooperate with you. We have learned a lot during this time. But now..."

Speaking of which, Skinner spread his hands and said regretfully, "It's time to say goodbye."

"Have you completed the bazooka project?" Wang Xuexin asked.

"You can put it this way!" Skinner replied: "After we have fully studied the design of your rocket launcher, we have corrected a series of shortcomings of our army's rocket launcher. I believe it can be put into the battlefield."

After a pause, Skinner continued: "However, I think it is still necessary for our army to equip the rocket launcher you designed. Because our rocket launcher has always had a problem that cannot be solved, that is, it is too bulky. So your super-caliber rocket launcher is simply It's a genius design. We can't surpass it in any way!"

The so-called "super-caliber" refers to the design of Maoxiong rocket launcher ammunition exceeding the barrel.

Skinner is right. The advantage of this design is that it is small in size and light in weight, making it easy to carry.

This is very important for individual weapons, and this is one of the reasons why the bear rocket launcher can be equipped in large quantities in third world countries and guerrillas.

On the contrary, Yingjiang's rocket launcher... to be precise, it is a bazooka rocket launcher. It follows the conventional thinking, that is, the shells are installed in the barrel.

This inevitably has the disadvantage of large size, heavy weight and inconvenient portability. This disadvantage will cause problems in charge, march and logistics transportation. For example, a car can transport fifty bazookas, and at least one hundred rocket launchers , the same goes for airdrops.

However, this shortcoming is not a big problem for Eagle Sauce... The last thing Eagle Sauce lacks is logistical supplies.

At most, the airdrop needs to be planned.

Of course, airdrops need to transport as much equipment as possible to the airborne troops, so it is not very cost-effective to use bazooka. At this time, you can consider using rocket launchers instead.

Wang Xuexin didn't care about these, he just wanted to find an excuse to keep Skinner.

After thinking for a while, Wang Xuexin said, "That's not what I'm concerned about, Skinner. Our bazooka has a penetration depth of only 60mm, which may be enough in the Chinese battlefield, but in other battlefields..."

Skinner nodded.

What Wang Xuexin was talking about was indeed the problem Ying Jiang had to face. On the international battlefield, Ying Jiang had to face not only devils, but also Hans.

At this time, Hans's No. 50 tank has increased its armor to [-]MM.

It is difficult for a 60MM penetration to penetrate a 50MM slanted armor from the front, so that the rocket launcher cannot pose a threat to the enemy tank, and it is difficult for the rocket launcher to attack the enemy tank from the side and rear...

Bazookas are not the same as anti-tank guns.

Anti-tank guns have a long range and can be hidden on the flanks of the enemy's offensive line to attack targets from the side.

The range of the bazooka is only tens of meters, and it is difficult to hit because of the excessive wind deflection rate of about [-] meters. If it can attack the target from the side and rear... then basically it can only be done when the enemy follows the infantry and dies. Arrived.

But Skinner didn't care about that.

"This is also one of the reasons why I am in a hurry to return to China, Wang!" Skinner replied: "I think the penetration depth of this bazooka should be far more than 60MM. If you want to focus on the trigger time and distance, you should go back to China and use precision instruments to do it! And you..."

Wang Xuexin admitted that what Skinner said was right, it was difficult to produce focus-triggered rockets under the conditions of the Eighth Route Army.

He originally wanted to use this reason to keep Skinner, but he didn't expect that it was the reason for Skinner to return home.

Skinner thought that Wang Xuexin was worried that he would not give the technology to Wang Xuexin after he developed a new warhead, so he added: "Don't worry, Wang! One day we find a way and will share the technology with you. We have a common enemy, isn't it?"

Wang Xuexin could only nod his head and said, "Okay, happy cooperation! I hope we will have another chance to cooperate next time!"

"Of course!" said Skinner.

Just as Skinny was about to turn around, Wang Xuexin said, "Skinny, we are focusing on this issue, and I think we should change our thinking."

"What idea?" Skinner turned around suspiciously.

During this period of time, he has thought of all kinds of methods, but all kinds of experiments and attempts will not work... You must know that when the conical charge of the bazooka explodes, the focal point is only one point. It is almost impossible to accurately focus on the armor surface at such a fast speed.

At this time, he did not believe that Wang Xuexin could have an idea.

Or even if there is an idea, it should be the idea he has tried.

"That's it!" Wang Xuexin knew what Skinner was doing during this time. He said: "I think we have been trying to change the distance and keep the gunpowder column as stable as possible to make it focus. This accidental factor is too big."

The gunpowder column is stable enough to ensure the firing speed of the rocket launcher as much as possible. Only when a stable speed is obtained can it be calculated when it is more appropriate to trigger the rocket. In addition, the delay time and fineness of the fuze must be considered.

Any difference in all of these things will cause the rocket to have insufficient penetration because it is out of focus.

But even so, the bazooka will still encounter headwinds, tailwinds... these will change the speed of the rocket.

Therefore, strictly speaking, this speed is actually uncontrollable or "unpredictable".

"I know this!" Skinner asked. "Do you have a solution?"

Wang Xuexin said: "If we don't use ordinary fuzes, but use pressure fuzes... I mean, when the rocket hits the hard armor of the target, it will inevitably produce a certain amount of pressure. A moment of pressure detonated the rocket, I think, focus is something we can control!"

Sun Erwei was confused when he heard this, but Skinner's eyes widened, and then he was incoherent with excitement: "My God, you are such a genius, Wang! Why didn't I think of this, if we use a pressure value Detonate, you can completely ignore those uncontrollable or difficult to control factors, all! Instead, we only need to test the focus pressure value! God, you are right, Wang! You are right!"

What Skinner said is correct, if it is detonated by the pressure value, it has nothing to do with the speed of the rocket.

Because no matter what speed it is flying at, it will detonate when it reaches the same pressure when it finally hits the target armor, and this pressure value is the focus position, so it reaches the maximum penetration.

In fact, Wang Xuexin has always known this, and he didn't say it before, just to prevent Skinner from returning to China.

(End of this chapter)

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