Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 688 Difficulties

Chapter 688 Difficulties
Two days are not too long or too short.

If it's too long, I'm afraid it's easy to be exposed because of long nights, long dreams and many plans.

If it is too short, there is not even time to prepare.

Li Dongcheng, who had a mission two days after getting the plane in advance, immediately passed the information to Wan Qisong, and Wan Qisong tried to find a way to spread the information at the first time, and then did not send the information to Yuncheng through the radio until the next night: "There are Two planes fly to Yuncheng, don't mistake them for enemy planes!"

The reason why "within the day" is used instead of tomorrow is because Zhou Yuankai and Li Dongcheng cannot determine this time, and there may be changes at that time.

As soon as Li Yunlong received the information, he immediately enjoyed it. It was only a few days since Xiaodongbei's idea was released, and planes flew over immediately, and two of them came as soon as they arrived.

I didn't dare to be negligent at the moment, and immediately ordered the anti-aircraft artillery units and anti-aircraft machine gun units distributed around Yuncheng not to shoot in the past few days and wait for orders.

The order "No Shooting" was correct.

One is because the information was too short and did not mention the model of the aircraft... In fact, even if the model was mentioned, the anti-aircraft artillery units of the Eighth Route Army would not recognize it.

Antiaircraft artillery units recognize aircraft types. Although this is the basic subject of all air defense units in modern times, the Eighth Route Army in this era does not even have anything that flies in the sky. .

In addition, the quality of these anti-aircraft artillery units and anti-aircraft machine gun units has yet to be improved, so it is impossible to identify the model at all.

The other is that the air defense force of the Eighth Route Army is still very weak at this time, and even if there are enemy planes attacking, they can play very little role.

It can play a small role and may mistakenly hit the plane that surrendered, so why bother?

So they simply let them rest for a few days. Anyway, no matter what happens, it is right not to shoot or shoot.

Wang Xuexin was also a little surprised when he heard the news.

In history, there was only one plane that surrendered, so why are there two now?

But think about it, this may be the temptation of the Hawker 81. After all, most pilots have a dream, that is, to be able to fly in the sky... Those who fly in the sky will have to run on the ground with two legs and grab a handful It can be said that it is a kind of sorrow to fight the enemy with a rifle. It is a veritable broken wing and fell from the sky to the ground.

It’s different with the Hawker 81, and there are only a hundred of them, and the stubborn army spent a lot of money at this time, but only more than 100 (Note: At this time, the Flying Tigers are divided into three squadrons, each with more than [-] aircraft) .

The next day, Li Dongguo received the flight mission as expected.

Prior to this, Li Dongcheng was always worried about whether another plane would be arranged for this flight... There are three "National Special Planes", and if only two are required to be on duty, it may not be the turn of Li Dongcheng's "Huaihai".

(Note: The so-called government special planes of the Wang puppet regime are "Jianguo", "Huaihai", and "Peace")
But soon Li Dongcheng realized that his worries were unnecessary.

Zhou Yuankai worked hard with his connections, and arranged for his two planes "Jianguo" and "Huaihai" to carry out the mission.

This morning, Zhou Yuankai calmly handed over the take-off documents to Captain Guizi.

On the surface, the plane was given to the Wang puppet government, but in fact it was managed by the devils... The devils were worried about the puppet army. From the very beginning, they were worried that the puppet army pilots would flee with the plane.

Therefore, the guards at the airport are all devils instead of puppet soldiers. If there is no mission and the seal of the devils, the puppet pilots will not even be able to approach the plane, let alone escape with the plane.

The leader of the devil squad looked at the document and called again to verify it. Without doubt, he quickly stamped the document and called the guard to let him go.

Zhou Yuankai and Li Dongcheng boarded the plane as usual, started the engine, checked the various instruments and waited for Ye Peng and his party.

Li Dongcheng was a little nervous, and the wound on his back ached a little.

It's strange to say that although he was nervous when he fought the devil several times in the past, he was not as nervous as he is now.

Li Dongcheng wondered if it was because his psychological quality had deteriorated after not fighting for a long time.

In retrospect, Li Dongcheng felt that this was not the case.

The reason why he was nervous was because he couldn't believe that one day he would be able to get rid of this life of being a traitor, and even have the opportunity to fly into the sky to fight against the devils... This was something he never dared to dream of.

Soon, Ye Peng, the Minister of National Defense, arrived with a few entourages.

There were five people in their party, besides Ye Peng, there was an assistant, an adjutant and two guards.

It is actually enough for five people to take one plane, but maybe Ye Peng arranged two planes in order to show his pomp.

Four of them boarded Zhou Yuankai's plane, and the adjutant boarded Li Dongcheng's plane.

Soon, amidst a roar, the two planes took to the blue sky and headed north.

At this time, Zhou Yuankai's voice came from Li Dongcheng's radio station: "Huaihai Huaihai, destination, Xinjing! Repeat, destination, Xinjing!"

It can also be seen that Ye Peng is very cautious, he didn't say the destination until the plane was in the sky... He had to be cautious, there are stubborn military spies everywhere and even the common people want his life as a traitor.

When Li Dongcheng heard that the destination was Xinjing, his heart skipped a beat.

The so-called Xinjing is Changchun. After the devils occupied Changchun, in order to cover up their crimes of burning, killing and looting in China and beautify their aggression, they turned Changchun into a "model city"... To put it simply, it is all kinds of greening All kinds of factories, commerce and prosperity, if foreigners come to visit, take them to this superficial city piled up, let them see how "happy" Chinese people are under the rule of devils.

Devils even made a few films with Xinjing as the background to promote them all over the world.

It has to be said that the devil's methods are still very clever, but his sinister intentions and appearance are disgusting.

Ye Peng’s trip to Xinjing this time is likely to examine the model of Xinjing, and then copy it to Nanjing to deceive some Chinese people into believing their so-called "curve to save the country" theory... If the devils who surrendered can live affluently, wouldn’t that prove Is the "curve to save the country" theory correct?

Li Dong gritted his teeth with hatred, secretly thinking that fortunately he had decided to surrender to the Eighth Route Army, otherwise he would be disgusted to death by them one day.

But now there is a problem. From Nanjing to Xinjing, the route goes all the way north.

But Yuncheng is in the west, with such a big turn, will the people on board notice something unusual?
If an abnormality is found, and there are only two pilots in the crew who are willing to surrender, I'm afraid there will still be difficulties.

(End of this chapter)

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