Bright Sword Military System

Chapter 998 2-hand preparation

Chapter 998 Prepare with both hands
What Wang Xuexin told Skinner, of course, would not be to use the wires to modify the X1.

Just kidding, if Ying Jiang finds out about this, Ying Jiang will understand that there is another place where the Eighth Route Army's neck is stuck.

In fact, due to technical and industrial reasons, there are quite a lot of places where Yingjiang stuck to the neck of the Eighth Route Army.

For example, proximity fuzes, gyroscopes, and current wires.

At the same time, because of the needs of the Anti-Japanese War, the Eighth Route Army did not need to turn against Ying Jiang, so the current situation existed, and both parties continued to cooperate because of their interests.

But Wang Xuexin understands that this kind of cooperation is short-lived, and in the not-too-distant future, Yingjiang will turn against the Eighth Route Army because of changes in China.

This "future" will not even wait until the period of the Volunteer Army. Once the war of resistance is over, it means that the cooperative relationship between the Eighth Route Army and Yingjiang will come to an end.

The reason is simple, if Yingjiang had to choose between the Eighth Route Army and the Recalcitrant Army in the absence of devils, which side would it prefer to support?
The answer is obvious, it must be the stubborn army.

This is not a question of whether there is no combat power or whether it is fact, these are also questions.

Because out of national interests, Ying Jiang always hopes to support a regime in other countries that has no combat effectiveness, no sense of independence, internal corruption and no support from the people to control the national power.

Only in this way, the country will be chaotic, internal strife will continue, and Yingjiang's help will always be needed so that Yingjiang can control these countries.

For example, in a small country in South Asia, why did Yingjiang support the unpopular puppet military regime left by you?
Another example is Bangzi, the southern forces are also an unpopular puppet military regime left over from the devil's colonial period.

Similarly, Ying Jiang would definitely prefer to support the Recalcitrant Army rather than the Eighth Route Army in China.

Especially the Eighth Route Army now has the awareness to establish its own industrial system and have an independent voice... If Yingjiang supports the Eighth Route Army, won't it be causing trouble for itself?After investing money, what you get is an independent country that is not controlled by Yingjiang. What does Yingjiang get?
The stubborn army is different.

Although this army does not have much combat effectiveness and always makes Yingjiang "hate iron but not steel" when fighting against devils, it is precisely this kind of army and a regime that can be controlled. They are so stupid that they deposit their money in the bank instead of buying an airplane. It wasn't until the war that it was discovered that the money in the bank could no longer buy many airplanes.

Isn't such a corrupt and incompetent regime exactly what Ying Jiang wants?

At this time, the reason why Yingjiang still cooperates with the Eighth Route Army is only because the recalcitrant army is too incompetent in fighting against the devils. Under the pain of the Pacific battlefield, Yingjiang had to tie up with the Eighth Route Army to form a cooperative relationship.

To put it simply, Yingjiang's policy was to favor the Eighth Route Army during the War of Resistance, and to favor the Recalcitrant Army after the War of Resistance ended.

This is determined by national interests, and cannot be changed by personal feelings or past "cooperative relationships".

Just like when Wang Xuexin supported Ying Jiang and Mao Xiong, Wang Xuexin chose the relatively weaker Mao Xiong without hesitation, Ying Jiang would choose the relatively weak and stubborn army without hesitation. An easier-to-control stubborn army than the Eighth Route Army.

Wang Xuexin is well aware of this, so he has never had too many extravagant expectations for Ying Jiang, and his cooperation with Ying Jiang has always been relatively conservative.

For example, regarding the wire, what Wang Xuexin said to Sun Erwei was: "Since this anti-tank rocket is jointly developed, the Eighth Route Army also needs to achieve independent production. Isn't this too much?"

Of course Sun Erwei has no objection to this.

Just kidding, another meaning of cooperative research and development is that both parties can have this technology, otherwise there is no meaning of cooperation.

Therefore, it is only natural for Wang Xuexin to say that he hopes to be able to produce independently.

Wang Xuexin's next sentence put Sun Erwei in a dilemma: "Our independent production of rockets does not have a problem. The problem lies in the 'wires'. I hope Yingjiang can provide our army with 100 million meters of wires!"

Hearing this data, Sun Erwei was stunned: "100 million meters? This is not a small amount. What do you need so many wires for?"

"Sun Erwei!" Wang Xuexin pretended to be relaxed and asked: "Do you think that 100 million meters is a lot? You know this kind of anti-tank rocket... What is its range and how many meters of wires are needed for each?"

Sun Erwei was taken aback, but he didn't think about it seriously, after all, he was just an intelligence officer and didn't know much about it.

Wang Xuexin immediately gave the answer: "Each anti-tank rocket needs 1000 meters of wire, Sun Erwei!"

The range of the rocket is only about 500 meters. The reason why it needs 1000 meters is to provide more redundant range for the rocket... The theoretical range is different from the actual range. Wouldn't it be a big loss if you can't take advantage of this advantage in actual combat because the wire is not long enough to walk a little longer?

Because, in order to have better performance in actual combat, it is necessary to have a redundant length of 500 meters.

On the other hand, there is still a lot of room for upgrading the range of the rocket. For example, increasing the propellant charge of the rocket can easily increase the range of the rocket.

At that time, the range of the rocket will increase and the wire will only be 500 meters. Will it be reworked immediately and the old rocket will be eliminated?
That is to say, from the perspective of development space, a redundant range of 500 meters is also necessary.

Wang Xuexin continued: "Each anti-tank rocket needs 1000 meters of wire, so 100 meters of wire can only produce ten such rockets, and [-] million meters can only produce a thousand anti-tank rockets. What can this kind of rocket do? This is just my first request, it is only enough for our army to fight one or two battles!"

Sun Erwei was calculated by Wang Xuexin, and he thought it was right. 100 million meters of wire sounds scary, but it can be transformed into a thousand anti-tank really can't do much on the battlefield.

What Sun Erwei didn't know was that Wang Xuexin's calculation method was based on Yingjiang's firepower habits.

The Eighth Route Army is fighting the devils on the Chinese battlefield... At least for now, there is very little demand for anti-tank missiles. At this time, the Eighth Route Army's rocket launchers can completely deal with the devil's tank situation.

Therefore, Wang Xuexin's first consideration was to use these wires for X1.

Of course, anti-tank missiles should also be prepared.

For example, to produce 100 or [-] pieces, the production capacity must come out first.

After that, anti-tank missile shooters will also be trained, so that once the battlefield needs it, the Eighth Route Army will not be without anti-tank missiles.

(End of this chapter)

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