Chapter 137
Few ancient palaces, the palace flowers are lonely and red.

The white-headed maid is here, sitting idle and talking about Xuanzong.

——"The Palace" Yuan Zhen


When it was three o'clock, Li Qiu changed into his night clothes and brought the flying tiger claws for climbing over the wall. He avoided the patrolling officers and soldiers, climbed over the square wall, and sneaked to a courtyard.

Seeing that there was no one around, Li Qiu threw a piece of rubble into the inner courtyard and landed on the bluestone slab, making a crisp "click", which was especially ear-piercing in the silent night.

However, although the sound is harsh, it will not attract the attention of the neighbors.Those who are awakened will only think that the civet cat is attacking the mouse, stepping on the tiles of the eaves, and will turn over and fall asleep after a few soft reprimands.

At this moment, the courtyard door opened gently.Li Qiu looked around again, making sure that no one was following him, and then rushed into the hospital.A person in the courtyard wore a veiled hat and brought Li Qi into the room.

Li Qiu said: "Grandma Peng, I'm finally looking forward to you. I've been staying here every night for the past two days."

Entering the house, the man still covered his face and head, and said in a hoarse voice, "Your Highness, I saw the mark you left three days ago, and I finally found a chance to leave the palace today. I wonder what's urgent, Your Highness?"

Li Qiu said: "Grandma, now the emperor's intention to change the crown is becoming more and more obvious. My father, the king, was originally the eldest son, and he is the best candidate to become the crown prince. Now there is support from the Jiedu envoy outside, and Li Xiang and other officials recommend him inside, but the king father is not Undecided, I am really anxious to death. I also ask grandma for advice."

Grandma Peng said: "King Qing and the prince are very close brothers and sisters. If the prince is not deposed, King Qing will definitely not plan to be the crown prince. But if the prince is deposed, King Qing has no worries. Why not fight? This is not only about King Qing himself is also related to the future of the five of you brothers?"

Li Qiu said: "Who says it's not, but the father insists on his own opinion, thinking that the sage may not have the intention of changing the reserve, and advises us not to think too much."

Granny Peng said: "Prince Qing's move must have a deep meaning. The crown prince is humble, benevolent and filial. The majesty has not moved for a long time. Could it be that he has no intention of changing the crown?"

Li Qiu said: "We have repeatedly deduced and thought about this point. Over the years, the Holy One has allowed Li Linfu to persecute the prince. In the case of Wei Zhuang, Wei Zhuang and Huangfu Weiming, the prince's direct descendants, were killed. In the battle of Shibao City, Wang Zhongsi seized the military power of the four towns and demoted Hanyang. The prince had no choice but to divorce the concubine Webster.

In the case of Du Youlin, Du Youlin, the father of Du Liangdi, was executed, and the prince was forced to divorce Du Liangdi.


The grievances between the crown prince and the sage are too deep, there are many conflicts, and it is difficult to adjust the fire and water.Once the crown prince ascends the throne, what the Holy Majesty has done must be liquidated.It is difficult for the Holy One to rest assured that the prince will ascend the throne smoothly. "

Granny Peng saw all these things with her own eyes, so she couldn't help sighing.

Li Qiu said: "The matter of changing the crown prince should be a foregone conclusion. It's just who is the crown prince, when and how? People can't predict. The most fearful thing is that the sage has already made arrangements. The sage is far-reaching and far-reaching. Maybe he already has a candidate for the crown prince in his heart. Let the prince first Li Heng stands in the front to attract the attention of the kings. Then, he will cover Chencang secretly to pave the way for the new crown prince to ascend the throne. When the immortal fortune is over, a hundred years ago, find a suitable time to pass the throne to this person in one fell swoop."

Granny Peng said: "The sage has a deep mind, if he acts like this, it is also his style."

Li Qiu said: "Power has been fought for since ancient times. If the Emperor Taizong hadn't been brave and decisive, and launched the Xuanwu Gate Change first, he would have been decapitated long ago. How could he have the reputation of the reign of Zhenguan and the eternal emperor. "

Grandma Peng sighed again.Then he asked, "What does Your Highness need me to do?"

Li Qiu said: "The five members of the Yang family are powerful and domineering. Once the saint is a hundred years old, the Yang family will be wiped out. The saint is already old, and the noble concubine may not be able to conceive. To ensure safety, the Yang family will definitely follow the example of Mrs. Huayang and Mrs. The allusion of Ying Yiren is to find one of the princes to adopt to the imperial concubine. This person is the candidate for the crown prince. Please help me again at that time!"

When Li Qiu said this, he smiled cruelly, and wiped his throat with his finger.

Granny Peng nodded.The two tacitly agreed.

After talking about the important matters, Li Qiu knelt down on the ground, kowtowed three times to Granny Peng, and said: "If the father is crowned as the great treasure, Qier will definitely put grandma in the East Palace, and serve her for the rest of her life, and take care of her for the rest of her life."

Granny Peng smiled lovingly and said, "Good boy, grandma accepts it. Grandma won't leave the palace. Grandma will watch you rule the world in the palace!"

After Li Qi left, Granny Peng looked at the dark night sky and smiled strangely.


Granny Peng was originally a low-ranking medical girl in the Eastern Palace.

During Xuanzong's reign, royal family members and women in the palace were ashamed to be examined by male medical officers.Many gynecological diseases that are inconvenient to be diagnosed and treated by male imperial doctors are mostly checked by female doctors, and then diagnosed and prescribed by medical officers.

The female doctors were originally servants of the local government offices. After training, they were sent to the Imperial Medical Office of the Master of Ceremonies in Chang'an for selection.Those who are qualified can stay in Yijian Imperial Medical Office to continue their studies and become medical women.Those who are eliminated will return to their hometowns and become officials and servants again.After the female doctors studied in the Yijian Imperial Medical Office, those with excellent grades stayed in the court to serve.The second one was sent to Jingzhao Prefecture Medical Office.Thirdly, they are assigned to local governments to act as local medical girls.

The medical girl was born as an official servant, and her medical skills are not as high as compared with the medical officer, so her status in the palace is not high.Low-ranking medical ladies are even more humble than court ladies, and are often enslaved by court ladies.

Grandma Peng was young and ignorant back then, she was lured by the East Palace medical officer to have a good time, and she became pregnant.The court medical officer has a detached status and a high income.The medical officer was afraid of losing this good job and was also greedy for the generous rewards from the court, so he asked Granny Peng to conceal the pregnancy.The daughter was born in less than a month, and the medical officer asked Granny Peng to deliver the child in a toilet and drown.Granny Peng couldn't bear to do it, and the two started arguing, and that's when the incident came to light.

Afterwards, the two were sentenced to death with a cane.

At this time, it was the first month of the third year of Kaiyuan, and Li Ying, who was nine years old at that time, was made the crown prince by Li Longji.Concubine Zhao Li prayed for her son and did not want the East Palace to bleed and kill.Taking advantage of Xuanzong's love for him, he begged Xuanzong and the queen to spare their lives and drive them out of the palace.

The medical officer lost his official position because of Mrs. Peng.So he vented his anger on Grandma Peng, abandoned her mother and daughter, and left Chang'an alone.

Grandma Peng was helpless in Chang'an and was abandoned when she was in confinement.Hunger and cold, acute illness, sudden postpartum symptoms.Just when the lives of the mother and daughter were hanging by a thread, they were accidentally discovered by Concubine Zhao Li's maid.Concubine Zhao Li was originally a singing girl in Luzhou, she came from a humble background, thinking that mother-in-law Peng and her daughter are pitiful, she ordered the master of ceremonies to take her in at the Imperial Medical Office and keep her as a medical girl.

After this battle, Grandma Peng narrowly escaped death twice, as if in a lifetime.Knowing that in this world, mother and daughter can only survive if they are good at one skill.From then on, she forgot to sleep and eat, and worked hard to study medicine at the imperial doctor's office. Over time, she made a small success, growing from a medical girl to a well-known female medical officer in the palace.

Although Concubine Zhao Li did not have much contact with Granny Peng in the following days, Granny Peng regarded Concubine Zhao Li as her mother and vowed to be a cow and a horse in this life to repay her life-saving grace.

On July 14th of the [-]th year of Kaiyuan, Concubine Zhao Li, who fell out of favor, passed away in the Chunhua Palace in Dongdu. Granny Peng heard about it, and she burst into tears.With my daughter, I burn incense and pay homage, and I can't afford to kneel for a long time.

On April 25, the 21th year of Kaiyuan, Xuanzong issued an edict to abolish Prince Li Ying, King E Li Yao and King Guang Li Ju as commoners, and exile Xue Ruo to Lingnan.Immediately, these four people were bestowed to death.

On the day when the four died, Grandma Peng passed by the gate of the East Palace, and happened to see Concubine Wu Hui standing in front of the gate of the East Palace with the birthday king Li Mao.Concubine Wu Hui was full of ambition, arrogant and flamboyant, pointing to the gate of the East Palace and said to Longevity King Li Mao: "Son, this will be your new home in a short time!"

Granny Peng watched this scene coldly from a distance, her heart weeping blood.She knew that if she could not avenge Concubine Zhao Li and Prince Li Ying, she would not be able to face the soul of Concubine Zhao Liying under the Nine Springs.

On the night when the prince's three brothers died unjustly, Concubine Wu Hui had a nightmare. She dreamed that the three brothers were standing upright beside her bed with disheveled hair, staring at her viciously.Concubine Wu Hui woke up in a cold sweat.

On the second day, the imperial doctor checked the pulse and thought it was heart-fire disorder, so just take a few herbal medicines.And the female medical officer in charge of decocting the medicine happens to be Granny Peng...

Granny Peng extracted the juice from poppy capsules and secretly injected it into Concubine Wu Hui's decoction.As soon as the medicine was ingested, Concubine Wu Hui's chronic cough and abdominal pain were relieved immediately, and her sleep quality also improved a lot.Concubine Hui was overjoyed and continued to take food.

Granny Peng began to gradually increase the dose of poppy juice, and tampered with Concubine Wu Hui's incense and clothing.None of these things pose a fatal hazard, and the imperial doctor can't find anything.But once mixed, it has the power to kill people invisible.Concubine Wu Hui was soaked day and night. After a long time, her qi and blood weakened and her nerves weakened.At first, it was just nightmares and demonic barriers at night, and later in broad daylight, hallucinations of ghosts killing their lives would also appear.The imperial doctor checked repeatedly, but couldn't find the reason.The imperial doctor also knew about the bloody case of the prince, so he hinted that Concubine Wu Hui had a demon in her heart.

After Concubine Wu Hui invited Xuanzong, she invited successive batches of warlocks, monks, and Taoist priests to exorcise ghosts and demons.But all of this was of no avail. Three evil spirits haunted her day and night, appearing in every corner of Daming Palace.Their bleeding eyes stared at Concubine Wu Hui resentfully, and their long, cold tongues licked her cheeks.Concubine Wu Hui was terrified at first, then became hysterical, went crazy, and finally collapsed.

On the cold night of the deep winter in the 25th year of Kaiyuan, that is, eight months after the three brothers of the prince were killed, Concubine Wu Hui uttered a horrific scream and died in horror.

On the night of Concubine Wu Hui's death, Grandma Peng burned incense in a place where there was no one to pay homage to Concubine Zhao Li and Prince Li Ying. She knelt down and burst into tears!
(End of this chapter)

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