The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 140 Hunting the battlefield

Chapter 140 Hunting the battlefield
The young man is famous for shooting tigers, and he waits for Akabane to eat for thousands of husbands.Jinling Jinling, thousands of riders on the plain, star current and electricity.The road is broken and the dive is flying, the fog is boiling, and the long wall is high.Looking at the tranquility of the river, the sky and the valley, the movement of the flags, it seems that you are proud, and you will fight all your life.

——Excerpt from Yuan Haowen (Gold)


Different from the hunting methods of other princes, King Jianning Li Tan is talented and has his own hunting methods.

Usually the royal hunting, let the falcons and hounds search for the prey first, and then use the hounds to drive the birds and beasts out of the forest, and then the soldiers surround the open field and drive the prey to the princes in turn, and the princes complete the final hunting. kill.Therefore, every time the hunting is over, you can see that each prince can shoot many wild boars, jackals, black bears, and even tigers and leopards.

Li Tan, king of Jianning, was brave and resourceful, good at riding and shooting, and dismissed this method of hunting.

He first sent scouts to understand the terrain of the hunting area, and then let the eagle guards release falcons to detect the whereabouts of the prey.Not long after, Yingwei came to report that a large herd of antelopes had been found in the northern slope grassland.

Li Tan, the king of Jianning, said to the left and right soldiers: "Okay, I have something delicious to eat tonight." The generals laughed when they heard this.Jianning Wang Li Tan pointed his horsewhip and ordered the soldiers of the Fifth Army to act according to the order.

There were nearly a thousand antelopes in this herd, and a few rams were on guard, looking up, sniffing the scent of the wind with their big black noses.The rest of the antelopes graze leisurely.

The hunting movements of the soldiers were very light and slow.As long as a ram looks up, the soldiers will hold their breath and lie motionless in the grass.

After quietly encircling the antelope, Jianning Wang Li Tan ordered the soldiers to lie in ambush on the spot without being exposed.

After waiting for a long time, there was no sign of Jianning Wang Li Tan making a move, Zhong Yaya almost lost her patience.She whispered to Wang Huyi: "It's all surrounded, why don't you make a move?"

Wang Huyi shook his head and said, "I don't understand either."

Zhong Yaya pursed her lips and said to herself: "What are you waiting for?".

Jianning Wang Li Tan heard the words and smiled at Zhong Yaya: "I took a nap while waiting for the antelope to eat."

Seeing that Zhong Yaya and Wang Huyi didn't understand, Jianning Wang Li Tan explained: "The antelope is one of the fastest animals on the grassland. It is even more nimble and agile when it moves and jumps. Even hunting dogs and ordinary war horses can't catch up with them. Rush to launch Attack, they will escape the encirclement before we fully encircle. Only when the antelopes are full and can't run, can they attack with a fatal blow."

Wang Huyi and Zhong Yaya suddenly realized.

After another half an hour, most of the antelopes that were grazing with their heads down raised their heads. Their bellies were big and fat, and they were too fat to take big strides.

Jianning Wang Li Tan knew that Antelope had made a big mistake.

Jianning Wang Li Tan's eyes flashed brightly, and he said: "The antelope can't eat anymore, let's do it!"

Jianning Wang Li Tan waved his hand, and the scouts sent out a signal.The soldiers of the Fifth Army began to quietly tighten the fan-shaped encirclement. Once the general offensive began, the cavalry on the east, north, and west sides of the encirclement would launch a fierce attack and drive the antelope herd to the south.The southern infantry had now stepped down from the traps and hooks, and was waiting to kill the antelope head-on.

Suddenly, Jianning Wang Li Tan gave an order, the red flag was unfurled, drums and trumpets were sounded, and the Fifth Army began a general attack!

Li Tan, the king of Jianning, led a hundred cavalry and rushed towards a hill like lightning. This is the last gap in the fan-shaped encirclement. Once occupied, the "pocket" will be firmly secured.

The soldiers of the Fifth Army, who had been in ambush for a long time, jumped up from the grass and rushed towards the antelope herd from the east, west and north with a mighty momentum.

The light cavalry galloping fiercely in the grass, like hundreds of sharks cutting through the waves, swished across the sea of ​​grass and killed the antelope herd.

Speed ​​is the magic weapon for antelopes to avoid predators.At this time, the magic weapon failed.An antelope with a full stomach, let alone run away, even has difficulty walking normally.A few antelope struggled to run, but before they could run very far, their stomachs were overwhelmed, they vomited and convulsed, and fell down on the spot.Most of the antelopes seemed to have been frightened, dumbfounded and trembling.

Only those experienced old antelopes can resist the temptation of the grassland in early spring and only eat half full for each meal.At this time, they call their friends and lead the antelopes that can still run to the south.

After finally running to the south, they were greeted by traps and hook nets, and they were caught alive on the spot.

The leading sheep stopped immediately, weighed the pros and cons, and led the flock to the gap where Jianning King Li Tan was.As the saying goes, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry and fights to the death.The desperate antelope changed its previous cowardly and timid characteristics, and the male antelope cleared the way, showing its hard and sharp horns, and rushed towards the cavalry like spear chariots.

Many cavalrymen's horses were frightened, and they stood up, and they couldn't hold back.

Zhong Yaya had never seen such a scene before, her face turned pale with fright, she held on tightly to the reins to prevent being knocked off the horse's back.At this moment, once he falls off the horse, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

Only one sound of the horn was heard, and the messengers around Jianning Wang Li Tan blew the horn and waved the red flag.Facing the impact of the antelope herd, the Huben army quickly withdrew a passage.

The dense herd of antelope rushed to this gap like a flood, rushing and pouring away.

Zhong Yaya was worried that the hunt would fall short, so she peeked at Jianning Wang Li Tan.I saw him riding his horse and standing at the gap, calm and composed.Just like a dam weir worker, he deliberately opens the gate to discharge the flood, releases the peak water volume of the flood peak that the dam cannot hold, and prevents the flood peak from bursting out of the embankment.

"Whoever has a thunderstorm in his heart and a face like a flat lake can worship the general!" Zhong Yaya suddenly said this in his heart.Many years later, this moment of Jianning Wang Li Tan has haunted Zhong Yaya's soul for countless nights.


When among the herd of antelopes, the best antelopes with speed and sharp horns had just rushed out of the encirclement, Jianning King Li Tan waved his hand, the bugle sounded again, and the cavalry sealed the gap again.

The silly sheep who rushed over again faced the cavalry's rain of arrows, and the sheep fell to the ground one after another, blood splashed out and sprayed on the grass.The air was suddenly filled with the smell of goat blood.The ragtag group that lost the leading sheep turned around and ran away in fright, and swarmed back to the traps and hooks in the south.


Not long after, the paddock became quiet, thousands of sheep galloped, and the blood-spitting hunting ground suddenly fell silent.Only dozens of sheep carcasses were left on the grassy slope, and antelopes caught in the nets moaned feebly.

This battle of encirclement and annihilation took less than a stick of incense from the beginning of the general offensive to the end.The battle was ups and downs.The Hu Ben martial arts officers of the Fifth Army were terrified, and they had gained a lot, and finally understood the meaning of hunting.It's just a small battle.Test the general's strategic planning and kill decisively.

Huben warriors have learned the wisdom, patience, organization and discipline of a great army.Suppress the temporary greed, patiently wait for the best opportunity, and then easily wipe out the antelope herd.

The generals of Huben have seen Jianning Wang Li Tan's talents beyond the world, and they are outstanding.

  The idea and content of this chapter draw heavily from Mr. Jiang Rong's book "Wolf Totem". "Wolf Totem" is deeply moving, and I will never tire of reading it.

(End of this chapter)

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