The Legend of Shushan Xuanjian

Chapter 142 Talking about the prey, who is the prey

Chapter 142 Talking about the prey, who is the prey
Since you shoot the tiger, you get the tiger back, but the official sent you to shoot the tiger and you get the tiger back.

Lonely takes death as his life, and the two end up uncertain due to doubts.

Day and night, empty-handed, the green seedlings at the foot of the mountain become paths.

Far away, he dare not pollute the arrowheads, and come to share the tiger meat after hearing the death.

It is a pity to leave the fierce tigers in the mountains, and I am afraid that I will be idle all my life when I shoot them.

——"Shooting the Tiger" Wang Jian (Tang Dynasty)

Let's talk about the first army where Yongwang Li Lin was, the hounds drove the birds and beasts out of the forest.

Groups of golden pheasants and turtledoves flew out of the forest first, and then roe deer, muntjac and deer came out of the forest.

Under the command of Mastiff Guards and Eagle Guards, Huben soldiers held the line of defense and drove the prey to the place where Yongwang Li Lin was in turn.

Yong Wang Li Lin raised his bow and set up an arrow, and the arrows fell with his hands, and rows of birds and beasts fell a hundred steps away.

Satisfied, Li Lin looked sideways at Yang Yichan beside him.Yang Yichan was flustered, nervous as hell, although she fired the arrow quickly, she lacked the aim.

Li Lin smiled and said, "Miss Yang, don't panic, shoot one arrow at a time, aim and then shoot."

Yang Yichan heard the words and hurriedly adjusted the rhythm.He held his breath and focused his eyes on the roe deer running from a distance. When his breathing was even and calm, he shot an arrow and hit the roe deer on the forehead, killing him with one arrow.

Yang Yichan retracted her bow and let out a long breath.He turned his head and smiled at Yongwang Li Lin, his smile was like a flower.Yang Yichan thanked Yongwang Li Lin and said: "I practiced well on weekdays, but I still couldn't handle it when I saw a living thing. Although I shot just now, it took too long to draw the bow. If it is really a real battle, it will be a waste of time. Your Highness's arrow skills are like a god. , I don’t know what is the secret of the arrows in my hand just now?”

Yongwang Li Lin smiled and said: "Miss Yang has solid basic skills, if she adjusts the posture of drawing the bow a little, it is not difficult to connect the arrows."

After all, Yong Wang Li Lin took Yang Yichan out of the encirclement, came to the temporary camp behind him, and pointed out some details of Yang Yichan's riding and shooting: where should the quiver be placed, how to quickly draw the arrow and draw the bow, and the bow cannot be fully opened , how to shoot three arrows with one bow...

Seeing that Yang Yichan's posture was not proficient, Yongwang Li Lin asked Yang Yichan to hold the bow, and demonstrated and explained the archery technique: "Miss Yang, look, when holding the bow with the left hand, the upper tip of the bow arm must be slightly bent, and the left palm rests on the surface of the bow. The back is arched with a hook, the middle is like an eagle's beak, and the remaining three fingers and thumb are tightly holding the bow. This is the front hand like pushing a mountain.

The right hand is focused on the bowstring, the index finger clasps the thumb, and the other three fingers hold the palm tightly, pulling the string and sweeping the chest.This is like holding a tiger's tail with the back hand.

One punch decides, front and back are straight.Open the bow fully and release the arrow tightly. "


In order to teach the arrow, Yongwang Li Lin stuck to each other very tightly, and occasionally had physical contact.Every time she touches it, Yang Yichan can feel the muscular muscles of Li Lin's chest. At first, she felt overwhelmed, shy and embarrassed, but later she felt intoxicated, and she couldn't help rubbing it lightly. She wished she could teach for a longer time.

Yang Yichan exhaled like blue, and his face was peachy, which also made Yongwang Li Lin, who was used to seeing women, very excited.

The Huben generals were all busy hunting, and did not pay attention to the situation in the rear camp.Hu Shan'er was in a hurry and broke the bowstring.She had to withdraw from the encirclement and come back to change a bow and fight again.Seeing this scene from a distance, she hastily reined in her horse, her mind was touched, and she was thoughtful.


Yongwang Li Lin and Yang Yichan took a break and returned to the encirclement.At this time, the hound found the beast's den deep in the forest, and drove out the fox, wild boar, jackal, black bear and other ferocious beasts.

Yongwang Li Lin became more and more brave. He was merciless in the face of ferocious beasts such as wild boars and black bears. Arrows were like meteors, shooting from the throat or heart of the beasts, often killing them with one arrow.Li Lin, the king of Yong, showed his supernatural power, piercing through Yang with a hundred steps, and attracted applause from the generals of the tiger and Ben.

At this moment, I only heard a roar that shook the mountains in the forest, the mountains shook and the ground shook, and all the beasts ran away.A majestic and huge white-fronted tiger with hanging eyes rushed out of the forest.The mastiff guard who was closest was caught off guard and was bitten to the ground by it, screaming shrilly.

The hunting people were suddenly attacked by the tiger, and they panicked suddenly.Before he could shoot an arrow, the eye-catching tiger threw down another one and rushed forward with all his strength.

The captain of the guard army shouted angrily and shot several arrows.The tiger's eyes were sharp and its claws were quick, with a cut and a lunge, it actually dodged the arrow.Seeing that someone dared to hurt it, the eye-catching tiger flew into a rage, and rushed towards the captain of the guard.The lieutenant of the guard touched the quiver, it's too bad, the arrows have been used up.

It was too late, but soon, the eye-catching tiger had already arrived.The steed under the crotch of the captain of the guard turned pale with fright, soared on all fours and fled in a hurry.

A gap was torn open in the battle formation in an instant, and with a loud roar, the fierce tiger rushed out of the encirclement and ran wildly.

Yongwang Li Lin was very majestic at the moment. Seeing a wild animal escaped, he was furious. He urged his horse and drove it past.The big Wanliang steed under his crotch is running like lightning, chasing the wind and chasing the sun for a long time.The tiger was exhausted, and the BMW chased closer and closer.

Yongwang Li Lin bent his bow and set an arrow while chasing.Seeing that the tiger was less than fifty steps away, he shot an arrow in his hand.There was only a whoosh sound, and the arrow was like a swift star, hitting the right crotch of the eye-catching tiger.

The eye-catching tiger was wounded by the arrow and flew into a rage, no longer rushing to the jungle grass.Instead, he stopped, turned around and ran towards Yongwang Li Lin furiously.

Yongwang Li Lin wanted to command the soldiers to intercept, but suddenly found that because of his fast horse, the soldiers were still a thousand steps away, he couldn't help being shocked, and his expression changed.Although Li Lin shot out a strong arrow in his hand, his hands trembled and his body was cold due to fear, and his arrow technique was inaccurate, and none of the arrows hit the tiger.

Seeing the powerlessness of the arrow, the eye-catching tiger seemed to know the fear in Li Lin's heart, and became more wild and arrogant.It suddenly shook its divine power, squatted on its hind legs, and then jumped into the air, roaring like a thunderbolt, opened its bloody mouth, and rushed towards Yongwang Li Lin.

When the tiger pounced, the wind suddenly rose, the vegetation was startled, and the ground shook.The steed under Yong Wang Li Lin's crotch was terrified. With a neigh, the man stood up, knocked Yong Wang Li Lin to the ground, and ran away.

The tiger flew into the air, turned its head again, and aimed at Yongwang Li Lin.

Li Lin rolled down in the grass at this time, his bow and arrow were lost, so he could only roll and crawl to avoid it.

The tiger stared at Li Lin viciously, roared loudly, swung its tail, and rushed towards Li Lin in the air.Li Lin instinctively protected his head with both hands, closed his eyes, and said in his heart: "It's over!"

Just at the critical moment, there was a scream, and a powerful arrow flew towards the tiger like a shooting star.

It turned out that the blood-hoofed jade lion that Yang Yichan was riding was a BMW steed second only to Li Lin's crotch horse, and it was the closest to King Yong.Seeing that King Yong was in danger, Yang Yichan was shocked, and urged the python beads, instantly increasing the speed of the horse to the limit, or even surpassing the limit, and galloped like lightning to reach [-] steps away from King Yong in an instant.

Yang Yichan held his breath and focused, and used the shooting arrow method, and the eagle feather arrow shot out vigorously, chasing the wind and electricity, and ran away to the tiger's eye!

At this moment, the tiger's attention was on Li Lin. Hearing the sound of the bow and crossbow, he was about to raise his head, but he couldn't dodge in time.The arrow hit the tiger's eye.

The tiger was in pain, and with a roar, it fell to the ground like a thunderbolt from the clear sky.

The tiger roared in pain, its eyes were bleeding, it looked like it was crazy, it let go of Li Lin who was limp as mud, opened its teeth and claws, and rushed straight at Yang Yichan.

(End of this chapter)

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