Chapter 146
When will you return home to wash the guest robe?Silver word Sheng tune, heart word incense burning.The streamer is easy to throw people away, the cherries are red, and the plantains are green.

——Excerpt from Jiang Jie (Song) "A Plum Cut A Boat Crossing the Wujiang River"

Tonight's banquet will be held in the main hall of Prince Qing's Mansion, with a wide dome that can accommodate hundreds of people sitting at the same time.There are dozens of couches on the left and right sides of the hall, and nearly a hundred dancers dance in the center of the hall.

At this time, it was already time for the banquet, but King Qing Li Cong was not in a hurry to announce the opening of the banquet.Looking outside the hall, it seemed that he was waiting for someone.Seeing this, the guests whispered to each other.

The butler brought Bai Fu to the main hall, and a servant led him to his seat.Bai Fu's seat was in the middle, surrounded by officials of rank three or above.After paying homage to King Qing, Bai Fu took his seat.

King Qing Li Cong nodded and smiled, signaling Bai Fu to take his seat.Then, tap the jade chime at hand, and the feast officially begins.

Cheerful Kucha music sounded, and the combination of cymbals, drums and western musical instruments konghou and 筚篥 opened up a vast picture scroll. "The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, and the sun is setting in the long river", which fascinates countless guests.

At the end of the song, under the leadership of Zhongbian, the chime, sheng, bamboo flute, zither, and pipa sang together, and there was a misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

The scenery outside the Great Wall and the spring scenery in the south of the Yangtze River complement each other, and each song and scene is like a dream.


The guests were in high spirits and laughed constantly, and the maids and servants shuttled between the banquets with food plates and jugs.Roasted leg of lamb, braised lamb tail, braised venison, charcoal-roasted roe meat... a large batch of delicacies from mountains and seas are served on the table, fresh, sweet, delicious and full of aroma.

The wine is the best Gaochang wine. The rose-red liquid is poured from the jade pot into the jade cup.Bai Fu was afraid that he would lose his composure due to drunkenness, so he dared not drink too much, and stopped after a little tasting.


The Kucha music sounded again, the drums sounded, and the rhythm was exciting. Dozens of orchids circled out and entered the arena one by one.Performing the Takue Dance of the Nine Kingdoms of Zhaowu.This dance, also known as Hu Xuanwu, is a joyful and provocative dance in which neon clothes are flying.Hu Ji's small waist and high breasts are gracefully transformed into a graceful figure amidst the sound of drums.

The lead dancer, Orchid, has a high nose and deep eyes, blond hair like a waterfall, slender and tall, and her face is surrounded by tulle.Covering the face with light gauze, the sapphire-like eyes are even more mysterious and charming.

The music is getting to a climax and the rhythm is getting faster and faster. The bare navels of orchids follow the rhythm, shaking more and more seductive and bewitching.

Suddenly the drumming stopped abruptly, and all the orchids stood still like puppets. Only the leading orchid danced among them, spinning as fast as a spinning top.The onlookers couldn't help but beat the beat with their hands, matching the dance steps.Orchid turned faster and faster, and the applause became louder and louder. When she reached the peak, Orchid stopped spinning instantly, freezing like an ice sculpture in the middle of the moon.

The Orchid orchid covered her face with a veil slowly falling from the air, showing a peerless appearance, which caused a shock in the hall, and then burst into applause.

Orchid's veil was impartial, and it just slipped down to Bai Fu's hand, the fragrance was tangy and tantalizing.Bai Fu quickly picked it up with both hands and handed it back to Hu Ji.Hu Ji didn't take the veil, and stared at Bai Fu with lake-like clear blue eyes, showing infinite affection.

Everyone laughed and booed: "This young hero, accept it quickly, or she won't leave the stage!"

Bai Fu's face was red and his ears were red, quite embarrassed.Next to him, a scribe in white got up, recited a poem, and presented it to Hu Ji.This resolved the embarrassing atmosphere.

"Tulips are delicious in Lanling, and amber shines from a jade bowl. But it makes the owner drunk, and I don't know where is another land." After hearing the poems and essays of the literati in white, the people praised again and again: "The banished immortal is the banished fairy!"

One of them chanted a poem in praise: "Li Baidou's hundred poems on wine, sleeping in a restaurant in Chang'an City, the emperor called him but couldn't get on the boat, and claimed to be a minister of wine."

When everyone heard the poem, they all felt that the description of the scribe in white was in place.A group of friends laughed and toasted and drank around the scribes in white.

Qing Wang Li Cong asked the musicians to compose the tunes of these poems and play them on the spot to add to the fun.

Seeing that everyone's attention was attracted by the poem, Bai Fu hurriedly took the time to express his thanks.The man blinked his eyes, smiled at Bai Fu: "I will look for you again when there are few people around." After finishing speaking, he raised his glass to Bai Fu and drank it down.

King Qing Li Cong got up and called Bai Fu to come to his side.He patted Bai Fu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "My fair lady, gentlemen are good, don't be nervous. Come, come, I'll introduce you to a famous family from Tang Dynasty."

Bai Fu quickly picked up his wine glass and followed behind King Qing.

King Qing came to the guest of honor beside him, pointed to an old man with white beard and hair, and said, "Master Dugu, Bai Fu is a disciple of Taifu Xu, from Bashu, and has excellent martial arts."

Lord Dugu chuckled and said, "Fu'er, Pei Min promised to teach you the seven styles of swordsmanship, how many styles have you learned now?"

Bai Fu posted it next to Dugu Clan Master, smiled and said: "Reporting to Grandpa, Fu'er is dull, and now he only understands three styles."

Li Cong, King Qing, seemed to be enlightened, and said: "Understood, Master Xu must have offered you a treasure."

Lord Dugu said with a smile: "Your Highness, at my age, food and clothing are tasteless. I like to chat with young people and see what they are thinking. But the children of my Dugu family don't like to accompany me. Old man. During the holidays, please greet me, and leave after receiving the red envelope. Taifu understands my thoughts, and comes to accompany me every now and then. The last time I brought Fu'er here to drink tea and play chess with me, I saw his vigor and vigor Son, I like it. Hehe"

A person next to Lord Dugu also came over, his face was like a crown jade, gentle and elegant, he stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: "I heard that you are the closed disciple of Daoist Qingxuan and Jiang Yinnong, how are you two these days?"

King Qing Li Cong introduced: "This is Lord Changsun."

Bai Fu gave a deep salute, and replied respectfully: "Thank you for thinking about me, my master and Uncle Jiang are both in good health, and I feel that the more I live, the younger I am."

Master Changsun said with emotion: "Your master and I are Jinshi of the same discipline, and we haven't seen each other for so many years. He is far away from the hustle and bustle now, and he is about to become a person in the fairy world. Tell him, let him come to Chang'an to walk around, Look at our old friends."

Bai Fu bowed again and said, "This junior will definitely take your words with you."

Just as Master Changsun was about to ask again, the person on the left side of the table stood up and said with a smile to King Qing Li Cong, "Pei Min said that this kid can learn the art of swordsmanship from calligraphy. The disciples taught by Daoist Qingxuan and Taifu Xu must be very good. I I heard that His Royal Highness Prince Qing has recently obtained a picture of Wang Xizhi's 'Fast Snow and Sunny Post', whether it can let us see it or not will also test the child's eyesight."

King Qing Li Cong said with a smile: "Nothing can be hidden from you, Mr. Pei!"

King Li Cong of Qing invited a few dignitaries including Lord Dugu, Mr. Changsun, Mr. Pei, etc. to appreciate it in the study.Bai Fu was also invited.

Qing Wang Li Cong's study room was open and spacious, with a night pearl the size of a pigeon's egg hanging on the dome in the middle, even at night, there was a faint moonlight in the study room.It is surrounded by round pear wood bookshelves, and in the middle is a square Persian rug, which means the sky is round and the earth is round.The bookshelves are full of various antiques and jades, rare treasures from the Western Regions, and precious calligraphy and paintings.

Along the way, Mr. Pei was quite patient, condescending to explain the origin of these treasures to Bai Fu one by one.Samarkand Gold Vase, Khorasan Sun Diamond, Yue King Goujian Sword, Fan Li's handwritten "Wen Zi", Liu Hou Zhang Liang's handwritten "Su Shu"... Bai Fu couldn't take his eyes off it.There are many treasures in the study room that are priceless and rare, which made Bai Fu dumbfounded, and walked very carefully, for fear of accidentally damaging any treasure.


  1. "Miscellaneous Songs and Songs Recalling Jiangnan" by Bai Juyi
  "The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery is old. The sunrise and the river are more red than the fire,

  In spring, the river is as green as blue.Can not remember Jiangnan.


  Jiangnan recalls, the most recalled is Hangzhou.Looking for osmanthus in the moon in the mountain temple,

  Look at the tide from the county pavilion.When will I visit again.


  Recalling Jiangnan, followed by Wu Gong.A cup of Wu wine with spring bamboo leaves,

  Wu Wa double dance drunk lotus.We will meet again sooner or later. "

  2 A piece of spring sorrow waiting to be poured with wine.The boat shakes on the river, and the curtain moves upstairs.Qiuniangdu and Tainiang Bridge, the wind is fluttering, and the rain is rustling.

  When will you return home to wash the guest robe?Silver word Sheng tune, heart word incense burning.The streamer is easy to throw people away, the cherries are red, and the plantains are green.

  ——"A Plum Cut A Boat Crossing Wujiang" Jiang Jie (Song)
(End of this chapter)

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